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Magnolia officinalis, a medicine for reducing dampness

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

Magnolia officinalis, a medicine for reducing dampness
Moisture medicine

Any medicine that smells fragrant, is warm and dry in nature, and has the main function of dispelling dampness and invigorating the spleen is called dampness dispelling medicine.

The spleen likes dryness and dislikes dampness, "soil likes warmth and likes fragrance". This kind of medicine is pungent and warm-drying, and it mainly enters the spleen and stomach meridians. The aromatic products can wake up the spleen and remove dampness, and the warm-drying medicines can dry dampness and strengthen the brand. At the same time, its acridity can promote qi, its fragrance can ventilate, and can activate the qi mechanism of the middle burner to relieve the pathogenesis of stagnation of spleen and stomach qi caused by dampness. In addition, some medicines also have the functions of relieving heat and warding off filth.

Dampness-resolving medicines are mainly applicable to diseases such as internal resistance of damp turbidity, spleen dampness, and abnormal transportation and transformation, such as fullness in the abdomen and abdomen, vomiting with pantothenic acid, loose stools, lack of food and body fatigue, sweet mouth and excessive salivation, and white and greasy tongue coating. In addition, some medicines can also be used for dampness-temperature and summer-heat-dampness syndromes.

When using dampness-resolving medicines, proper compatibility and application should be carried out according to different conditions and concurrent syndromes of dampness. Such as dampness stagnation of qi, epigastric distention, fullness and stuffiness, it is often compatible with qi-promoting drugs; such as dampness resistance with cold dampness, cold pain in the abdomen, it can be compatible with warming and dispelling cold medicine; such as spleen deficiency dampness, abdominal pain For those with poor appetite and mental fatigue, it is often used in combination with Qi-invigorating and spleen-invigorating drugs; if it is used for damp-warm, damp-heat, and summer-heat-dampness, it is often used together with products for clearing away heat and dampness, relieving heat, and promoting dampness.

Dampness-removing medicines are aromatic and contain volatile oils. They are usually taken as powders for better curative effect. If they are put into decoctions, they should be taken after decoction, and should not be decocted for a long time, so as to avoid the loss of volatile active ingredients and reduce the curative effect; most of these medicines are pungent and fragrant. Dry products tend to consume qi and damage yin, so those with yin deficiency, blood dryness and qi deficiency should use it with caution.


It was first recorded in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica".

This product is the dry bark, root bark and branch bark of Magnolia officinalis or Magnolia concave leaf. The gas is fragrant, the taste is pungent, slightly bitter. It is better to have thick skin, oily feet, purple-brown cross-section, small bright stars, and strong smell. Shredded, used raw or roasted with ginger juice.

[properties of medicine] bitter, pungent, warm. Return spleen, stomach, lung, large intestine channel.

[Efficacy] Drying dampness, promoting qi circulation, eliminating stagnation, eliminating phlegm and relieving asthma.


1. Damp stagnation in the middle of the injury, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea

This product is bitter, dry and pungent powder, which can dry dampness and lower Qi to remove fullness. It is an important medicine for eliminating fullness. Treat dampness in the middle of the burner, fullness in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea.

2. Food stagnation, qi stagnation, abdominal distension and constipation

This product can be used to relieve stagnation and stagnation. Treat stagnant constipation.

3. Phlegm, drink, asthma and cough

This product can dry dampness and eliminate phlegm, lower Qi and relieve asthma.

In addition, stagnation of the seven emotions, mutual obstruction of phlegm and qi, if there is something in the pharynx, the syphilis qi syndrome can not be swallowed, and can not be spit out.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction, 3~10g.

[Cautions for use] This product is hard, warm and dry, and it is easy to consume qi and injure body fluid, so people with qi deficiency and fluid deficiency and pregnant women should use it with caution.

[Differential medicines] Magnolia officinalis and Atractylodes atractylodes are both dampness-removing medicines. They are pungent, bitter, and warm in nature. They have the function of drying dampness. But Magnolia officinalis takes bitterness as the most important, and the bitterness lowers Qi to eliminate accumulation and distension, and lowers Qi to eliminate phlegm and relieve asthma. It can not only eliminate invisible dampness, but also eliminate tangible fullness. Atractylodes atractylodes pungent powder is mainly warm and dry, and it is an important medicine for treating dampness and middle energies, and it can also dispel rheumatism.

[Accompanying medicine] Magnolia officinalis

This product is the dry flower bud of Magnoliaceae Magnolia officinalis or Magnolia officinale. Bitter in nature and flavor, slightly warm; returns spleen, stomach meridian. Function aromatize dampness, regulate qi and relax. It is suitable for stagnation of qi due to dampness in the spleen and stomach, fullness and fullness in the chest and abdomen, and no taste of glutinous rice. Decoction, 3~9g.
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