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the relationship between strengthening the body and exorcising evil spirits

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

the relationship between strengthening the body and exorcising evil spirits
Gout has always been a relatively difficult disease to treat. I have seen many patients who have switched between Chinese and Western medicine, but they are not well controlled. Later, I promoted the idea of using Wuji Baifeng Pills, taking this Chinese patent medicine orally, and taking it according to the instructions. Generally, it will take more than two months, and the vast majority of patients will have obvious improvements.

However, the promotion of this method has aroused resistance from some industry insiders. The most important thing is that Wuji Baifeng Wan is a "gynecological medicine", and it is used on men, and everyone thinks it is deviant. In fact, where are the drugs divided into men and women? The medicines in Wuji Baifeng Pills have never been stipulated that only women can use them, so this view is not based on evidence.

Another objection is that gout is caused by phlegm-dampness in the patient's body, which is combined with blood stasis and heat-toxin. Medicines for dredging wind and collaterals, cooling blood and detoxifying should be used to drive away evil spirits. How can it be supplemented?

So, here we want to talk to you about what exactly is strengthening the body and expelling evil spirits.

"Strengthening the body and eliminating pathogenic factors" is an important clinical treatment method in traditional Chinese medicine. "When the pathogenic energy is strong, it will be excess, and if the essence is depleted, it will be deficient." "Deficiency is replenished, and reality is relieved", so tonicing deficiency and purging excess is actually the specific application of the principle of strengthening the body and eliminating pathogenic factors. The so-called "righteousness" is to help the body's resistance to disease and adaptability to internal and external environments.

"Quxie" is to eliminate the pathogenic factors, including expelling the six exogenous factors, and endogenous phlegm dampness and blood stasis. , broken blood and so on. According to Chinese medicine, the process of getting sick is the process of fighting against evil qi. When righteousness increases and evilness retreats, the disease develops in a positive direction; when evilness increases, righteousness gradually weakens, the disease develops in a bad way.

Therefore, when treating a disease, the doctor must judge the patient's state, whether the righteous energy is sufficient, and whether the evil energy is strong, and then use different methods to deal with it.

Whenever evil qi is the main contradiction of the disease, it is suitable to eliminate the evil.

For example, a person suffers from severe pneumonia, thick yellow tongue coating, red tongue, rapid pulse, yellow phlegm, yellow mucus, severe cough, chest pain, high fever, swollen tonsils, and body aches. At this time, according to the examination of modern medicine, there is a serious pulmonary infection. The treatment of traditional Chinese medicine at this time basically believes that the evil energy is flaming, and it should be based on exorcism. Therefore, medicines such as clearing away heat and detoxification will be used to dispel the evil energy.

For another example, an old lady has suffered from leg pain for twenty years. This is because there is blood stasis in the bones of the leg. So we used Panax notoginseng powder to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. As a result, her leg pain was cured. This is to use Huoxuetong The method of collaterals is used to get rid of the pathogenic factors such as blood stasis and restore qi and blood to normal. This is also exorcism.

Another example is a patient with a cerebrovascular accident, which is called cerebral apoplexy in traditional Chinese medicine. At this time, the patient is unconscious, has not passed stool for many days, has a yellow and thick tongue coating, and the tongue is red and crimson. Laxation is called dredging from the bottom of the pot. Once the patient defecates unobstructed, the pressure on the upper part of the body will soon be lowered, creating opportunities for treatment. This is also a way to exorcise evil spirits. All the methods of eliminating pathogenic factors are to make the best use of the situation and eliminate the pathogenic factors.

On the other hand, whenever the weakness of righteousness is the main contradiction of the disease, it is suitable for strengthening the righteousness. For example, when qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, and yang deficiency, it is necessary to nourish in time.

For example, some female patients suffer from headaches before menstruation. This disease is difficult to treat. So what should be done to clear the wind and dredge the collaterals? Or dispelling the cold? We saw that the person's tongue was very pale, which is a manifestation of blood deficiency, so he gave the patient Yuling ointment to nourish the blood, and the headache before menstruation was cured soon. This is because people with blood deficiency have empty meridians, and before menstruation, blood begins to accumulate. People with blood deficiency will have a more obvious reaction at this time. But nourishing blood and strengthening the body solves this problem.

Another example, the nourishing kidney essence that I have been talking about recently is actually a method of nourishing both yin and yang. Recently, I still have a lot of treatment cases that I haven’t written. Various head and face symptoms, such as swollen lips, facial rash, or coughing, etc., do I need to exorcise evil spirits at this time? No, the tongues of these people are all dark red, and a little pale. This is due to insufficient kidney essence, so I use igniting soup, which contains a lot of rehmannia glutinosa, and a little cinnamon to nourish the kidney essence. The secondary effect is obvious, and the three pairs are done. (For specific prescriptions, click on the title to review → "This Spring's Unsettled Recipe")

Well, I guess everyone understands the concept of strengthening the body and expelling evil spirits, so what is the most difficult thing here?

The most difficult thing is to figure out the ratio of straightening and exorcising evil, and the order before and after.

For example, if both positive and evil exist in a lesion at the same time, strengthen the healthy and eliminate the pathogen at the same time, which is called "combination of attack and supplement".

