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Lecture 4: Xinliang Antibiotics

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Lecture 4: Xinliang Antibiotics
Lecture 4: Xinliang Antibiotics

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After understanding Xin Wen's anti-surface medicine, looking at Xin Liang's anti-surface medicine is simply as easy as turning the palm of your hand.

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The pungent and cool external medicine is a group of herbs that are pungent and cool in nature and have the effect of relieving the external surface, all of which enter the lung meridian. It is mainly aimed at wind-heat attacks on the surface syndrome, and plays the role of diverging wind-heat. The syndrome of wind-heat attacking the surface is the Weifen syndrome in febrile disease science.

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Warm pathogens are affected by the upper body, and the lungs are first attacked. The pharynx is the door of the lungs, so the main symptom of wind-heat attacking the surface is sore throat. Simultaneous symptoms: fever, sweating, mild aversion to cold, runny nose, cough, yellow phlegm, thirst, upset, headache, red eyes, red tip of tongue, thin yellow fur, floating or slippery pulse. The most critical symptoms are fever, sweating, sore throat, red tongue, and floating pulse.

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Among them, sore throat should be highlighted. The sore throat in the wind-heat attack syndrome is caused by heat evil blocking the lungs, but not all sore throats are caused by heat evil blocking the lungs. "Maybe" is heat evil obstructing the lungs. It is not difficult to observe it with a tongue depressor and a medical oral white light pen.

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The real troublesome part of the wind-heat attack is to judge whether the evil spirit has entered it? How far did you reach after entering? Is there any exhaustion? Have you forced blood? Is there any combination of three yangs? These all belong to the category of diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine and will not be discussed for the time being.

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The medicines for dispelling wind and heat introduced today are: mint, burdock seed, cicada slough, mulberry leaf, chrysanthemum, vitex, Bupleurum, cohosh, kudzu root, light tempeh, duckweed.

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What they all have in common is Xinliang anti-exterior medicine, which can treat wind-heat exogenous pathogenesis, and you can use whichever you like in clinical practice, except Bupleurum.

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The focus is still on the introduction of specific effects.

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Peppermint: It has the strongest sweating power, and it also has the functions of relieving sore throat, clearing rash, and promoting qi. When decocting, it should be added later, about 5 minutes in advance, and the same decoction will have no medicinal effect.

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Burdock: It has a very good effect of relieving throat and reducing swelling, and also has a laxative effect. Many old Chinese doctors call it "mouse sticky".

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Cicada slough: Not strong in sweating, suitable for children. It is very effective in treating measles, rubella, sore throat, red eyes, and convulsions in children. The downside is that it's a bit pricey and looks disgusting.

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Mulberry leaves and chrysanthemums: These two are similar, let’s talk together. The sweating power of these two medicines is not strong, and both have the effect of improving eyesight. Mulberry leaves are good at clearing lung-heat and also clearing liver-heat; chrysanthemum is good at clearing liver-heat and also clearing lung-heat.

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Vitex: It is effective in treating wind-heat headaches.

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Cimicifuga: relieves stagnation and promotes yang, and promotes spleen yang. Good at treating measles and oral diseases.

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Bupleurum: Relieves depression and promotes yang, and promotes liver yang. This medicine robs the liver of yin, and if the dosage is not properly adjusted, it will cause liver damage. It is not recommended for amateur beginners to use it to treat wind-heat exogenous pathogenic factors. Clinically, Bupleurum bupleurum is mainly used to treat Shaoyang disease, but it still needs to be supplemented with other drugs. Someone once asked me about the blood of Bupleurum bupleurum. The medicine is really unaffordable for most people. Every 100 grams of Bupleurum bupleurum needs 200 live turtles to take blood to fry. If your family doesn't have mines, let's learn how to match them honestly.

