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Protecting our Kidneys-Continue to talk about Chronic Nephritis

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Protecting our Kidneys—Continue to talk about Chronic Nephritis
Today we will continue to talk about chronic nephritis. This disease is relatively harmful. Once it enters the stage of renal failure, the metabolic waste in the body cannot be filtered out through the kidneys and accumulates in the body, which will cause serious reactions in the body and eventually lead to death. Therefore, once renal failure occurs, dialysis or kidney transplantation is required. However, it is difficult to choose a suitable kidney source for kidney transplantation under the current conditions. Therefore, if timely treatment can be performed at the stage of chronic nephritis, it is very important. important.
So, chronic nephritis, and what knowledge do we need to understand?
1 The importance of urine routine examination.
I am a Chinese medicine doctor, but I also attach great importance to such inspections, why? Because the progress of this kind of testing equipment is the result of modern technology, why is it only allowed to be used by Western medicine? I think that closed-minded approach is more harmful. I have seen a child with a cold and high fever, sore throat, yellow sputum and nasal mucus, backache and low back pain. The Chinese medicine doctor who treated him was still using dried aconite and ginger to warm the sun. So I advised the parents to take the child to do a urine routine. The protein is very high, and it has entered the stage of nephritis. This kind of treatment method that adds fuel to the fire will delay the patient.

Routine urine examination is actually very simple. It is to go to the internal medicine department of the hospital, write a bill, and then take some urine for an examination. It does not cost more than 20 yuan, but you can know whether your kidneys have been damaged.

If there are white blood cells in the urine routine, it proves that there is an infection in the urinary system. At this time, it is necessary to use traditional Chinese medicine to clear away dampness and heat, or antibiotics to control it. In individual cases, such a situation may also occur when yang is deficient, so it can be adjusted according to the thinking of traditional Chinese medicine.

If there are red blood cells in the urine routine, it means that there is hematuria. There are two types of hematuria. One is the infection of the renal pelvis and ureter. Squeeze, so it has nothing to do with glomerulonephritis. After anti-infection treatment, this hematuria will disappear. And if hematuria persists for a long time and the deformation rate of red blood cells is very high, it is basically chronic nephritis. If there is only hematuria alone, it is often IGA nephropathy.

If there is protein in the urine routine, this is a relatively clear indicator, that is, it is glomerulonephritis, and the higher the protein in the urine, the more serious the condition is. After protein is found in the urine routine, it is generally necessary to conduct in-depth inspections, such as testing the 24-hour protein quantity, etc., to determine the specific information of kidney damage.

2 The illusion of chronic nephritis.

To be honest, there is no good way to treat chronic nephritis with Western medicine. It is basically a hormone shock therapy, and there are not many other ways. However, traditional Chinese medicine treatment has been ineffective in the past, so chronic nephritis has always been an intractable disease. Why is this so? It's just that there are too many illusions in this disease.

For example, it is originally due to the accumulation of damp and heat in the kidney meridian and the stagnation of blood stasis. However, because the meridians cannot be unobstructed and Yang Qi cannot be expressed, the limbs feel cold instead, and the patient will feel afraid of the cold. Most people think that this is a deficiency of kidney yang, so warming and tonic is required. As a result, the more warm and tonic the disease becomes, the more serious it becomes, and even kidney failure soon. Why? Because this fear of cold is an illusion and is caused by blocked meridians.

medical case

Back then, my mother suffered from chronic nephritis. Western medicine believed that kidney failure would soon occur, and told me to be prepared. It happened that I had just gone to Beijing to attend Zhao Shaoqin's academic experience inheritance class, so I prescribed a prescription for my mother. At that time, my mother was afraid of the cold, and she had to wear woolen trousers in summer, so she felt cold all day long. However, I learned from Mr. Zhao’s experience and knew that this was an illusion, so I still used the medicine for cooling blood and promoting blood circulation. At first, everyone didn’t believe it. If you are so afraid of the cold, how can you use cold medicine? As a result, it took a whole year, and finally it was completely cured. After the cure, I became not afraid of the cold at all.

Such an example appeared in front of my eyes, which made me especially admire the experience of the old man, and I will always remember Mr. Zhao.

There is also backache and backache. It is generally mentioned that backache and backache, especially those caused by kidney disease, are generally considered to be caused by kidney deficiency. However, if the backache of chronic nephritis is overused with kidney-tonifying medicines, it will become more and more serious. Why? Because this is the kidney meridian where dampness and heat accumulate, the more tonic at this time, the more fuel is added to the fire, the worse the patient's condition will be. If you can activate blood and dredge collaterals on the basis of cooling blood and dispelling wind, you can relieve backache and lumbago immediately. For this kind of situation, we often add 10 grams of mulberry branches and 10 grams of loofah to the prescription. disappear. This is also Mr. Zhao Shaoqin's experience. Mr. Zhao prescribed a few medicines. When Mr. Zhao was alive, many people questioned whether such a simple prescription could treat such a serious illness? As a result, the clinical efficacy speaks for itself. Every time Mr. Zhao visits the doctor, there is a long line of hundreds of patients, which is quite spectacular. Generally, the elderly can only eat after two o'clock in the afternoon.

