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A brief discussion on Xiaoqinglong Soup

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

A brief discussion on Xiaoqinglong Soup
2020 is destined to be an extraordinary Year of the Rat. At the beginning of the new year, the whole country was hit by the new coronavirus. Although this battle is difficult, fortunately everyone is doing what they can to win this war. I believe that we will definitely win in the near future!

In the process of fighting the epidemic, you can find that both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own understanding of the new coronavirus, and they have also achieved exciting results. However, as ordinary people, we must also act rationally, clearly distinguish the effects and properties of drugs, and must not use them indiscriminately. This is just like the long instructions in the medicine box. Only by understanding the essence of the drug can we take it safely.

Based on the principle of introducing it to everyone, starting from this week, we will start a series of interpretations of classic prescriptions. On the one hand, it is to popularize science and unveil the mystery of classic prescriptions for everyone; on the other hand, we hope that everyone will know what prescriptions should be used when Take it according to the corresponding symptoms to avoid taking it by mistake and delaying the condition. Okay, without further ado, let’s watch a story first!

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It is said that in the early years, there was a man named Li, who was about thirty years old. He was slightly stout and usually had symptoms of phlegm and retention. One day, he caught a cold due to the cold weather, and he could not stop coughing and wheezing. This person could not lie down and had to lean against the wall when sleeping. He was not in good spirits, had symptoms of chest and abdominal fullness, and poor appetite. Due to long-term wheezing and coughing, he was in extreme pain, so he followed the introduction of others and found the young Zhang Xichun. Hope to be able to cure my disease.

The young Zhang Xichun carefully observed the patient and found that there was no heat syndrome inside and outside, so he prescribed several prescriptions for dispersing wind and eliminating phlegm, but they had no effect for several days. Zhang Xichun was very distressed, and then he remembered an expert, so he Went to ask for advice. The expert is indeed an expert. After the diagnosis, he said: "This disease is easy to cure. It is the original syndrome of Xiaoqinglong Decoction." Zhang Xichun was deeply inspired and prescribed this medicine when he returned home. After one dose, he stopped breathing. Three doses in total. Basically recovered. This incident had a great impact on Zhang Xichun. From then on, Zhang Xichun studied typhoid fever seriously and eventually became a famous doctor. (This medical case comes from "Medicine Zhongzhongshenxilu")

Seeing this, everyone must be curious about what this Xiao Qinglong Tang is, but don’t be impatient in learning knowledge. Let’s first take a look at what disease this person has.

This person has asthma. It may not be accurate to say asthma. To be more precise, it should be called asthma. Asthma is an episodic wheezing disease characterized by wheezing in the throat, difficulty breathing, and even the inability to lie down. Although the symptoms are mainly related to the upper respiratory tract, this is a disease involving the lungs, spleen and kidneys, and is mainly related to phlegm. When it comes to phlegm, a certain amount of space is needed to explain it in detail.

This disease is similar to bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis in Western medicine, and it belongs to the "fuyin syndrome" of phlegm-yin disease. So what is "fuyin"? To put it simply, due to the dysfunction of the internal organs, the ability of the lungs, spleen and kidneys to transport and transform body fluids is weakened, resulting in the accumulation and blockage of body fluids, which over time leads to the formation of phlegm. However, this phlegm drink is different from the phlegm drink we usually encounter. This pathological product sometimes lurks in various parts of the body like a bomb. In Chinese medicine, it is called "su root". When the su root encounters stimulation, such as climate Changes, improper diet, emotional stimulation or physical weakness after a serious illness can ignite the fuse of this time bomb, and the root of the disease will attack at this time, and the external manifestation is asthma.

In traditional Chinese medicine, asthma is divided into "cold asthma", "heat asthma", "cold asthma", "wind-phlegm asthma", "deficiency asthma" and "organ deficiency asthma". Today I will tell you about the corresponding effects of Xiao Qinglong Decoction It's "cold roar".

"Cold asthma" is the same as other syndrome types. The prerequisite is that there are "old roots" in the body, but the difference is that patients with this kind of syndrome usually have symptoms of yang deficiency such as pale complexion, fear of cold and cold limbs. When they feel cold evil or yang When the symptoms of deficiency worsen, the "old roots" in the body will add a cold nature and turn into cold phlegm. Cold phlegm will block the airway and damage the lung qi. At this time, the patient usually has symptoms similar to a frog's wheezing sound, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, as if a large ball of cotton has been stuffed into the chest, likes to drink hot water, is afraid of cold, and coughs and wheezes worsen when exposed to the cold. Very painful.

What did Mr. Liu Duzhou say?

Mr. Liu Duzhou of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, a late professor and master of typhoid fever, summarized several diagnostic ideas using this prescription, which I think is particularly important.

