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Introducing ancient prescriptions for treating epidemic diseases

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   18 minute read

Introducing ancient prescriptions for treating epidemic diseases
Today I will give you a prescription - Ginseng Baidu Powder. When everyone looks at this prescription, it is called "Baidu Powder", and it seems that it can strengthen the righteousness and defeat the evil!

This prescription does have its origin. During the Song Dynasty, there was a book called "Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription". I have introduced many prescriptions before, all of them are from "Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription", such as Sijunzi Decoction to nourish qi, Siwu Decoction to nourish blood, Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder which we recommend in the current epidemic, etc. in this book. Where did this book come from? The royal family of the Song Dynasty at that time, that is, the government of the Song Dynasty, collected folk prescriptions, which were particularly good and effective prescriptions used by the folk. After collecting them, they sorted them out and published this book. This book had a particularly great influence on later generations, because the prescriptions chosen by the emperor of the Song Dynasty at that time were the prescriptions presented by everyone. They were all very effective. He did not dare to lie and made up a random prescription and handed it over, so they were all carefully selected prescriptions. son. Many of these prescriptions appeared in later Chinese medicine classics, so "Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription" is a very valuable book, and the prescriptions in it are indeed very refined.

The Ginseng Baidu Powder we are talking about today is a prescription specifically for the treatment of exogenous diseases. Therefore, in the Song Dynasty, the "Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription" said that it can treat "typhoid fever", which is exogenous diseases. "Headache with strong neck, strong heat, aversion to cold, restless body aches, and cough due to cold." This kind of cough caused by cold can treat "heavy nasal congestion, headache due to wind and phlegm, vomiting, cold and heat." Let's look at this description from that year. , it treats exogenous diseases. What is the status of this recipe? Basically, this prescription will appear in the discussions of later generations of doctors and plagues. For example, what I have on my desk right now is the medical book "Rejuvenation of All Diseases" written by Gong Tingxian, a famous doctor in the Ming Dynasty and "the number one doctor in the medical field". When the plague was mentioned in it, I looked through it and found several prescriptions, including Puji Disinfectant Drink and Ginseng Baidu Powder. He said that it can be used to treat plagues in all seasons, regardless of the season. If you suffer from the plague, this prescription They can all be used in battle, so this recipe has a particularly high status in later generations.

So today we will introduce to you what is so magical about this recipe.

First look at the composition of this recipe.

The first medicine is ginseng. I will talk about why ginseng is included in it in a moment. Ginseng Baidu Powder must have ginseng, and then there are Bupleurum, licorice, Platycodon, Chuanxiong, Poria, Citrus aurantium, Pediculus, Qianghuo, Duhuo, a total of ten Taste medicine. So this recipe has a nickname, and another alias is "Ten Flavor Soup", but strictly speaking, it is not a ten-flavor medicine. Why? Because in ancient times, when this recipe was brought, instead of grabbing the medicine and making soup like we do, it was first ground into a coarse powder, just like today we will grind some medicinal materials into very fine powder, and then put them into It is made into coarse powder, and when the powder is boiled, it is also called boiled powder, so why is it called Ginseng Baidu Powder? Because that was how it was used back then.

So why use powder? It’s like this. When we think about it now, it should be that in China’s early years, the economic conditions were not good. The circulation of Chinese medicine is inconvenient, so Chinese medicine is very precious. Making decoctions like we do today is actually very luxurious. Why? Nowadays, many of us who make soups and medicines will find that after cooking, for example, if you break open a yam tablet, it will still be white inside. If you cut out the poria cocos, there will still be a white heart inside. This shows that we have some waste in making medicine. There are some things in it that are not cooked through. Why did it need to be boiled? Crush the medicine into pieces, which can increase the dissolution area. Boiling it like this can increase the effectiveness of the medicine. Let me give you an example. For example, if you use 9 grams of Bupleurum to make medicine, if it is made into coarse powder, 3 grams may be enough, because the effect is better. The finer the powder, the better the effect. When I was a student studying Chinese medicine, I did my own experiments. Once I caught a cold, I grabbed a prescription and asked the pharmacy to powder it for me. When I got back, I cooked this powder. Oh my god, my body couldn’t stand it after drinking it. Because I had drunk this recipe before and I knew its power. After making it into powder, I boiled it again. I found that the force was many times greater and my body couldn't bear it at all. So a manufacturer told me two days ago that he said that we beat Chinese medicine into ultra-fine powder, and the results were tested and the efficacy of some Chinese medicine increased by more than ten times. This was published in a paper. So in the Song Dynasty, many of these prescriptions were made into coarse powder and then cooked into powder, so it was called Ginseng Baidu Powder.