3 Chronic nephritis needs to control protein intake.

In the past, Western medicine believed that because protein leaked from the glomerulus, it was necessary to "throw away protein and supplement protein". Therefore, patients were asked to strengthen their nutrition and eat more high-nutrition foods, such as animal protein such as chicken and milk. However, Zhao Shaoqin discovered in Dongzhimen Hospital that such high-ranking officials with good conditions and nourishment often quickly entered uremia and eventually died, while the rough laborers who could only afford rough food recovered well, so he I realized that the fishing net was leaking at this time, and I couldn’t put more fish into it desperately, otherwise the fishing net would leak more, so I should not put fish in it first, but mend the fishing net first. So, he began to make patients vegetarian, not to eat beans, such as tofu and so on. Then re-treatment, the effect is very good.

Now we understand that an important reason for this is that the products of meat metabolism must be filtered through the kidneys, and vegetarian food can reduce the pressure on the kidneys.

When Mr. Zhao was alive back then, patients were asked to be absolutely vegetarian. If you eat meat, then I'm sorry, don't ask me to see it. At that time, the old man's words were equivalent to the imperial decree for the patients, and the patients all followed them, so they all recovered very well, and countless patients were able to recover as a result.

Now, many patients find it difficult to get rid of their appetites. When they talk about vegetarianism, they say, what's the point of living? The results are often just as good.

In fact, this account can be calculated like this. If you have been a vegetarian for one or two years, and your disease is cured, you can eat meat again and live on. And if you can’t avoid food, chronic kidney disease does not recover well, and finally enters the stage of renal failure. If you want to eat more meat for a few days, it will be very difficult.

When I treated my mother, one of the important reasons why she finally recovered and is still in good health at the age of 81 is my mother's taboo. She attaches great importance to her body, and after listening to me explain Mr. Zhao's theory, she thinks it is reasonable, so she resolutely avoids it. We cook vegetables for her every day. I will introduce you to the dish that I cooked the most at that time, which is to use Chinese yam, peeled, sliced, and asparagus, cut into sections, boiled together, or directly fried.

My mother eats this dish almost several times a week, sometimes every day. I remember that asparagus was very expensive back then, but because I persisted, I recovered well. Regarding the function of this dish, I will tell you about it later when I have time.

It is difficult for patients nowadays to stick to a vegetarian diet, so they can also use some meat to adjust the taste, but it is best not to eat too much.

It is worth mentioning that among meats, patients with kidney disease should never eat beef. This is the experience of traditional Chinese medicine, as Sun Simiao once said. However, Mr. Zhao observed that some patients got sick after eating a few mouthfuls of beef after being well-conditioned. This shows that this meat is not suitable for kidney disease patients.

4 Kidney disease patients need to control their desires.

Although it is said that nephritis is a problem with the kidneys, it cannot be completely equated with the kidney deficiency mentioned in traditional Chinese medicine. However, kidney deficiency is indeed a basis of nephritis. If the righteousness is sufficient and the Qi and blood are unobstructed, there may not be damp and heat accumulating in the kidney meridian. Therefore, chronic nephritis is often a disease mixed with deficiency and excess. Dampness, heat and blood stasis are the main contradiction, but kidney deficiency and reckless activity of relative fire are also pathogenic factors.

I have observed such a phenomenon that the chronic nephritis of female patients around me can hardly be cured as long as it is recuperated in the correct way. However, this is not the case for male patients. I think that the treatment of chronic nephritis in male patients is many times more difficult than in female patients. I have thought about and observed the reasons for this for many years. I think there are several reasons: Generally, women are more likely to follow the doctor's orders, while men are more confident in themselves. For example, if they are vegetarian, female patients often follow suit, while male patients often have various excuses to justify themselves, and then continue to eat and drink.

In terms of living habits, women tend to be quieter, while men tend to smoke and drink with them. Especially bad habits such as drinking often make the patient's condition come and go again and again. One of my relatives, male, was suffering from chronic nephritis. I prescribed a prescription, and soon the indicators returned to normal. I am continuing to recuperate. After the Spring Festival, I drank with my friends and fell ill. Then I recuperated and drank again. It has been repeated many times before it is considered stable.

In addition, men tend to have sexual desires easily. It is precisely because of excessive sexual intercourse that the kidney meridian is empty, so that damp and heat can invade. And the initiation of this kind of lust, Chinese medicine believes that it will cause the fire to flourish, which will increase the dampness and heat, and increase the difficulty of disease conditioning.

As for men in their prime, because their bodies are secreting reproductive hormones, their desires will rise at any time.

I think, maybe this is fate. The mission given to men by God is to find opportunities to breed offspring, so men will be desperate. When kidney problems occur, they will ignore the consequences and stir up mutual fire. In the end, the kidney disease will get worse and worse, and enter the stage of kidney failure. stage, powerless to return to heaven, lost his life.

Therefore, it is the correct conditioning attitude to keep a calm mind and concentrate on nourishing one's energy.

In Western medicine, there is no such thing as kidney deficiency. However, the curative effect of Western medicine on chronic nephritis is far inferior to that of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, I suggest that Western medicine can refer to the ideas of traditional Chinese medicine for this.

Even though the truth is so, everyone understands it even though we have said it countless times, but it is still rarely done. Therefore, many male kidney patients suffer from repeated illnesses and are difficult to recover completely.

Today, we talked a lot about chronic nephritis again. The reason why we keep talking about this disease is because this disease seriously endangers people’s health, so I try to explain this disease clearly so that everyone can understand it!
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