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【Chinese Medicine】experience (66) Liuyisan

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

【Chinese Medicine】experience (66) Liuyisan
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.

(66) six one scattered
[Source] "Huang Di Su Wen Xuan Ming Lun Fang"

【Category】Repellent for dispelling summer heat and promoting dampness

【Composition】6 liang of talc (18g), 1 liang of licorice (3g)

[Usage] It is fine powder, three coins (9g) per serving, add a little honey, adjust it with warm water, or without honey, take three times a day; Sweating, fried scallion white, fermented soy sauce soup, take one cup each, scallion white five inches, fermented soy bean 50 grains, boil and take 70% 2-3 times a day; can also be used as decoction, decoction).

【Function】clearing summer-heat and promoting dampness.

[Indications] Heat-damp syndrome. Body heat and polydipsia, trouble urinating, or diarrhea.

"Yifang Jijie" says: "Summer heat is all yang evil, fever on the surface; diarrhea, cholera, and malaria on the inside; polydipsia on the top; constipation or hot diarrhea on the bottom; fire qi burns, and essence forms Stone, it is Shilin."

The main purpose of this formula is to resolve internally and externally, purify fire and diuresis. Scallion relieves the exterior, fermented soybeans relieves irritation, talc relieves fire and promotes water, and licorice protects the middle. Exterior pathogens dissipate, heat pathogens will recede, fire pathogens will relieve polydipsia, and urination will lead to solid stools. The combination of various medicines can unblock the nine orifices and the six internal organs, soothe the soul and stabilize the soul.

Online medical records:

A man, 44 years old, did not wear a mask when using dichlorvos spray this morning. After working for half an hour, he felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, which gradually worsened. The patient's skin is reddish, rash spreads, shortness of breath is loud, and sometimes he feels dizzy. Wen Zhisu had no history of asthma and was diagnosed as pesticide poisoning, so he took 60g of talc and 15g of raw licorice, decocted it and drank it cold in batches. One hour later, the amount of urination was large, and the symptoms decreased sharply. After taking the above two doses in one day and night, he was cured.
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