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Lecture 3: Xinwen Jieyue Medicine

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Lecture 3: Xinwen Jieyue Medicine
Lecture 3: Xinwen Jieyue Medicine

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Any medicine that disperses exterior evils and treats exterior syndrome is called exterior medicine, and those whose medicinal properties are mainly pungent and warm are called Xinwenjie exterior medicine.

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So what is evidence? The superficial syndrome is a series of lesions located on the body surface. Since the lung governs the skin and skin, symptoms often affect the lung.

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This superficial syndrome is generally manifested as: cold, cough, rash, edema, etc., all of which are the outermost diseases of the human body. Why is lung disease often a superficial syndrome? Because the lungs are in direct contact with the outside world through the nasal cavity.

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The air is full of various bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms, and they are always looking for hosts that can parasitize. When they find that someone's immune system is defective, they will immediately attack the person, parasitize and multiply on him. The body's immune system (healthy qi) will also attack these pathogenic factors (evil qi). If the righteousness is sufficient, the evil will be eliminated immediately. If righteousness is equal to evilness, doctors need medicine to help righteousness to get rid of evilness.

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If this battle between good and evil happens to happen on the surface of the human body, then this disease is called superficial syndrome. If the attribute of this evil is cold, because it comes with the air, Chinese medicine calls it wind-cold evil. The syndrome type of this disease is called wind-cold syndrome. According to the principle of warming when cold, doctors will use pungent and warm medicines to dispel evil spirits.

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The syndrome of wind-cold syndrome is characterized by aversion to cold, fever, no sweat or less sweat, headache and body pain, stuffy nose and runny nose, no thirst, cough with thin white phlegm, no red tongue, and no yellow coating on the tongue. The pulse condition is a bit complicated, floating tense, floating slow, floating number may appear, and even sinking, thin, slow, weak and other pulse conditions may appear. The most critical ones are the four points of aversion to cold, no red tongue, no yellow coating on the tongue, and floating pulse.

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In most cases, the symptoms of wind-cold beam will cause fever, but not 100% will have a fever, and not all fevers are syndromes of wind-cold beam.

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Now let's talk about the following medicines: ephedra, cinnamon sticks, perilla leaves, ginger, scallions, scallions, Nepeta, windproof, notopterygium, angelica dahurica, asarum, ligusticum edulis, magnolia.

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What these medicines have in common is that they are all pungent, warm and detoxifying medicines, and they all rely on sweating to dispel the cold on the outside. Therefore, their medicinal properties have the characteristics of pungent, warm, and enter the lung meridian, and they can all treat the syndrome of wind-cold binding on the outside. Use whichever you like, feel free.

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Let's focus on the differences between them, so that you can use them more efficiently, safer and more rationally. I'm speaking in a general way, it's enough for everyone to have an impression, the main idea is to learn the idea of medicine, and it is recommended to consult books in clinical practice.

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Ephedra: It has the strongest sweating power, can open the pores closed by evil spirits, and can also cure cough, asthma and edema. However, this medicine is too strong and can be irritating to the heart and kidneys, so use it with caution. And because methamphetamine can be extracted from ephedra, it is not easy to buy, and sometimes even needs to be registered. Sunburned ephedra has weak sweating power and is mainly used to treat cough.

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Guizhi: It can dissipate the evil energy in the muscles, and the effect of opening the surface is not strong. It can "warm the meridians, help Yang transform Qi". The specific meaning of these eight characters can be found in the book. Because Guizhi also enters the heart and bladder meridian, it can also cure the cold of the heart and bladder.

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Perilla leaf, also known as perilla leaf. The sweating force is relatively mild, and it can also promote qi and reduce phlegm. It is suitable for patients with both wind and cold on the surface and dampness and phlegm in the body. It can be said that Su Ye single herb is a simplified and weakened version of Xiaoqinglong Decoction. It is said in the book that it also has the effect of preventing miscarriage and curing food poisoning of fish and crabs, but amateur beginners only need to know these two effects, and they don’t need them. Who dares to ask you for an abortion? Your daughter-in-law may not dare, even if she dares, will your mother dare? Does her mother dare?

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Su Ye treats food poisoning, do you usually store Su Ye at home? Do you know how long it will take for Su Ye to soak and boil until it cools down and can be drunk? If you want to invite friends to your house to eat hairy crabs from Yangcheng Lake, would you boil a pot of perilla leaf water first and keep it cold? Then I told my friends: "Brothers are open to eat. We are not afraid of anyone who is poisoned. I have already cooked a pot of detoxification soup."

