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[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (77) Buzhong Yiqi Decoction

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (77) Buzhong Yiqi Decoction
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.

(77) Bu Zhong Yi Qi Soup
[Source] "On the Spleen and Stomach"

【Category】Air supplement

[Composition] Five points of Astragalus membranaceus, for those who are seriously ill and hot, one fen (18g) is roasted with licorice, five fen (9g) is removed from ginseng, three fen (6g) is dried with angelica wine, or dried in the sun, two fen (3g) is tangerine Skin Bubai, Two or Three Fen (6g) Cimicifuga Two or Three Fen (6g) Bupleurum Two or Three Fen (6g) Atractylodes Three Fen (9g)

[Usage] Make one serving with the upper 㕮zui, add two cups of water, decoct until one cup is removed, remove the water, and take it slightly warm after eating (modern usage: decoct in water).

【Function】To invigorate the middle and replenish qi, raise the yang and lift the sink.


1. Deficiency of spleen and stomach qi. Lack of breath, lazy speech, tired body and soft limbs, reduced diet, pale complexion, thin stool, weak and soft pulse.

2. Qi deficiency syndrome. Anal prolapse, uterine prolapse, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, metrorrhagia, etc., shortness of breath, weak tongue, weak pulse.

3. Syndrome of qi deficiency and fever. Spontaneous sweating due to body heat, thirst for hot drinks, shortness of breath and fatigue, pale tongue, weak pulse.


One qian in the Yuan Dynasty is equivalent to 4 grams today, and one cent is equivalent to 0.4 grams, so the original dosage of the original prescription is much smaller than the recommended dosage in "Prescriptions".

This prescription actually treats one disease: the subsidence of the qi mechanism caused by severe qi deficiency in the spleen and stomach, and causes the harm of yin fire. "Prescriptions" breaks it down into three diseases, namely: deficiency of spleen and stomach qi, subsidence of qi mechanism, and harm caused by yin fire.

The concept of yin fire is not easy to explain and has always been controversial. Here is a brief summary of my point of view: yin fire is a virtual fire caused by weak spleen and stomach, which is completely different from phase fire.

The prescription of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is very similar to poverty alleviation. First of all, we must know where poverty alleviation is needed, and we must achieve precise poverty alleviation (judging which viscera has the most qi deficiency), and then we need water and electricity to households to improve people's quality of life (open up the meridians of the viscera). If the local people suffer from hunger and cold, they must first solve the problem of food and heating (using jujube and ginger). If the people's farm work cannot be finished, they should send people to assist in the work (using astragalus). If the local manpower is scarce, volunteers should be sent to stay (with ginseng). If the local environment is difficult, find a way to solve it (use Poria cocos to dehumidify and relieve the problem of dampness trapping the spleen). The key is to develop local industries and fundamentally get rid of poverty (using Baishu). Appropriately, some benefits will be distributed, such as TV sets, furniture and other non-necessities of life (with licorice). The personnel sent to stay need to have a place to live, and some dormitories should be built (using angelica). Locally produced products must be able to be sold, and there should be no backlog of stocks (using tangerine peel). Therefore, there must be dedicated foreign sales personnel (using Bupleurum). For people who are not willing to get rid of poverty, it is necessary to carry out ideological education to encourage their confidence in getting rid of poverty (using cohosh).

Someone said: "No, there should not be Poria cocos in Buzhong Yiqi Decoction." Li Dongyuan removed Poria cocos for historical reasons. At that time, his patients had been starving for ten days and a half months. Sag. Where can I find patients in China who have been starving for more than half a month? It's because the spleen is more trapped by dampness, so I usually add Poria cocos, except for those whose qi mechanism is obviously sunken.

When the spleen and stomach are deficient, the lung qi will be exhausted first. Radix Astragali benefits Wei Qi, strengthens interstitial muscles, and works to supplement the triple burner. The minister uses ginseng to invigorate the spleen and lungs, and tonify vitality; roasted licorice and middle tonify qi, and Atractylodes atractylodes tonifies qi and spleen, and removes heat in the stomach. Accompanied by Angelica tonifying blood and blood, the qi tonified is attached to some extent. Tangerine peel invigorates qi and regulates qi and distinguishes clear and turbidity, helps stomach qi to harmonize and lower, so that all medicines can nourish and not stagnate. Cimicifuga can lead the inner clear qi upward, and Bupleurum can lead the central clear qi upward, and together they can relieve the depression of the middle burner. Bupleurum bupleurum is also a product for soothing the liver and relieving depression, and it can improve the qi movement. It can induce the spleen to rise, which is beneficial to the spleen and stomach.

