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Medical Case: Treating Father's Calf Cramp

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

Medical Case: Treating Father's Calf Cramp
Disclaimer: The drugs and doses used in this medical case are prescribed based on the individual diagnosis and dialectics of the patient in this case, and are not universal. TCM prescriptions vary from time to time, from place to place, and from person to person, and the purpose of disclosure is academic exchange. If readers have similar symptoms, please go to a regular hospital for treatment, and must not "follow the prescription" by yourself. The author is not responsible to anyone.

August 11, 2023

Dad, male, 72 years old

【Chief complaint】

calf cramps


A week ago (August 4th), my father said that he had cramps in his calves every day recently, and taking western medicine and soaking in water with Shenjincao didn't help. Also see sticky mouth, insomnia, and occasional dizziness.


Red tongue with little moss, greasy moss. The pulse is thin and stringy, and the left chi is deep and weak.


To treat calf cramps, cholera must first be ruled out. The patient had no symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, which could be ruled out. "Lingshu" said: "If you have less qi and blood, you like to turn your tendons." The patient's pulse is thin and stringy, which is the pulse of blood deficiency, but the red tongue with little coating is also a sign of yin deficiency. Greasy coating and sticky mouth are all signs of internal stagnation of dampness. Insomnia is caused by liver and kidney deficiency. Dizziness may be due to insufficient liver and kidney, or it may be due to the failure of Qingyang to rise.


Deficiency of liver and kidney yin, blood deficiency, excessive dampness, lack of clear yang (possible)


Nourishes yin, liver and kidney, enriches blood, dehumidifies, raises yang


15 grams of angelica, 50 grams of white peony root, 30 grams of Millet, 10 grams of licorice, 20 grams of kudzu root, 15 grams of dodder, 15 grams of mulberry, 15 grams of papaya, 20 grams of Ligustrum lucidum, 10 grams of Perrin, and 15 grams of Cyperus 6 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis

Prescribe 5 doses, decoct in water

【Fang Yi】

Radix Paeoniae Alba and Licorice Soothe Tendons and Relieve Convulsions; Angelica Nourishes Liver Blood; Ligustrum Nobilis Nourishes Liver Yin; Spatholobus Invigorates Blood; Dispelling dampness and harmonizing the stomach; kudzu root dredging the collaterals and promoting yang; scutellaria baicalensis clearing away heat is the anti-adjuvant.


Feedback today: After taking 3 doses, I no longer have cramps, and my insomnia and greasy mouth have improved significantly. Without any adverse reaction.
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