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Protect our Kidneys—Three Talks about Chronic Nephritis

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Protect our Kidneys—Three Talks about Chronic Nephritis
There are many names for chronic nephritis, and we usually call it chronic kidney disease. In fact, the standard name is chronic glomerulonephritis. This disease is very harmful, and the number of patients is also huge. It is just that many people do not know it because they have not been checked.

So, what else do we need to know about chronic nephritis?

1 Patients with chronic nephritis should exercise.

In the past, Western medicine generally let patients with chronic nephritis rest in rest and had to rest in bed. However, when Mr. Zhao Shaoqin was practicing Baguazhang, he found that when "walking in circles", the legs were exercised, but the blood flow in the waist was driven, so he started walking for fitness by himself. After gaining some experience, he began to suggest The method for patients to walk is to walk for about an hour a day, so as not to feel tired, combining speed and slowness. The starting time can be less, and gradually increase to about an hour. As a result, patients who rested in bed became weaker and weaker, and it was difficult for them to walk later. For patients who exercised, the qi and blood in the waist can be dredged, and the body recovers very well. Therefore, walking and exercising has become an important method for Mr. Zhao to treat kidney disease.

When my mother was suffering from chronic nephritis, she was hospitalized at first, and treated with western medicine, but it didn’t work. Moreover, she stayed in the hospital for a period of time, lying quietly. When she was discharged from the hospital, she could no longer walk. Two people climbed the stairs to go home Yes, I am particularly impressed by the muscles on my body, which are as soft as cotton.

At that time, I happened to come back from studying Mr. Zhao’s treatment method (I now feel that this is all arranged by God), so I told my mother about this exercise idea, and my mother was very impressed, so I started to walk back and forth in the room every day, I exercised myself and cooperated with my prescription to recuperate, and finally healed.

When Western medicine was still talking about protein supplementation and bed rest for patients with kidney disease, Professor Zhao Shaoqin put forward a correct point of view, which was completely opposite to Western medicine at that time. However, the final research results of Western medicine also proved that controlling protein intake and proper exercise are beneficial Rehabilitation, now Western medicine has begun to correct these views, it can be seen that many ideas of Chinese medicine are worth learning from Western medicine.

2 Do not abuse tonic.

Professor Zhao Shaoqin believes that most people think that chronic nephritis must be due to kidney deficiency, so patients and their families often buy some tonics to invigorate the kidney and strengthen yang in order to improve the symptoms of kidney disease. However, most cases of this disease are caused by dampness and heat in the kidney meridian. At this time, if you use tonics, it will add fuel to the fire. So many people get worse after taking tonics. I once saw a patient with chronic nephritis who said that he took red ginseng every day, thinking about supplements. When I heard this, I drew a big question mark in my heart, so I asked him to check his kidney function, and found that he was already suffering from kidney failure. .

So, whether all tonics can not be eaten? My experience is: Generally, tonics that invigorate the spleen and lungs can be taken at the same time as clearing away dampness and heat, cooling blood and promoting blood circulation. For example, Chinese yam, Cordyceps, etc., are mild in nature and can be used. The "Bailing Capsule" made of Cordyceps mycelium is now almost prescribed by nephrology departments of both Chinese and Western medicine. Many friends asked me if this medicine can be taken. I think it can be used as an auxiliary method.

3 Patients with chronic nephritis should maintain an optimistic mood.

This disease is actually very closely related to emotions. All kinds of bad emotions lead to the discomfort of liver qi, which is the cause of the disorder of qi and blood in the body. Therefore, discomfort of liver qi is also one of the causes of this disease. It is particularly worth noting that after suffering from chronic nephritis, the patient's mood will undergo great changes, and he will experience many emotional changes such as fear and depression. Because the treatment effects of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for this disease were not exact before, the meaning of this inaccuracy is: it is also a hormone shock, some will be cured, and some will have no effect. Therefore, many patients seek medical treatment everywhere and go to various hospitals, but after a long time, there is no effect at all. Then, knowing that the disease will eventually lead to kidney failure, I feel very frightened and feel that I am going to pass away from the world. Then, you will feel that you are particularly sorry for your family and drag your family down. This is an emotion that most people with kidney disease experience.
However, such emotions are of no benefit to the treatment of the disease, and may even aggravate the condition and affect the treatment.

I have been saying that for seriously ill patients, the drugs used can really work only when one's own spirit is refreshed.

Therefore, patients with kidney disease need to build confidence and adjust their emotions. Only when we are refreshed and not panicked, can we stabilize our position and allow our bodies to recover.

When my mother suffered from kidney disease, I let her adjust her emotions while treating her. My mother is a person who can control herself, so every morning before getting up and before going to bed at night, she would hint to herself in bed: My body is about to recover. , start recovering from head to toe! So I used my mind to scan my body. In fact, whether this is imagination or not, it has a stabilizing effect on one's emotions. Therefore, the reason why the prescriptions I prescribed are effective has a lot to do with my mother's unswerving cooperation.

4 Chinese medicine treatment of chronic nephritis.

Mr. Zhao Shaoqin’s prescription, you can buy his book, which is more detailed. I will also introduce it here. Mr. Zhao’s formula is relatively simple, the basic formula is as follows:

6 grams of Fangfeng, 6 grams of nepeta charcoal, 10 grams of fried Sophora japonica, 10 grams of raw Burnet, 10 grams of Salvia miltiorrhiza, 10 grams of madder, 10 grams of reed rhizome, 10 grams of Imperata rhizome, 10 grams each of Jiao Sanxian, 10 grams of Shuihonghuazi .