For example, if a person has a cold and feels the wind and cold, at this time, a person with a strong body can sweat directly to relieve the symptoms. However, if the patient is an elderly person or a frail person with insufficient righteousness, at this time, it is necessary to add a medicine that assists righteousness to the medicine for dispelling cold and relieving the exterior. This is to exorcise evil spirits and at the same time assist in rectifying evil spirits. For example, when Zhang Xichun uses Baihu soup, he will replace japonica rice with Chinese yam and add Codonopsis pilosula. This is the idea.

And sometimes, it is necessary to accurately determine whether to straighten the righteousness first or exorcise the evil first.

For example, in the face of a situation where evil spirits are blazing, but the patient's righteousness is very insufficient, at this time, should we first strengthen the righteousness or drive away the evil spirits?

Let me give you an example. In the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Danxi treated the diarrhea of his classmate Ye Yi. According to the literature, it was called stagnation, which is a bit like today’s dysentery, but I think it is the diarrhea caused by stagnation. Zhu Danxi saw that the patient's complexion was pale and his pulse was very weak, so he judged that the righteousness was insufficient. Therefore, instead of using the medicine for purging, he used some spleen-tonifying medicine such as ginseng and Atractylodes macrocephala. After taking it for more than ten days, the patient still had Diarrhea, I felt like I was going to die, at this time, Zhu Danxi used Chengqi Decoction to let the disease heal with a diarrhea. Someone asked, and he explained the rationale in it, that is, if the diarrhea comes up, the patient may not be able to bear it, and the effect of the treatment may not be good, but the effect can only be achieved when the righteousness is replenished.

Now I see some Chinese doctors writing papers, saying that Zhu Danxi’s treatment should be wrong, is it a misdiagnosis? In fact, during the period, only the people at that time knew that this treatment method should be truly responsible for the patients.

A few days ago, I treated the mother of a friend from Phoenix Satellite TV. Her liver function was only 20 percent. She suffered from pneumonia and high fever. Western medicine gave her 20 injections of American medicine, but her condition was not under control, so she announced that she would give up treatment. , Let the patient prepare for the funeral.

At that time, my friend called me for help, and said to see if there is any way for Chinese medicine to reduce the fever. I looked at the tongue map and analyzed it. Although I was still running a fever, my righteousness was extremely weakened. Therefore, first use cornus, rehmannia glutinosa, and Chinese yam to boil water for the patients to take frequently to support the righteousness, and also use a large amount of rehmannia glutinosa to soak the feet, hoping to strengthen the body.

Then, on the second day, on the basis of the original, raw gypsum japonica rice soup was added cautiously, and Chinese yam and Codonopsis pilosula were still added in it, and the patient's fever subsided. Three days later, the film was taken, and the lung lesions were obviously absorbed.

Now the patient has got rid of the threat of pneumonia, but the prescription of strengthening the body has not stopped.

In fact, if I had cleared heat and detoxified at the time, I guess this patient would have been more dangerous.

And sometimes, strengthening the body means exorcising evil spirits, and exorcising evil spirits is also strengthening the body.

First of all, righting the righteous is exorcising evil

For example, sometimes, the cold problem is basically eliminated, and at this time there is only a little external evil in the mouth and nose, so the patient has no cold symptoms, but there is only a little cough left. At this time, no medicine to exorcise the evil is needed. If it is over, I use Huai Yam tablets, boil water, and drink it as a drink. Generally, after two days of drinking, the external evil will be eliminated and the body will return to normal. Why is this? This means that after the rectification, the body relies on its own strength to clear away the remaining evil energy. This is righting instead of exorcising evil.

The ancients had a metaphor for this, saying that there are villains in the room, but if you fill the room with gentlemen, then the villain will see that there is no way to hang around here, and he will definitely feel ashamed and slip out by himself. . This is the reason why Fuzheng can exorcise evil spirits.

Going back to the Wuji Baifeng pill I mentioned, such patients do have a lot of phlegm-damp stasis in their bodies, but these stagnation of phlegm-dampness is caused by the lack of righteousness and the inability to expel them from the body. Therefore, you are committed to To remove these blockages, but lack of righteousness, after the blockage is temporarily cleared, it will appear again in a blink of an eye. How can there be a period of recovery? At this time, we come to concentrate on supporting the righteousness, and use Wuji Baifeng Pills to rectify it. As a result, the righteousness is sufficient, and the body clears out the garbage by itself. This is also an example of finally exorcising evil by strengthening the body.

Furthermore, exorcism is also an indirect righting

Let me give you an example. Some people eat fat, sweet and delicious food every day, and their stomachs are full of fat, thick and greasy tongue coating, and heavy phlegm dampness. Is it okay to use nourishing medicine?
The answer is: the more nourishing medicine you take at this time, the more fuel will be added to the fire.

Then what should be done?

The simplest, if you can eat radish and cabbage every day, and then take some Baohe pills to remove the garbage in your body, your body will become stronger and full of righteousness. "The reason.

Therefore, as you can see, there are many measures and techniques between strengthening the body and expelling evil. If we understand the mystery of it, it will be very helpful for us to understand the way of thinking of treating diseases in traditional Chinese medicine.
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