When you cook this powder, you need to use ginger, cut a few slices of ginger, put some mint, and use this water to cook this powder. So what does that mean? Among these ten herbs, two more flavors were added, ginger and mint. So at that time, all these drugs were the same serving size. Make equal portions and grind as much as you like. At that time, the "Taiping Huimin and Jiju Prescription" said 30 taels each, which were used for disaster relief. When there was a real plague, more were made and distributed to the people after they were finished. How did you eat every time? Two yuan each time is 6 grams. Take this 6 grams of coarse powder, then put some ginger, some mint, fry it with water, and then drink this soup, which is how it was drunk at that time. Now we will tell you what the characteristics of this prescription are and what the medicines in this prescription are used for.

●Will ginseng "replenish evil spirits"? ●

First of all, let’s talk about ginseng. Why is ginseng used in this recipe? And why does the recipe for treating the plague start with ginseng? In fact, during the Qing Dynasty, people later criticized the use of ginseng. Just say that when external evil comes, use ginseng to replenish the evil inside. Xu Lingtai always said, "replenish it inside". In fact, this is a bit biased. Why? Zhang Zhongjing actually used ginseng in many places in "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases". Although we say that the ginseng in Zhang Zhongjing's time was different from now, the general direction is the same. Why is Zhang Zhongjing not afraid of filling the evil spirit in it? Why is there ginseng here? I talked about this point before, and I dedicated a whole day to it, that is, when treating plagues and exogenous diseases, we must take into account the righteousness of people and learn tonic methods. Because we will consider that some people are fine with the plague, but some people are infected; and some people are fine with the external evil, but you are infected. What is the reason? It must be a lack of righteousness. Therefore, for people with insufficient righteousness, evil spirits can easily invade you. And once the evil comes in, you will easily be unable to fight it out, and your righteousness will not be enough to drive it away. So when the righteous energy is not enough, the evil energy goes inward, especially if the problem is caused by the plague. The plague comes fiercely, and it may not be possible to follow the six meridians of typhoid fever. It goes inward at once, and I will guide you through all the meridians. Onset, so what is most critical at this time? Righteousness is the most important, and righteousness is the dominant one. As a righteous person, you will find that after this plague passes, some people are strong and have recovered from their illness. The same is true for this pneumonia. Some people are very mild and slowly recover, while some elderly people have passed away. Therefore, righteousness is the key to resisting plague and external evils. At this time, the direction of the cube is particularly clear. Using ginseng as the leader and ginseng as the king means to strengthen the righteousness first. And the earlier this prescription is used, the better. Because when the evil energy has completely conquered your body and the person is critically ill, this prescription will not be very effective because the person has collapsed. So when the evil of the plague just came, we said that when this "violent energy" came in, we quickly replenished the righteousness with ginseng. With the backing of righteousness, we can lead and encourage other medicines, because there are nine other medicines behind this recipe. Taste medicine, let those medicines go through their own channels and enter its meridians, because each medicine enters different meridians, so that the evil spirits can be driven out. This is the special role of ginseng in this recipe.