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Pueraria lobata: Pueraria lobata is one of the earliest Chinese herbal medicines found in ancient books. It is written in the "Book of Songs": "He picks gegen, and if you don't see it for a day, it's like March." I remember this poem back then. Pueraria lobata root is a prescribed ox medicine. It can solve the exterior, and it can be solved regardless of wind, cold, wind and heat, without dialectics. Radix Puerariae can also relieve convulsions and spasms, promote yang and relieve rashes, dredge meridians and activate collaterals, promote body fluid and quench thirst. It can also protect the heart, without the disadvantage of sweating and being sad. It can also dilate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, not only does not relieve the disadvantages of raising blood pressure, but also participates in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular infarction and hypertension. It has special effects on children with measles and high fever, and also has the effect of sobering up.

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Some people may say: "What expands the cardiovascular system and raises blood pressure? You are talking about Western medicine, and you are a pseudo-Chinese medicine." Those who say this are either not brainless, or they have not yet learned Chinese medicine. What is western medicine? Western medicine analyzes medicines based on their chemical composition. Did I mention what ketones, glycosides, and elements are contained in kudzu root? I said that it can expand the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and I said that it will not increase blood pressure. I reasoned it out based on the efficacy of Chinese medicine, and it has been verified by many people in clinical practice.

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Ni Haixia has a mantra in his lectures: "To learn Chinese medicine, you have to have a little common sense." Pueraria lobata has the effects of relieving convulsions and spasms, dredging meridians and activating collaterals. Can these two effects be combined to relax blood vessels? Once the blood vessels are dilated, can myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction be treated? Can it lower blood pressure? Why do ordinary anti-inflammatory drugs raise blood pressure? That’s because the anti-surperficial medicine belongs to ascending medicine, Qi is the master of blood, blood rises with Qi, and the blood goes to the head, which of course will cause the blood to increase the pressure on the blood vessels, and of course cause the blood pressure to rise. How could this be the idea of Western medicine? This is a pure way of thinking in Chinese medicine. If you don't understand it, it only means that you don't have a way of thinking in Chinese medicine.

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In addition, kudzu root is divided into two kinds of kudzu root and powder kudzu root, and the efficacy is not much different, but the kudzu root tends to go outside, and the powder kudzu root tends to go inside. Pueraria puerariae and Poria cocos look very similar, so don't confuse them. I haven’t tried the effect of kudzu root sobering up, because I have hereditary alcohol allergy, and most people in my family don’t drink at all, but I think powdered kudzu root should be used, and the dose should be large. This effect is also found in ancient books, but Forgot the title of the book.

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Light fermented soya bean: The effect of relieving the exterior is very weak, and it is mainly used clinically to relieve depression and trouble.

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Duckweed: My favorite Xinliang anti-inflammatory medicine, the reason is that it is cheap. Duckweed also has the effect of diuresis, and it is also effective for skin diseases caused by heat evil.

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Xinliang is not difficult to relieve the surface, and its clinical usage rate is obviously lower than that of Xinwen. One is because exogenous wind-heat is less common than exogenous wind-cold; second, there are many Chinese patent medicines for treating exogenous wind-heat, such as Lianhua Qingwen, Yinqiao Tablet, Sangju Ganmao Tablets, etc.; third, because the treatment of exogenous wind-heat is what Western medicine is good at In the field of medicine, many patients have been cured by Western medicine, and there is no need for Chinese medicine to explain it. Unlike wind-cold exogenous diseases, western medicine basically treats them more and more seriously. For example, "Beijing Middle-aged Under the Influenza", in less than a month, it turned from a small cold to a safe place in the soil.

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For amateur beginners, it is recommended to use more kudzu root and less bupleurum. It's not that Bupleurum is not good. In the hands of masters, Bupleurum has the ability to penetrate into the mystic and unfathomable. It's just that amateur beginners are not suitable for this kind of high-end game.

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The group of mulberry leaves and chrysanthemum can be effective when soaked in water at ordinary times. People who are irritable and irritable can try it in small doses.

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That's all for today, next time we'll talk about clearing away heat and purging gunpowder.
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