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A Western medicine pediatrician's love for Chinese medicine

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

A Western medicine pediatrician's love for Chinese medicine
I look forward to...

I am a pediatrician. Whenever I write this sentence, I am always sincerely proud! Yes, although the current medical environment is unsatisfactory, the relationship between doctors and patients is worrying, and although I am often exhausted, I have never regretted my choice. Studying medicine is the most correct choice in my life, but I feel the luckiest is to become acquainted with Chinese medicine!

It is said that there is no confusion at forty, but I often feel confused when I have passed the age of forty, and I can't find the meaning of life. When I was young, my dream was to be a doctor, but when I put on my white coat, I realized that this is not the final realization of my dream, but just the beginning! How to be a doctor, to be a good doctor is the ultimate goal. When the mechanical work day after day wiped out the passion of my original dream, my life seemed to be a pool of stagnant water. And the appearance of Dr. Luo is undoubtedly like a clear spring that reinjected vitality into my life! Following Dr. Luo's books and articles, I walked into the world of Chinese medicine step by step, and re-recognized Chinese medicine-this is the treasure of the Chinese nation! Re-recognize the classics, think about life, think about life, and experience the surprises brought by Chinese medicine all the time! I was especially fortunate to have participated in the zero-level course study of Angelica, and met so many excellent teachers and like-minded friends; I learned "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" from the teacher, and I knew the curative effect of "it works like a drum, and it heals after covering the cup". It is by no means a myth; systematic study has subverted many of my previous understandings of Western medicine. Because of TCM, my life feels fuller and more energetic than ever!

Every winter, our pediatric ward is overcrowded. This winter is especially busy, and the workload is several times more than usual. Every day, in the face of many anxious parents and crying children, sometimes I really feel that I can't bear it any longer. Think about previous years, didn't you cry when you were tired? Facing endless patients, I really feel hopeless!
Attitude is very important in this situation. Dr. Luo's "Tao Te Ching" is now my "chicken soup for the soul", and I always listen to it whenever I am in a bad mood. Listening to Dr. Luo's very inspiring voice, my mood was slowly relieved. From the doctor's point of view, we are very busy and tired, and feel that we are on the verge of collapse. But think about it, there are many people who are more tired than us in this world, and we will not be the most tired. Think about it from the perspective of a patient. Parents who have no medical knowledge always rush to the hospital when their child is sick and hand the child to the doctor. What a great trust this is. Seeing so many parents with young children in their arms, without even a bed, sitting there for infusion, with anxious and helpless faces, we couldn't bear it. If we are patients, don't we also hope to get a doctor's diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible, and to be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible to have a bed? The principle of Tao is to benefit others without self, and to do things for all beings. If you only focus on yourself, you will feel tired and wronged, but once you think about the suffering of the patient, and think that the doctor is to save the patient, bring hope and comfort to the patient, the pain of the ego will disappear, and it will be replaced by a kindness. With a peaceful mind, the pain will be much less when you work again.

On another level, my pain comes from the ignorance of ordinary people about Chinese medicine. Before studying Chinese medicine, I was convinced of the theories of Western medicine. For example, if you have a cold, you should drink plenty of water, eat more fruits, and pay attention to rest. It will be good for a week. I will prescribe some Chinese patent medicines to patients casually based on my subjective impression. If the treatment effect is not good, then that’s okay Take it for granted, there must be a process for any disease. But now I know that our great Chinese medicine is best at curing diseases. To nip diseases in the bud, as long as the dialectics are accurate, you can know it with one dose, and two doses. Once you know the correct way to open it, it is unbearable to see the wrong one. Regardless of cold, heat, deficiency or excess, Chinese patent medicines are used as soon as they are brought. I only know that Chinese medicine has few side effects, but I don’t know that it is just as harmful to use it indiscriminately. Often cold and cool medicines are used too early, leading to pathogenic factors and exacerbating the condition, but it is not known where the problem is. A "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" talked about a lot of misdiagnosis and mistreatment. It seems that this situation is no exception in ancient and modern times.

Many parents are superstitious about infusions, abuse antibiotics, overfeed, and their children get sick with infusions every three days. They also ask: "Doctor, what supplements can be given to children to improve immunity?" I am speechless. Seeing those children crying and struggling with frightened eyes because of frequent infusions, I really feel heartbroken! When can this situation improve? As Father Sheep said, "Parents study more, children get less sick. Parents are the best doctors for children, there is no one." If parents can have the common sense of TCM parenting, the children will suffer less! In fact, not only parents, but even us doctors of Western medicine cannot properly use Chinese patent medicines, let alone ordinary patients? Whenever I face those children who still have fever and cough after long-term use of antibiotics but refuse to recover for a long time, I always think, "If my Chinese medicine teacher is here, I can find a teacher at random, and I can guarantee that I will get it done without 3 doses of medicine", But with my current level, I only dare to try it on myself and my family, how can I dare to test it on patients? Alas, I can only sigh in my heart!

I look forward to the day when my level of Chinese medicine surpasses that of western medicine, and I can confidently guide patients to cure some common diseases with Chinese patent medicines; I hope that parents will have basic knowledge of childcare in Chinese medicine, so that they don’t have to go to the hospital for help when they have serious or minor illnesses. We; I expect that we can have enough time to read and study, and study more complicated patients, instead of being exhausted like now; I expect that my colleagues in pediatrics can also fall in love with Chinese medicine and use the concept of Chinese medicine to guide clinical practice , so that more children are free from disease. I expect that Chinese medicine will become a compulsory course for Chinese people, and the future of Chinese medicine will be better!
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