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Your body will respond to your mind in various ways

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Your body will respond to your mind in various ways
I have been talking about the relationship between the body and the mind. If a person has a poor mentality, traditional Chinese medicine says that it will lead to discomfort of the liver qi, which will cause the disorder of qi and blood circulation and lead to various diseases in the body. We can understand this procedure, but some of the body's response to the soul surprises us.

For example, I have seen several such women, all of whom have one problem, namely seasickness, airsickness, and motion sickness. I can't travel, and if I take a plane, I will be very dizzy, and even if I take a boat, I will vomit in a mess and suffer unbearable pain. Therefore, it is often difficult for such women to travel far away. Every time they go far away, they have to prepare for a long time and persist.

Under normal circumstances, for this kind of motion sickness and airsickness, we will use Huoxiangzhengqi water, or other aromatic medicines, such as rheumatism ointment, and stick it on the navel, which will be effective. But this method does not work for them. Over the years, they have given up hope of a cure for the disease, believing it is impossible.

So what the hell is going on here? Later I discovered that these ladies have a common feature, that is, they are all housewives, they don’t work, or they don’t work very much (one of them works, but it’s just a temporary job), and their husbands work and take money home, feed the family. In their relationship with their husbands, they have no initiative, and their husbands love them very much, but in fact, from an economic point of view, they lack the ability to be autonomous.

Could this cause the incurable motion sickness and seasickness? Are the two really connected? In fact, I have no research on this at all, and I don't have this association. However, two of the women began to give up their positions as housewives, re-entered the society, and started working. As a result, they were able to take planes and boats again without feeling dizzy again. This led me to analyze the problem.

I don't know whether Japanese housewives have a high rate of seasickness and airsickness, nor does it mean that this is the whole cause of seasickness, but there are only a few cases, but it is presented in front of us, reminding us of our body and mind , will echo each other.

When we feel that we can't do anything in our hearts, you may be unable to change your life. At this time, the body will respond to this and problems will arise.

I think there will be many such cases among psychologists.

To give another example, I remember a child who was in elementary school and just didn’t speak. When we met, I remember her big eyes blinked and she was very clever, but she didn’t speak. Know if she understands because she doesn't have any feedback.

For this child, the family has sought medical treatment everywhere, including many traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, but none of them are effective. They don’t even know what kind of disease she is, and the psychiatrist is helpless, because you can’t ask her any questions, and you don’t know her answers and answers. Feeling, because she has no feedback.

Finally they found me, and I remember I asked them about their lives, and gradually began to understand a thing or two.

The family is from a rural area and has three children. When I heard this, I asked, is this kid the boss? The answer is yes, the second child is also a daughter.

I asked the third child? Answer: The third child is a son.

This is a characteristic of rural families. Generally, one has to wait until a son is born before rest assured. However, if there are several children, the first few are usually daughters.

Then, I asked how many years the child had been ill. When the child became ill, the third child, was the son born?
As a result, when the girl became ill, it was the year the third child was born.

So I began to understand that the root of the problem must be here.

Finally, I learned that in the countryside, the son is the most important thing. Once a son is born, the task is considered to be completed. The first two daughters are all waiting for the son to be born. To put it bluntly, a victim.

Therefore, after the son was born, everyone in the family focused on the son. At this time, the daughter felt a sense of loss, so she scrambled to speak. As a result, when the daughter spoke, the mother said, "Shut up! Get aside quickly. go!"

In this way, after countless psychological hints, the daughter began to shut up. However, once she shut up, her family became scared again and took her to see a doctor everywhere. So, her subconscious realized that only in this way would her family pay more attention to her, so the body began to respond to the soul, and such a problem appeared.

In fact, the treatment plan for this disease is the family's love, recognition and respect for her.

Once, after I wrote about this case, many netizens left messages saying that it was true. A netizen said that their neighbor had an old man who was deaf and went to the hospital for treatment. But his deafness is also interesting. He can often hear what other people say, but he can't understand what his wife is saying. As a result, everyone finds that his wife is a very nagging person and always scolds him. This old man has suffered a lot all his life. It's annoying, so his body is responding to his psychology, deliberately avoiding the annoying voice in his heart.

There are many examples of this. Some people are constrained everywhere in work and life, unable to change, and as a result, their bodies will become weaker and weaker. In this case, no supplements will have little effect. However, once you go out for a trip and get free from complicated relationships, your body will immediately feel restored.

Such examples are numerous. Therefore, when you analyze the disease for a long time, you will find that people pay too much attention to the body itself, but the body is dominated by the mind, and the problems caused by the mind will be more complicated. Some Chinese medicine practitioners call this a "spiritual" disease, but we call it a heart disease. Much the same, the principle is the same.

This kind of disease cannot be explained simply by the discomfort of liver qi, but needs to be analyzed and taken care of in a more in-depth "body", "mind" and "spirit" system. Today I just give you a head start and introduce such problems. It is estimated that friends may not be aware of such problems before, and I will gradually introduce the content here to everyone in the future.
In short, most of the physical diseases you see have their spiritual roots.
Recognizing this, we can really talk about the concept of health.
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