The doctor's order for this prescription in "Spleen and Stomach Theory" is written as follows: "The last medicine is taken in one mouthful, two cups of water, and decocted until one cup is decocted. , eat far away and take it slightly hot. If the injury is severe, it will be healed after taking only two doses. If the disease lasts for a long time, it will be cured with the power of addition and subtraction."

Li Dongyuan clearly pointed out that the use of this prescription should not be limited to the original amount of the original prescription, and the principle of "three factors and measures" should be followed in clinical practice. At the same time, Li Dongyuan also personally gave the addition and subtraction principles and specific methods of the recipe. I will comment as follows according to my own understanding (the purple one is the original text, and all my comments have been prefixed with "猫猫"):

For those with abdominal pain, add five points of white peony and three points of roasted licorice.

Maomao: Pain in the abdomen due to insufficient blood, add white peony root and licorice to relieve the spasm.

For those with aversion to cold and pain, add one or three points of osmanthus, which is the heart of osmanthus.

Maomao: For those with aversion to cold and pain, it is due to blood blockage caused by superficial syndromes, add Guizhi.

For those who hate heat and prefer cold and have abdominal pain, add three or two parts of Scutellaria baicalensis to the two flavors of white peony.

Maomao: For those who have aversion to heat and prefer cold and abdominal pain, due to damp-heat and internal depression, add peony to relieve spasm and relieve pain, add Scutellaria baicalensis to clear damp-heat.

For example, Xiayue suffers from abdominal pain but does not dislike heat.

Maomao: If Xiayue has abdominal pain but does not hate heat, it is due to heat evil, and the treatment is the same as above.

For example, when the weather is cool and you feel pain due to aversion to heat, add less osmanthus to the already added white peony, licorice, and skullcap.

Maomao: When the weather turns cold, there is aversion to heat and pain, which is still due to dampness and heat, but the weakness of yang qi in the lower Jiao must be taken into account, so add white peony root, licorice root, and scutellaria baicalensis, and cinnamon at the same time.

For example, abdominal pain when it is cold, remove peony, it is sour and cold. Add puzzle three points or two points, or add five points of pinellia and three slices of ginger.

Maomao: Abdominal pain in cold weather, stomach and kidney cold, remove peony, add Yizhiren to warm both kidney and stomach; or use pinellia and ginger to warm stomach (only for stomach cold).

Such as headache, add Vitex 2 or 3 points.

Maomao: There are many reasons for headaches. Adding Vitex means wind-cold headaches.

If the pain is severe, add Rhizoma Chuanxiong for two points.

Cats and cats: If you have a severe headache, you must have blood stasis, add Rhizoma Chuanxiong to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

If it hurts from the top and brain, add 3 or 5 points to Ligusticum edulis. For those who suffer from pain, add two points of asarum, and those who suffer from Huayin.

Maomao: add Ligusticum edulis for headache caused by wind-cold. What's more, add asarum. "Huayin Zhe" refers to the best asarum produced in Huayin County, Fengyuan Road in Yuan Dynasty, which is now Huayin City, Shaanxi Province.

For those with headaches, it is enough to use these four flavors together.

Maomao: All kinds of spleen and stomach deficiency and headaches caused by wind and cold, it is enough to use Buzhong Yiqi Decoction plus Vitex, Chuanxiong, Ligusticum edulis, and Asarum.

If there is heat on the head, it cannot be cured, so don't use empty ointment to control it.

Maomao: If the headache is caused by wind-heat, it is impossible to use the above four herbs, and it should be replaced with Qingkong ointment. Qingkong ointment is a prescription invented by Li Dongyuan. It is composed of five qian of Chuanxiong, seven qian of Bupleurum, one or two each of Coptidis, Fangfeng, and notopterygium, one or two of roasted licorice, and three liang of Scutellaria baicalensis. Grind the above herbs into powder, put it in a cup for more than one qian per serving, add a little tea juice to make it like ointment, and send it down with hot water when you are lying down.