● Effects of other drugs ●

So what do other drugs do? The remaining other drugs have their own effects. For example, Qianghuo is a drug that drives away wind and evil spirits, but where does it go? If you turn to the solar meridian, it can drive away wind evil from above. What about living alone? Duhuo is a medicine that can dispel wind, dispel evil, and remove dampness. It enters the Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, so it searches out the wind from below. Therefore, Qianghuo Duhuo is a pair of medicines, and one characteristic of these two medicines is that they both taste particularly fragrant when boiled. Modern people are different from the ancients. In ancient times, it was called fragrance. When modern people smell it, it is called medicinal smell. What do modern people think of fragrance? The fragrance of roses is the fragrance, and the fragrance of perfume is the fragrance of vanilla. The fragrance of ancient people was vanilla. So what are the characteristics of this fragrance? This is called aromatic dehumidification and aromatic removal of impurities. If the tongue coating is particularly thick and greasy, it can be removed. Therefore, according to this prescription, the tongue coating of such patients should be thick and greasy, and the tongue coating should be relatively thick. So these two medicines are also wind-repelling medicines. They have the effect of driving away wind and evil spirits. In the past, there was a saying that "wind can defeat dampness", so wind-repelling medicines can often remove dampness. When we are treating kidney disease, this person’s body is very damp. What should we do? These medicines, such as Angelica dahuricae alone, are often used because wind can overcome dampness. This is the idea of Mr. Zhao Shaoqin from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. When Mr. Zhao treats kidney disease, if the patient's tongue coating is thick and greasy, he often adds Agastache rugosa and Angelica dahurica, because wind can overcome dampness and give you moisture. Remove.

What else should be added to this recipe? Also Bupleurum and Platycodon. Bupleurum dissipates evil spirits outwards and upwards, and platycodon also has medicinal properties that go upwards. Bupleurum can clear away the evil qi of the Shaoyang meridian, and it goes up; Platycodon is the qi of the Taiyin and Lung meridian, so the two herbs of Bupleurum and Platycodon can push the evil qi outward. Then Citrus aurantium and Pediculus, these two herbs, have downward medicinal properties, eliminating phlegm and lowering Qi. You see, there's going up and there's going down. And there is Ligusticum chuanxiong in this prescription, which can promote the Qi in the blood. In your previous body, the qi and blood were trapped by filth and moisture. I will help you prescribe the medicine in front of you to remove the moisture and disperse the filth. Use Ligusticum Chuanxiong to circulate the qi and blood. Come, then add Poria cocos, which will dilute the water and relieve dampness. Aren't you wet? I'll remove the moisture from you again.

So if you look at this prescription, it enters different meridians to dispel evil spirits, some ascending and some descending, some promoting qi and blood, and some removing dampness. Finally, add licorice. After adding licorice, mix the various medicines and sit in Zhongzhou; add ginger, which also has the effect of sweating and relieving the skin, and also has the effect of removing dampness and avoiding filth; add some mint, which can dispel evil and is pungent and cool. Relieve the superficial and bring out the evil. So this formula is relatively complete when combined.

●How effective is Ginseng Baidu Powder ●

What is the effect of this recipe? The effect is very good and has been recorded throughout the ages. For example, I once told about a doctor named Yu Jiayan. If you have read the stories about traditional Chinese medicine I wrote before, you will see that he was a famous doctor in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. He wrote a book called "Yu Yicao". I talked about it at that time. Many of the stories about Yu Jiayan's medical treatment are from "Yuyi Cao". There is a special article in the book "Medicine Grass" about treating exogenous diseases and typhoid fever. Why is ginseng used in it? He has a profound understanding of the application of ginseng in this recipe. After this article, there is a special article about the verification of the treatment of Ginseng Baidu Powder.

He recorded that during the Jiajing period, there was an epidemic of febrile disease, a plague, in many places in the south of the Yangtze River and in the north of the Huaihe River. How popular is it? It spread all the way down the door, and everyone had the same disease. After the epidemic passed, the whole street became sick, so the number of sick people was particularly high. So how to use it? Just use this recipe, Ginseng Baidu Powder Double Ginseng, which means doubling the dosage of ginseng, removing the painkiller and giving it to everyone to eat. As a result, "those who take it will see the effect", that is, the effect will be very good for those who take it. " "Nothing wrong" means basically no mistakes.

During the Wanli period, the plague was prevalent again, and the epidemic was prevalent. So if you take this prescription to disperse the external evils, even if you take this prescription as soon as you get sick, "everyone will survive", that is, there will be no one who will not survive. So you see, this is a very good prescription for treating the plague. So someone asked Yu Jiayan at that time, why did you double the ginseng and remove the front beard and Duhuo? Yu Jiayan replied, now that the war is in chaos, people's righteousness is too weak. People often don't have enough to eat, so their righteousness is weak. I doubled the ginseng, so why did I remove my beard and live alone? Because the righteousness is too weak and the body is too weak, I dare not sweat them too much. This is Yu Jiayan's explanation of this recipe.

