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[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (68) Lizhong Decoction

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (68) Lizhong Decoction
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.

(68) Lizhong Soup (Fuzi Lizhong Soup)
[Source] "Treatise on Febrile Diseases"

【Category】Warming and dispelling cold

[Composition] Ginseng, dried ginger, roasted licorice, and Atractylodes macrocephala each in threes and twos (9g each)

[Usage] Add four flavors, pound and sieve, mix honey into pills, such as chicken yellow Xuda (9g). Combine with boiling soup, mix with a pill, grind it, and take it warm, three or four times a day, and two times a night. The stomach is not hot, and it is beneficial to three or four pills, but it is not as good as soup. Soup method: Cut the four ingredients into two, add eight liters of water, boil three liters, remove the water, and serve warm for one liter, three times a day. After taking the soup, drink hot porridge for about 1 liter, let it warm slightly, and do not take off the clothes and quilts after taking the soup. Pills are 9g each time, taken with warm water, 2~3 times a day; it can also be used as a decoction, decocted in water, and drink hot porridge after the medicine).

[Function] Warming the middle and dispelling cold, replenishing qi and invigorating the spleen.


1. Spleen-stomach deficiency-cold syndrome. Abdominal pain, warm and pressing, vomiting and loose stools, abdominal pain, lack of food, aversion to cold and cold limbs, pale mouth without thirst, pale tongue, white and moist coating, deep thready or slow and weak pulse.

2. Yang deficiency and blood loss syndrome. Hematochezia, hematemesis, epistaxis or metrorrhagia, etc. see the blood is dull, clear and thin, pale complexion, shortness of breath, fatigue, thready or weak pulse.

3. Chronic convulsions due to insufficiency of the spleen in children, profuse salivation after illness; Chest obstruction due to deficiency of Zhongyang, yin-cold superiority; Improper eating and drinking, damage to spleen-stomach yang, cholera with clear and turbid coherence, abnormal ascending and descending.


The spleen governs movement and transformation, and the stomach governs acceptance. If the central yang is insufficient or the cold evil enters directly, it can make the spleen and stomach suffer from cold. Improper transport and transformation results in diarrhea, and abnormal reception results in vomiting. For vomiting and diarrhea, treat the middle burner. Therefore, ginseng is used to invigorate vitality; dried ginger warms the middle and dispels cold;

Deficiency of yang leads to abnormal solid absorption, so hematemesis and epistaxis can be seen on the top, and blood in the stool and metrorrhagia can be seen on the bottom, which can be treated in the middle. Therefore, ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, and licorice are used to supplement the qi deficiency of the middle Jiao, and dried ginger (preferably Paojiang) is used to supplement the Yang deficiency of the middle Jiao.

Treating chronic convulsions due to spleen deficiency in children is the same as treating spleen and stomach deficiency and cold.

The syndrome of this prescription is based on the accumulation of cold and dampness, and the insufficiency of Zhongyang. If you are in a hurry, use soup, and if you are slow, use pills. Physicians in the Song Dynasty added aconite to make Aconite Lizhong Decoction (pill), which has a better effect on sweeping Sanyin.

Exterior yin syndrome, such as yang deficiency and exogenous pathogenic factors, is often seen in patients with ferritic yang deficiency and also suffers from exogenous pathogenic cold pathogens. Doctors often use Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Decoction for treatment. However, under the rigid regulations of the Pharmacopoeia, the dosage of Asarum is strictly limited, and it is difficult to bring out the desired effect. At this time, it is better to use Fuzilizhong Decoction plus Guizhi, Puerariae, and Notopterygium for treatment.

Syndrome of half exterior and half interior yin, such as vertigo, is often caused by yang deficiency and flooding, and can be treated with Fuzilizhong decoction plus astragalus, poria cocos, and raw oysters.

Liyin syndrome, such as duodenal ulcer, is often caused by cold stagnation and Qi stagnation, which can be treated with Fuzilizhong Decoction plus woody, amomum, tangerine peel, and poria.

The above are just examples to prove that Fuzi Lizhong Decoction can treat the diseases of the three yin, not just these three diseases.
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