For patients with pain below the umbilical cord, add Zhenshu Rehmannia glutinosa for five minutes, and the pain will stop immediately. If it is not enough, it is a big cold, and the cinnamon is peeled, and it is divided into two or three. "Internal Classics" said that lower abdominal pain is all cold syndrome, and it comes from the retribution of retribution. The "Jing" says: A great victory will lead to a great recovery, and it is also caused by a change from a fever. It is not a syndrome of typhoid fever and jueyin. Zhongjing used Dadang Decoction and Pills as the main medicine, which was caused by blood stasis in the scorched bladder.

Maomao: Pain below the navel, plus Rehmannia glutinosa, it is caused by kidney deficiency. For cold syndrome, add cinnamon. If it is caused by blood stasis in the lower Jiao, Zhang Zhongjing's resisting soup can be used.

If the qi in the chest is stagnant, add green skin to divide it, and remove it if there is shortness of breath or less qi.

Maomao: for stagnation of qi in the chest, add Qingpi to break the qi. People with shortness of breath and lack of breath are deficiency syndromes, and Qingpi should not be used.

If the body is in pain, it is wet; if the body is heavy, it is also wet. Add a penny to Gui Wuling.

Maomao: If there is pain or heaviness in the body, it is damp evil, add Wulingsan, but remove Guizhi, because there is no superficial syndrome.

If rheumatism fights against each other, and the whole body is in pain, add Qianghuo, Fangfeng, and Ligusticum ligamentum root for five points each, Cimicifuga and Cang Zhu for one qian each, and Wuling is not used. Therefore, it is because wind medicine can overcome dampness, so don't give it as a dose. Do not take it if the disease is gone, because the medicine of various winds will damage the vitality of the person and benefit the disease.

Maomao: Rheumatism fights against each other, and the whole body is in pain, because the rheumatism is on the surface. It is advisable to add medicines for dispelling wind and dampness to treat it. Wuling powder makes dampness go down, so it is not used.

If the constipation is astringent, add 1 qian of angelica root, if the astringency is not enough, decoct it into a regular medicine, take a mouthful first, adjust the Xuanming powder for 5 fen or 1 qian, stop if it works. This pain should not be inflicted, as it may turn into a severe symptom.

Cats and cats: Insufficient body fluid, constipation and astringent stools, add angelica shoots to moisten the intestines and laxatives. For those who are closed and astringent, use decoction to take Glauber's salt.

For example, ginseng should be taken for those who suffer from phlegm and cough for a long time, but not for those who are just sick. During the winter months, cold spring, or cool autumn, it is advisable to add 50% ephedra without root joint.

Cats and cats: People with chronic illness and phlegm cough are prone to phlegm heat, so remove ginseng. Those who are new to illness may not go, rather than "don't go". Adding ephedra in cool autumn is to warm the lungs.

For example, if spring orders Dawen, only add three points of vermicelli and one point of coltsfoot.

Cats and cats: If the spring climate is warmer, you should add vermicelli and coltsfoot to treat phlegm.

For example, if Xiayue suffers from a cough, add 32 pieces of schisandra chinensis, remove the heart of Ophiopogon japonicus, 2 or 3 points.

Maomao: For summer cough, add schisandra to restrain the lungs, add Ophiopogon japonicus to moisten the lungs.

If there is a white slippery coating on the tongue, it means that there is a cold in the chest, so do not use it.

Maomao: If there is a white slippery coating on the tongue, it means that there is a cold evil in the chest, so do not add Schisandra and Ophiopogon japonicus.

If Xiayue does not cough, add 3 or 2 parts of ginseng, and equal parts of Schisandra and Ophiopogon japonicus to save the lungs from fire evil.

Maomao: Even if you don’t have a cough in summer, you can add ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Schisandra to moisten the lungs and relieve dryness.

If the patient is able to eat but suffers from nausea, add Coptis 1 or 2 points, and if the patient cannot eat and suffers from nausea, do not add Coptidis.

Maomao: It’s an empirical evidence that you can eat but feel sick. It is a deficiency syndrome to be unable to eat and have a feeling of nausea.

If the hypochondriac is painful, or the hypochondriac is sharply withdrawn, add 3 points of Bupleurum to both, or even 5 points.

Maomao: Pain or contraction under the hypochondriac, which means that the liver and gallbladder meridian is unfavorable, and Bupleurum bupleurum can be added.

The comments are not necessarily correct, they are all my personal understanding, for your reference only.

The spleen sits in the middle palace, helps the four dimensions, and is in charge of transportation and transformation, which is the foundation of acquired days. All diseases of spleen deficiency, no matter what the name of the disease in Western medicine is, can be treated with Buzhong Yiqi Decoction.
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