Then he recorded that during the Chongzhen period, the plague came again. At that time, the war was chaotic and the plague was prevalent. To what extent? He also got the disease on the street, and he found out that doctors everywhere added ginseng to the medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach, such as sweating, neutralizing and dehumidifying, etc., and the chance of survival was particularly high. Then Yu Jiayan said, "This is something that everyone has seen and heard." These things are not made up by me writing a book here. Even when a plague breaks out, everyone can see what medicine is used to cure the disease and what medicine is used to kill it. So when treating exogenous diseases, it makes sense to use ginseng. What is this? It is a famous doctor's discussion of the plague. He also explained why Ginseng Baidu Powder was used to treat the plague, and why Ginseng was put in the front and named after it. Moreover, Yu Jiayan also invented this prescription. He used this prescription to treat dysentery. This evil poison is internalized and diarrhea. I will help you pull the boat against the current. Going against the river, I will drag up the righteousness for you, and bring this The evil spirit was pushed out, and he used it to treat dysentery. As a result, he created a traditional Chinese medicine method of "pushing a boat against the current" to treat dysentery. This is a story for another time. We will talk about it later when we have the opportunity.

So today I will tell you about the prescription Ginseng Baidu Powder. In the treatment of pneumonia in Wuhan this time, Chinese medicine used this prescription Ginseng Baidu Powder. After using it, the effect was very good. After the patient used it, the fever disappeared. It was withdrawn, so this recipe is worthy of our study. But it is very, very regretful that for such a classic prescription, we have almost no Chinese patent medicines for sale now. If you think this is suitable for my symptoms, I want to take some, so I go to the drugstore to buy it, but there is no such medicine. What does this mean? It shows that what we have done is very insufficient. Our exploration of ancient Chinese medicine culture is very insufficient. This is very backward. So I hope everyone can learn more about this recipe. One day in the future, this recipe can be made into a Chinese patent medicine, and everyone can use it in emergencies. It doesn’t have to be the plague, it’s just a common cold. As long as you feel cold and damp in the body, The gas is a bit heavy, the tongue coating is a bit thick, and the color of the tongue is not bright red, then you can use this prescription to expel wind and evil spirits, strengthen the righteousness, and push out the evil spirits. If you have some fever, you can add or subtract from this recipe. We can add skullcap, some double flower, some heat-clearing ingredients, etc. The effect is also very good.

So this is a basic method for treating plague, and it is also an important idea. Today I will tell you this recipe. Next, I will talk about a few more recipes one after another. I hope everyone will learn more about it and learn to protect themselves.


Ginseng Baidu Powder

[Source] Volume 2 of "Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription"
[Indications] Typhoid fever, headache and strong nape, strong heat and aversion to cold, restless body aches, cough due to cold, heavy nasal congestion, wind-phlegm headache, vomiting and cold-heat.
[Composition] Bupleurum (remove the seedlings), licorice (rotten), Platycodon ginseng (remove the reeds), Ligusticum chuanxiong and Poria cocos (remove the skin), Citrus aurantium (remove the pulp, fry the bran), Pediculus (remove the seedlings, wash), Qiang Huo (remove the seedlings), Duhuo (remove the skin) Seedlings) 900 grams each
[Usage] Apply ten flavors of the medicine and grind it into a coarse powder. Take 6 grams per serving, add 150 ml of water, add a little each of ginger and mint, fry together until 100 ml, remove the phlegm, and take it at any time. If it is cold, take it hot, or if it is hot, take it warm.

[Medical Commentary]description]

🔹"Yiyi Cao": There are cases of typhoid fever that are suitable for ginseng medicine, and the identification cannot be unclear. For people with weak vitality, even if the medicine is used by laymen, the qi will be discouraged. In mild cases, the qi cannot come out half way out, and lingering is trapped; in severe cases, the qi shrinks with the vitality and generates endless fever. Therefore, for a weak body, three, five, or seven parts of ginseng must be used in external medicines to help the vitality. It is thought to be the main agent to drive away evil spirits and make the evil spirits flow out in one go. It is not intended to nourish the weak at all.

