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Niu Niu Coughing at Night

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Niu Niu Coughing at Night
Dear Dr. Luo and his team:

Thanks for reading! I am a fan of Dr. Luo. I am grateful to Dr. Luo and his team for their public welfare contributions. I sincerely thank Dr. Luo for the benefits of Dr. Luo’s TCM dissemination to me and my family over the years. I am also grateful to Dr. Luo for giving me psychological help and spiritual food.

On January 16, 2018, when I was on a business trip in other places, I received an anxious call from my child’s grandmother, saying that Niu Niu (five and a half years old) had a cough. The old man couldn't sleep because of the cough, and spent almost the whole night counting how many times the child coughed, but the "firm" client rarely woke up from coughing.

In recent years, I have been studying Chinese medicine with Dr. Luo, especially after my child was born. Learning Chinese medicine and Chinese studies in my spare time has ignited my enthusiasm for life and calmed my fear of difficulties. Not only do I not feel that learning obscure Chinese medicine is a chore, but it is handy , Most of the common diseases of family members can find solutions in the articles published by Dr. Luo. The medicine can cure the disease and benefit a lot. I sincerely thank you.

Back to Niuniu coughing. According to grandma's description (she herself is not sure about what she has), Niuniu coughs with phlegm, doesn't have a runny nose, and her tongue coating is a bit thick and not yellow. This time Niuniu coughed, and she did not follow the textbook at all. From the beginning, she did not have any other symptoms such as sneezing, fever, and runny nose. Some time ago was also a flu-sensitive period across the country. Due to the higher temperature year-on-year, the flu in the south was not as aggressive as in the north, but hospitals were still overcrowded with flu. Considering that Niuniu has no other cold symptoms, and the old man is unwilling to go to the hospital and dare not give medicine, I follow the method recommended by Dr. Luo: steamed oranges with salt and white radish water for diet therapy. Niuniu took it for three days, and her cough was relieved, but the cough at night was good and bad.

On January 19th, I came home from a business trip. I didn’t hear her coughing during the day, and thought she was recovering. But at night, she coughed badly. After I lay down, I coughed once every hour or two, for about 10 to 30 minutes at a time. Diagnosis on January 20 was as follows: lying down at night intermittent cough, with sputum in the cough, thick voice, heavy breathing. The tongue fur is thick and greasy in the middle and back of the tongue, with red dots on the tip of the tongue. The face is not red, the skin is cooler, and the forehead is a little hot, but the body temperature is normal. The pulse feels slippery (not necessarily accurate, but it is confirmed to be Yang pulse). My final judgment is: cough caused by external cold and internal heat, but the external cold is not prominent, and the internal heat is not so hot that it is feverish. But because I am not a professional doctor, when I lack confidence, I put my index finger under the child's nose and feel the exhalation. Although it is not "hot", it is still "steaming". This information strengthens my previous judgment.

For the treatment plan, I chose Dr. Luo’s ancestral prescription for treating external cold and internal heat cold: 8 grams of forsythia, 5 grams each of dandelion, reed, loquat leaf, and honeysuckle, 20 grams of raw gypsum, 3 grams each of Fangfeng and Peucedanum. , 5 grams each of white silkworm and shegan, 2 grams of licorice, 6 grams each of Houttuynia cordata and Hedyotis diffusa. The reason why Houttuynia cordata and Hedyotis diffusa are added is because children have phlegm due to lung heat. I heard from an old Chinese doctor that Houttuynia cordata and Hedyotis diffusa are used together, one to remove heat and the other to remove dampness. , get twice the result with half the effort. And because I coughed after having a fever while breastfeeding 5 years ago, it was also a more serious and uncontrollable cough when I lay down. I don't know if it has anything to do with it. Before adding the two medicines, there was no obvious effect. After adding Houttuynia cordata and Hedyotis diffusa, the cough was basically cured with one dose. After Niu Niu took the prescription, she only boiled it for 15 minutes once.

I gave Niuniu two drinks at night before going to bed after get off work. Chinese medicine says that the symptom is "recover the cup and heal", which is not an exaggeration at all. Niuniu didn't finish a dose, and the frequent coughing that night basically disappeared, except for a few coughs when she woke up to urinate at night. After taking a total of three medicines, Niuniu's cough was cured by almost 95%, but the healing effect of the first dose and the last two doses was similar.

The most annoying thing is this "residual cough", which is difficult to eradicate no matter how you do it. For example, it is easy to kill the enemy, but it is very difficult to kill all the enemies. You said to continue taking the previous prescription, but the symptoms have changed and the effect of taking it is really not good. Because the pharyngeal ulcer has not yet healed, and there is still internal heat in the body, it is not suitable to take Huaishan. Two days after stopping the drug, although the child's cough has basically improved, he still coughs once in the middle of the night, intermittently coughing for more than 10 minutes. Although the mother comforts herself that it is okay and believes in the child's self-healing ability, she still feels very uncomfortable.

I couldn’t figure it out. Finally, when I thought of Niu Niu’s pharyngeal ulcer, I realized it carefully. I had a chronic pharyngitis cough for a while, and I could wake myself up when my throat was itchy in the middle of the night. It felt like the air flow entered the nasal cavity. When the pharynx is descending, it encounters pharyngitis obstruction, which causes the airflow to flow back and cause coughing, just like encountering an obstacle when blowing the wind, the airflow bounces back again. Combined with Niuniu's tongue examination at that time, there was a small amount of phlegm dampness, sharp tongue shape, and red dots on the tip of the tongue. Refer to the following prescriptions on the Internet: Scrophulariae 6 grams, Sichuan Achyranthes bidentata 4 grams (Scrophulariaceae clears internal heat, and Achyranthes bidentata can not move downward if it induces qi) inverse). After taking a small bowl and a half bowl only once at night, Niuniu's residual cough was completely goodbye.
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