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[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (67) Qingshu Yiqi Decoction

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (67) Qingshu Yiqi Decoction
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.

(67) Qingshu Yiqi Soup (Wang's)
[Source] "Warm and Longitude"

【Category】Qi-dispelling agent

[Composition] American Ginseng (5g), Dendrobium (15g), Ophiopogon japonicus (9g), Coptidis (3g), Bamboo Leaf (6g), Lotus Stem (15g), Anemarrhena (6g), Licorice (3g), Japonica Rice (15g) ), Watermelon Cuiyi (30g) (the original recipe has no amount)


【Function】Clear heat and replenish qi, nourish yin and promote body fluid.

[Indications] Syndrome of summer heat, qi and body injuries. Excessive body heat and sweating, thirsty and upset, short red urine, tired body, lack of energy, lack of energy, weak pulse.

There are two versions of Qingshu Yiqi Decoction, one is created by Li Dongyuan, also known as Dongyuan Qingshu Yiqi Decoction; the other is created by Wang Mengying, also known as Wang’s Qingshu Yiqi Decoction. What is introduced here is Wang Mengying's version.

The syndrome of heat stroke, qi and body injuries is the initial syndrome of heat stroke. If it can be treated in time, the tragedy can be avoided.

Heat evil attacks the surface, sex likes to evaporate, and it is most likely to consume Qi and injure body fluid. If the patient suffers from severe heat injury and relatively mild damage to Qi and Yin, Baihu plus Renshen Decoction or Zhuye Shigao Decoction can be used; if the patient has severe Qi and Yin damage, this formula should be used for treatment.

In the prescription, Watermelon Cuiyi is a special medicine for treating yang heat, which has the effect of clearing away heat and relieving heat, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst; Lotus stalks help watermelon and green clothes to clear away heat and heat; Coptis chinensis clears heart and damp heat; Anemarrhena anemarrhenae clears heat and relieves fire;

It should be noted that most doctors of later generations believe that Coptis chinensis in this prescription is suspected of reducing dryness and injuring body fluids, so it is appropriate to use light amounts, small amounts or not at all.

When using this prescription clinically, if you find that the patient has severe dampness, you can add Peilan and lentil flower. If you think American ginseng is too expensive, you can use heterophylla, but you need to increase the dosage.
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