🔹"Collection of Medical Prescriptions": This is the medicine for Taiyang, Shaoyang and Taiyin of hands. Qiang lives into the sun and regulates the traveling wind, alone lives into the Shaoyin and regulates the subdued wind. It can also remove dampness and relieve pain. Bupleurum dissipates heat and raises the Qing Dynasty. Ligusticum chuanxiong can harmonize blood and calm the liver to treat headaches and dizziness. Pediculus and Citrus aurantium can reduce qi. It relieves phlegm. Platycodon grandiflorum and Poria cocos relieve lung heat, remove dampness and reduce swelling. Licorice harmonizes the internal organs and relieves phlegm. Ginseng supplements the body and dispels evil, clears the meridians, and dissipates external evil stagnation, so it is called detoxification.

🔹"Zhang's Medical Guide": I asked when the epidemic was just beginning. If ginseng was used to detoxify, it would not help the evil but become a disease. How could it be used to treat an untimely cold epidemic and persistent heat after sweating? When an epidemic breaks out at that time, it will definitely hit the middle earth. The earth controls hundreds of bones and has no meridians. The poisonous gas is prevalent and will fall into the body according to the weakness. It is the most difficult to predict. If you urgently need to take advantage of the evil spirit before it is trapped, you can attack with all your strength, and the common people will be able to overcome it. The wonder of its cube lies entirely in the fact that ginseng is used to open and close. It first encourages Qiang, Du, Chai, and Qian to follow their own meridians and decompose heat and poison; then it regulates body fluid, essence, blood, and Qi, each guarding its own territory. It is used to cut off the path for evil spirits to re-enter, and to prevent evil spirits from entering the toilet at the right time. If they are repeatedly sparse and do not respond to the symptoms, the evil spirits will hide in the dark and cannot come out. They cannot be released unless they rely on the power of ginseng.

🔹"Bidding Notes on Febrile Diseases": This syndrome is caused by internal injury due to dampness caused by water and grains, external exposure to seasonal rheumatism, and a person who has insufficient Qi, and the Qi is caused by dampness, and is urgent both internally and externally. According to the prescription method, ginseng is the king. Sitting in Zhongzhou, he was the commander supervising the war. He used Erhuo and Erhu combined with Xiongxiong to lead the evil spirits out from half a mile away. This is what Yu calls a person who pulls a boat against the current. He uses Citrus aurantium husk to spread the energy of the middle burner, and Poria cocos to penetrate the middle. For the dampness caused by Jiao, platycodon can be used to relieve the paralysis of the lungs and large intestine, and licorice combined with other medicines can be used to treat the symptoms of depression. It does not cure dysentery but treats the source of dysentery. At the beginning of dysentery, if you hate cold and are strong in heat, this is the only reason.

🔹"Cheng Convenient Reading": In the prescription, ginseng must first be used to supplement the good and remove the evil. Qiang Huo travels to the surface to disperse wandering evils, and Duhuo travels to the interior to dispel evils. Bupleurum and Platycodon dissipate heat and increase clearness. Citrus aurantium and Pediculus eliminate phlegm and reduce Qi. Chuanxiong is fragrant to promote Qi in the blood. Poria cocos is used to promote qi in the blood. For the dampness in the Qi, licorice harmonizes with various medicines to keep it out of control, while ginger expels dirt and evil spirits to keep it out of stagnation. So each one builds its own strengths to achieve full success, all relying on the powerful power of ginseng to control the ears. As for the use of this method to treat dysentery, this is Yu's method of pulling a boat against the current, which traps the evil from the outside and traps it in the inside, while still causing the inside to come out of the outside.

【Medical Records】

"Medicine Grass": At the end of the Jiajing period, in May, June and July, in the south of the Yangtze River and in the north of the Huaihe River, distemper spread throughout the country, and the infection was similar. Use this recipe to double the amount of ginseng, remove the phlegm and live alone, and the person who takes it will die. Effective, no fault at all. In the Jichou year of Wuzi in Wanli, the epidemic was prevalent. Anyone who took this prescription and published it lived fully.
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