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What happens to the body when the blood stasis is removed?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

What happens to the body when the blood stasis is removed?
I think blood stasis is the health enemy of our common people now, and the most serious diseases that threaten our lives, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, are mostly related to blood stasis. And there are a lot of people with bruises. Every time I give a lecture, I go to the audience to show my tongue, and I am shocked when I see it. So many people have different degrees of bruises!

Therefore, I have been introducing to you the methods of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

In fact, there are many ways to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis in traditional Chinese medicine. I often introduce simple methods such as oral administration of Panax notoginseng powder, combined with American ginseng powder. In this way, many friends continue to take it.

So, when is it good to take it? How can we judge that our blood stasis is being melted away little by little?

Next, I will write down the performance of the blood stasis being cleared, so that everyone can know what is happening.

1. People with blood stasis usually have dark lips.

When the blood stasis fades away little by little, one of our more obvious features is that the color of the lips becomes rosy and the black color is gradually receding. Don't underestimate this small change, it shows that the blood stasis has been melted away.

2. The ecchymosis and petechiae on the tongue disappeared.

This is also an obvious feature. When we have blood stasis, black ecchymosis or petechiae will appear on the tip of the tongue. Generally, there are one or two petechiae, and the blood stasis is relatively light. After taking Sanqi powder for several weeks, the petechiae will disappear. This is a good sign, indicating that the blood stasis has been dissolved.

If there are many petechiae, even contiguous patches, and become ecchymosis, the blood stasis is heavy. Such people are usually women, and generally have corresponding diseases, such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc. In such a situation, you need to insist on taking it, and it is best to ask a doctor to prescribe a prescription to treat the disease according to the specific situation of the body. The method of removing blood stasis we use ourselves is used as an auxiliary. But remember, removing blood stasis is better than not removing blood stasis.

3. The sublingual vein becomes lighter.

For people with blood stasis, the sublingual veins will be thick and black, and often have severe forks, like coral trees. This is one of the most obvious signs of bruising. If you can persist in promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, the sublingual veins will also change when the blood stasis disappears. This process varies in length. I once gave lectures to a bank in Lanzhou, and later gave lectures to them in another city. At that time, I met the president of Lanzhou again. Two months later, he had obvious sublingual vein stasis at that time, but he insisted on taking Panax notoginseng powder and American ginseng powder for two months, and finally met my doctor again. When I saw his tongue, it was relatively clean.

In addition, there was a friend who had severe stasis of sublingual veins. Later, because of a fall, I advised him to take stewed chicken leg bones with Panax notoginseng powder. After taking it for about two months, the sublingual veins became very thin. Such examples are taken seriously and persistently, so the effect is more obvious.

Some friends may ask: "Why do my sublingual veins change slowly?" I think that as long as there is blood stasis, take medicines that promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. beneficial.

4. Some painful parts of the body disappear.

When there is blood stasis, some parts of the body will feel pain. In this case, some are old injuries, and some are blood stasis caused by other reasons. Some people are more typical of this kind of pain, that is, pain at night Be more obvious. After taking notoginseng powder, this pain will gradually disappear, which means that the blood stasis has been removed.

Back then, I talked about Sanqi powder in an episode of Beijing TV's "Yangshengtang" column. As a result, an Aunt Dong who lives in Shijingshan District wrote a letter: "I am 65 years old this year, and my legs have been hurting for more than 20 years. It is getting worse and worse. Seriously, I went back and forth between Chinese and Western medicine during the period, but there was no effect. Especially after the Spring Festival last year, it was even more serious, and I spent as much as 10,000 yuan at my own expense. Just when my family and I were in helplessness, you were the guest speaker of "Yangshengtang", the second lesson He said: The leg disease that hurts from the bone seam is mostly blood stasis, and Sanqi powder can be used to remove the blood stasis from the deep... Immediately, I felt that this was my disease, and I was very excited. I hoped that I would buy three Seven powder, take according to the prescription. After taking it for a week, there was a reaction in the head and shoulders-pain. Two weeks later, the knees hurt outwards, the surface was cold, and the skin was grayish blue. After acupuncture and cupping, the blood was black and purple. After several times The pain has been relieved, and it has been more than 20 days. Although it has not recovered, it has given me hope and the reappearance of Zhang Xichun's medical ethics and skills. I have seen many doctors, directors, experts, etc., and none of them diagnosed blood stasis. Treating according to rheumatism shows that this disease is not simple, harms patients, and misses doctors. It is hoped that this can help others.

I don't have computer skills, and I don't know how to post, so I can only use this primitive letter method, sorry. Thanks! "
I remember that when I received the letter, I was very worried about the old man's health, so I called back according to the number in the letter. Because at that time, all letters from viewers who wrote "Received by Beijing TV Station" would be delivered to the old station in Suzhou Bridge, and then transferred to the new station in China World Trade Center. It took nearly three weeks during this period, so this is an old man a few weeks ago. written letter. After I called back, Aunt Dong told me that the leg pain has basically recovered now, she said: "Dr. Luo, I want to bow to you, the illness of twenty years, healed up so quickly, thank you very much! "

In fact, I admire such an old man. After analyzing the cause of the disease, he persisted. When he started taking it, his head and shoulders began to hurt. In fact, it was the meridians that began to dredge and impacted the blood stasis. Most people would be suspicious, and even Stop using it, but this aunt persisted and completely cured her illness.

5. The body becomes warm.

When there is blood stasis in the body, because the circulation of Qi and blood is not smooth, many places far away from the heart will feel cold, which is because it is difficult for Qi and blood to reach. And when the blood stasis gradually dissolves, you will find that your limbs start to feel warm, and your hands and feet will feel warm instead of cold. This is because the blood stasis has been melted away.

6. The body becomes relaxed.

When we have blood stasis, Qi and blood are blocked and the circulation is not smooth, so there will be problems with body movements, and there will be a feeling of stagnation and even weakness. After the blood stasis melts away, the body feels much more relaxed and more flexible.

After I talked about Panax notoginseng in "Yangshengtang", many viewers wrote to reflect the changes in their bodies. Aunt Mu from Shunyi wrote to the then host Wang Ning (the later host was Yueyue) and said: "It turns out that I sat I couldn’t get up on the sofa, and I had to hold the coffee table with both hands to stand up. After listening to Dr. Luo Dalun’s lecture on the usage, function and curative effect of Panax notoginseng, I bought it and took it. The effect is very good. I am very happy to be able to stand up without being held up and not too painful, and I am here to say thank you!"

7. The complexion and skin condition will improve.

People with blood stasis will have dull complexion, dark spots, and dry skin. These are all manifestations of Qi and blood stasis. After continuous blood circulation and blood stasis removal, the skin condition will improve and become smooth. It is a change that can be seen.

Of course, I just wrote about some obvious changes in appearance or feeling. If you want to know more about bruising, you can refer to the articles I wrote before. We need to know that as long as there is blood stasis, we need to activate blood circulation to remove stasis, and as long as blood circulation is activated to remove stasis, the crisis in our body will be eliminated little by little. This is the real purpose of our body conditioning!
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