You see, with such a simple prescription, many people wonder how it works? In fact, most of the master's prescriptions are like this, simple and direct. Among them, Fangfeng, nepeta charcoal to dispel wind and dampness, stir-fried Sophora japonica, raw Burnet to cool blood, Salvia miltiorrhiza and madder to promote blood circulation, reed rhizome and Imperata rhizome to clear away heat and pathogenic factors, Jiao Sanxian to harmonize the spleen and stomach, and Shuihonghuazi to dispel dampness and harmonize the spleen and stomach.

The addition and subtraction of the square is as follows:

👓 If the tongue coating is thick and greasy, add 6 grams of Angelica dahurica and 6 grams of Duhuo to the original recipe.

👓 If you have a cold and the tongue coating is thick and greasy, add 10 grams of Huoxiang and 10 grams of Peilan to the original recipe, and add these two herbs to the pot ten minutes before turning off the heat.

👓 If you have a lot of dreams and are in a bad mood, add: 6 grams of Bupleurum, 6 grams of Scutellaria, and 6 grams of Toosendan. Generally, it can be removed after five or seven days.

👓 If you have backache and low back pain, add 10 grams of mulberry branches, 10 grams of loofah, and 10 grams of fried Eucommia to the original recipe (I added the fried Eucommia).

👓 If the blood sugar is high, or the patient's righteousness is insufficient, add 30 grams of raw astragalus to the original prescription (this raw astragalus is basically added to every medicine in my mother's treatment, and my mother adds a relatively large amount, about 50 grams both left and right).

👓 If the stool is dry, add one or two grams of rhubarb. Generally, it depends on the reaction of the stool. If it is still dry, increase the amount by one gram until the stool is no longer dry. If diarrhea occurs, reduce or discontinue use.

👓 In this prescription, my experience is that you can add 30 grams of edelweiss, also known as edelweiss, and you can add it for a long time. This medicine is our experience in treating kidney disease in Northeast Chinese medicine.

👓 Another experience is that if the spleen deficiency is severe, you can add 30 grams of Chinese yam, which can be added for a long time.

👓 If you have a sore throat, you can add 10 grams of honeysuckle, 10 grams of forsythia, and 10 grams of dandelion to the original prescription.

There are probably so many additions and subtractions. I hope you can ask the nearby Chinese medicine practitioners for help. Among them, except raw astragalus, old man grass, and Chinese yam, the addition and subtraction of other medicines are all done within a week.

The appearance of the tongue in this disease is also very confusing. It usually looks white, and blood-cooling medicine should not be used, but this is often an illusion. In fact, if you look closely at the tongue covered by the tongue coating, it is still red and even has awns. prick. The tongue coating is thick and greasy, indicating that it is moisture accumulation.

Sometimes, the whole tongue of the patient is pale, but Yang deficiency, it seems that cold medicine should not be used, some people think it is blood deficiency, should the blood be nourished? In fact, this is due to stagnation of qi and blood and the inability to circulate righteous qi. The body of the tongue has no blood supply, so it becomes pale and pale. At this time, it can be gradually improved by promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals.

At this time, the pulse of the patient must be counted, and most of them are strong.

So, do patients with kidney disease have yang deficiency? The answer is yes, not all patients suffer from dampness and heat in the kidney meridian, or, at certain stages, yang deficiency does occur. At this time, it is necessary to judge according to the pulse condition. This pulse condition must be slow and weak. Yes, at this time, according to the specific situation, the method of warming and nourishing the spleen and kidney can be adopted, but it is necessary to observe whether there is damp heat at any time.

All in all, chronic glomerulonephritis has many false images, which can easily mislead the healer. For general diseases, I refer to the expositions of ancient and modern masters, and then choose the best treatment ideas. Only for this chronic nephritis, I came to Beijing by chance to study Mr. Zhao Shaoqin’s academic thought. Later, as I got more experience, I went to see various doctors and found that Mr. Zhao’s thinking is outstanding. Not long after studying, my mother suffered from this disease, and I finally prescribed a prescription to cure it. Therefore, I think I am very lucky. Later, I went to study for a doctorate at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which also had a lot to do with this incident. .

With chronic kidney disease, patients and their family members are under great pressure, and life will undergo great changes, and many things will have to be given up at this time.

At that time, my mother was very busy with work and exhausted. After she fell ill, I strongly persuaded my mother to stop working and take a complete rest. It was because of this resignation that I finally recovered.

In addition, patients have to prepare for a long-term battle. Generally, it takes a long time to take medicine for this disease before they can gradually recover. My mother took medicine for a whole year before recovering. But there are also some that have quicker results. My sister’s chronic nephritis was cured by me in two months, and some patients even took less than this time. It all depends on the degree of kidney damage. Patients must be mentally prepared.

Generally speaking, female patients will recover faster, while the recovery time of male patients is indeed uncertain. It depends on the self-adjustment ability of male patients to their living habits.

That's all I have to say about this disease. In this world, many diseases are seriously endangering people's health. The task of medical workers is to study each disease one by one, making progress little by little, hoping that one day, all living beings will be free from disease.

One more thing, Professor Zhao Shaoqin's father, Mr. Zhao Wenkui, was the last envoy (director) of the Taiyuan Hospital in the Qing Palace. He treated Cixi, Guangxu and Puyi, so Professor Zhao Shaoqin has a profound family heritage. I was fortunate to be able to learn the academic thoughts of his old man, and my heart is full of gratitude.
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