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Chinese patent medicine for diarrhea

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Chinese patent medicine for diarrhea
Music and medicine come from the same source, listen to this music, I wish you all a good mood
"Shanshui China Series" - Every landscape has spirituality
"Only the breeze on the river, and the bright moon in the mountains, the sound of the ears, the color of the eyes
There is no limit to taking, and inexhaustible use, which is the endless storage of the Creator.”

Warm reminder: Medication should be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor. After the four diagnosis and participation, the medicine should be dialectically based on the constitution. Do not take medicine at will! Pay attention to drug safety~

6. Diarrhea
It is a disease mainly manifested by increased frequency of defecation, loose stools, or even diarrhea like water samples.

Dialectical treatment

1. Syndrome of Excessive Cold-Dampness-Huoxiangzhengqi Pills (water, blunt preparation), Pingwei Powder

2. Damp-heat resistance syndrome-Gegen Qinlian Decoction

3. Yibaohe Pills for Stomach Stomach Syndrome

4. Syndrome of liver qi taking advantage of the spleen - Xiaoyao pill

5. Weakness of Spleen and Stomach Syndrome-Shenling Baizhu Powder

6. Spleen Yang Deficiency/Spleen Kidney Yang Deficiency Syndrome Yisi Shen Pill/Fuzi Lizhong Pill/Fugui Lizhong Pill

Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills

The composition of the pill: Huoxiang, Angelica dahurica, Perilla leaf, Poria, Dabupi, Pinellia, Tangerine peel, Magnolia officinalis, Atractylodes macrocephala, Campanulaceae, licorice, jujube, ginger.

Composition of water: Chinese herbal medicine, plus patchouli oil, perilla leaf oil, medicinal ethanol (use with caution for those who are allergic to alcohol).

Function: Relieve exterior and remove dampness, regulate qi and neutralize.

Indications: exogenous wind-cold, internal injury damp stagnation syndrome.

Symptoms include fever and chills, severe head and body pain, nausea, vomiting, fullness in the chest and diaphragm, distending pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, loose stools, borborygmus and abdominal pain, nausea, sticky mouth, white and greasy tongue coating, pulse condition Humiliating person.

Western medicine diagnoses as gastrointestinal cold, influenza, acute gastroenteritis and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, etc. belong to the Shanghai syndrome.

Pingwei Powder
Composition: tangerine peel, magnolia officinalis, herb, licorice, ginger, jujube.

Functions: Dampness and invigoration of the spleen, circulation of qi and harmonization of the stomach.

Indications: damp stagnation of the spleen and stomach syndrome.

Symptoms include fullness in the abdomen and abdomen, lack of appetite, tasteless mouth, nausea and vomiting, belching and acid regurgitation, heaviness of the limbs, laziness and sleepiness, selfishness, white greasy and thick tongue coating, and slow pulse.

Gegen Qinlian Pills (Pellets)

Composition: kudzu root, scutellaria baicalensis, berberine, licorice.

Function: relieving muscles, clearing away heat, dispelling dampness, stopping diarrhea and dysentery.

Indications: damp-heat diarrhea and dysentery.

Body heat and polydipsia, yellow and sticky diarrhea, foul-smelling diarrhea, tenesmus, burning anus, red tongue with yellow greasy coating, rapid pulse;

It is commonly used clinically to treat acute enteritis, bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever, gastrointestinal cold and other symptoms that are unresolved and severe in the interior.

Bohe Maru
Composition: Hawthorn (charred), Liushenqu (fried), radish seeds (fried), malt (fried), Pinellia (processed), tangerine peel, Poria cocos, forsythia.

Function: digestion and stagnation, and stomach.

Indications: indigestion, food stagnation.

Symptoms include fullness in the chest and abdomen, pain during abdominal distension, belching and regurgitation, reluctance to eat, nausea and vomiting, and feces and diarrhea.

Xiaoyao Wan
Composition: Bupleurum, Angelica, Paeoniae Alba, Atractylodes macrocephala (fried), Poria cocos, roasted licorice, mint, ginger.

Function: soothe the liver and invigorate the spleen, nourish blood and regulate menstruation.

Indications: liver qi invading the spleen, liver stagnation and blood deficiency syndrome.

Shenling Baizhu Powder (Pills)
Composition: Ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, licorice/white lentils, bellflower, lotus seeds, amomum, yam, coix seed.

Function: invigorating the spleen, replenishing qi, harmonizing the stomach, and expelling dampness.

Indications: syndrome of spleen deficiency and dampness.

Symptoms include inability to eat or drink, or vomiting or diarrhea (sticky), poor complexion, physical weakness, fatigue and weakness in the chest and abdomen, aggravation of symptoms when taking greasy things, white and greasy fur, and weak and slow pulse.
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