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The principle of Su Ye treating fish and crab poisoning is that its water decoction has inhibitory effects on Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, Trichophyton rubrum, Microsporum gypsumoid, and Epidermophyton flocculus. If the poison in the patient is not within this range, then Su Ye will not be able to cure it. I advise you to send it to the hospital for gastric lavage as soon as possible.

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Ginger: weak medicinal power, suitable for mild cases. It is very effective in warming the lungs, warming the stomach, and treating vomiting caused by stomach cold. It is enough to cook a bowl of ginger soup for ordinary colds and colds. If you have a cold stomach, you usually eat more, and there are no side effects. Do not eat if you have stomach fire, it is easy to have bad breath and constipation. Ginger can also detoxify fish and crabs. This can be done. Cut some ginger, put some vinegar and sesame oil, mix it into small ingredients and eat it.

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Scallion white: The potency of the medicine is weak, suitable for mild cases. My experience is that the closer the part of the onion is, the stronger the potency of the medicine is. It is said in the book that it can also cure yin excess and yang, breast milk retention, and breast tenderness, which are not needed. Exuberance of Yin and Ge Yang is a critical illness, which can lead to death at any time, and the syndrome of Ge Yang is not easy to differentiate, so it is best to find a professional TCM expert to treat it. There are more suitable medicines for milk breast problems, and scallion white is rarely used.

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Rhizome: can dissipate dampness and harmonize neutralization, promote diuresis and reduce swelling. This is mainly for the treatment of Yin-heat and vomiting and diarrhea.

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Schizonepeta: My personal favorite anti-inflammatory medicine. It can be used regardless of wind-cold or wind-heat, and it is suitable for when the syndrome type is unclear. It is especially suitable for amateur beginners with low dialectical level. And the side effects are very few. You can prescribe 5 grams, 10 grams, 15 grams, or 20 grams without any problem. Unlike ephedra, if the dose is too large, you will either suffer from cramps or feel flustered.

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Fangfeng: Compared with other surface-relieving medicines, this one does not hurt the body fluid very much, and is safe and effective. The ancients praised it as the "emollient in the wind", which is a bit exaggerated, but it is indeed the one with the least side effects among the exterior medicines. The disadvantage is that it is a bit expensive, and it likes to grow worms, the yellow fleshy ones, which crawl all over the wall, and can spin silk to make cocoons and turn into moths. This medicine should only be stored in the refrigerator.

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Notopterygium: It has a very good effect of relieving the exterior, and can also dispel dampness, dredge the meridians, relieve spasm and relieve pain. Because it enters the bladder meridian, notopterygium can handle all the headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and back pain on the bladder meridian after exogenous infection, and there is no need to treat them separately. And it not only does not stimulate the heart, but also stabilizes the heart rate and blood pressure.

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Angelica dahurica: It is good at treating headaches and dredging the nasal orifices, as well as resuscitating and treating vaginal discharge in women. This medicine is mainly used to treat headaches and open the nose, but it is easy to raise blood pressure when used alone, so it is used in combination. Getting enlightened is not a disease that amateur beginners can cure, skip it. Women's leukorrhagia is very complicated, and it cannot be solved with Angelica dahurica alone.

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Asarum: good at dredging collaterals and removing dampness. Asarum is toxic, mainly because it contains safrole, which can inhibit the respiratory central nervous system. Even if it is decocted in water, it has chronic liver toxicity and nephrotoxicity, and it also stimulates the brain to a certain extent. Long-term use can induce liver cancer and kidney failure. Fortunately, almost no one will drink it for a long time, and sassafras is volatile, so when cooking asarum, you must open the lid and cook to let sassafras evaporate as much as possible. If you use a pressure cooker...then you have Barbie Q, experience the dizziness and walk into the wall.

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Ligusticum: It is good at treating headaches, and can also dispel dampness. This drug is rarely used alone, usually in combination.

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Magnolia magnoli: clears the nasal aperture. This medicine has many, many hairs, which are thin, small and slippery. It needs to be fried, otherwise you will cough all the time after drinking it.

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That's all for Xin Wen's anti-inflammatory medicine. Everyone find a small notebook, summarize the specific effect in one sentence, write it in the small notebook, and remember what you wrote. It doesn't matter if you really can't remember it. When using clinical medicine, you should first read the small book, and then turn the book and check Baidu. For example, Su Ye, you can write "sweating calms, and also works to reduce phlegm." You can also find a three-color fluorescent pen and classify these medicines, a color with high power, a color with medium power, and a color with the weakest power. one color. Or classify according to your own ideas and standards.
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