★Distinguish complexion. The complexion must be distinguished well. What does this person's complexion look like? This kind of cold drink is cold on the outside and cold on the inside. Cold drink is a yin evil, so it hurts the yang energy. This person must have insufficient yang energy. If you look at the face of a person with insufficient yang energy, you will see the color of his face. It should be dark, even a bit black. Mr. Liu Duzhou called this "water color", which is the feeling of slowly turning black, and then there are two dark circles under the eyes, which are composed of dense dots. He called this "water ring" . There are many dark spots on his face, which he calls "water spots", so the whole face is dark and gloomy. This is called "water color", which is very important. This is number one.

★Distinguish cough and asthma. What are the characteristics of this kind of cough and wheezing? There is a very important characteristic, that is, you cannot lie on your back or lean on that row, but you cannot lie on your back or lie down. The coughing and wheezing worsen as soon as you lie down. Why? The ancients used an analogy: take a water bottle. If there is water in the bottle, stand the bottle up. For people with heavy moisture, when you lie down, the water will get wet and go up to your throat, causing you to cough and wheeze. This is a description from the ancients. However, it is true that patients with heavy water-dampness and a combination of external cold and internal fluids have a characteristic that their coughing and asthma worsen when they lie down, and they seem to feel better when they sit up. This is a characteristic of many patients with lung disease. For patients like this, we It is necessary to consider whether there is water in his body to drink. This is a basis for diagnosis.

★Distinguish phlegm and saliva. Why is the word "saliva" used for the phlegm produced by coughing? Saliva is a thin liquid, which is different from our clotted phlegm. The phlegm caused by cold lungs and the phlegm produced by coughing must be white in color, very thin, and like foam. Sometimes The spitted phlegm is like egg white, transparent, not the kind of yellow phlegm. Some people will feel cold when their tongue touches this kind of phlegm. This kind of white or egg white-like phlegm is often cold. Phlegm may be caused by the combination of cold and fluids, which is caused by cold fluids.

★Distinguish tongue signs. For this kind of tongue, the tongue coating is often watery, which means there is a lot of saliva on the tongue. He said that the tongue quality generally does not change much. When the Yang Qi is severely damaged, the tongue texture will be light and tender, and the tongue will be fat. Traditional Chinese medicine masters generally They all attach great importance to tongue diagnosis.

Then what's the pulse like? Mr. Liu Duzhou said that the pulse symptoms caused by cold drinking are mostly stringy pulses, and the feeling is stringy pulses, because stringy pulses govern drinking diseases, and stringy pulses are said to be caused by liver-qi discomfort, etc., and they also govern drinking diseases, which are in your body. If you drink too much water or too much water, this kind of stringy pulse will appear. If the pulse is floating or tight, it means there is external cold, and the cold is outside. Drinking inside means drinking inside, and the liquid is also inside. If the illness lasts for a long time and goes deep into the body, cold drinks will have entered the body and the pulse will often become heavy.

Then Mr. Liu Duzhou summarized some other co-morbidities, internal drinking water cessation, which means that drinking water stays in the body. Let me explain to you about water drinking. Water is a relatively clear and thin liquid in the body. Drinking water is slightly more viscous. So strictly speaking, this water is slightly different from drinking water, and it is slightly different from phlegm and dampness. , but the sources are all the same, they are all from the same source, just in different states. What will happen if this water stays in the body?

Often with the movement of Qi, people will have different symptoms when drinking water stops in different places. For example, if drinking water is in the stomach, it is easy to feel nauseous; if drinking water is in the intestines, it is easy to have diarrhea; if it is in the small intestine, it is easy to urinate. Disadvantage: Sometimes if it stays on the limbs, it will be prone to edema and so on. Besides coughing and wheezing, what other symptoms does Xiaoqinglong Tang have? Sometimes you will be thirsty, sometimes you will vomit, because the water stays in the stomach, sometimes you will choke, sometimes you will have trouble urinating because it stops in the small intestine, sometimes you will feel full in the lower abdomen, because the water stays in the stomach. Inside, sometimes there are different symptoms such as diarrhea. As long as you catch the symptoms like what Mr. Liu Duzhou mentioned, I think you can basically judge. When you see this person coughing and wheezing badly, he has these Based on the symptoms, we can judge that Xiao Qinglong Decoction should be used.

What Chinese medicines are in Xiao Qinglong Soup?

Having said so much, let’s take a look at the recipe. Xiaoqinglong Decoction is a medicine specifically for external cold and internal drinking. The middle-aged man at the beginning of the article was very convinced, so this expert just used the original prescription directly, and the effect was very good. I have had this symptom before, and after using it , it can be said that the medicine can cure the disease. Now I will introduce it to you in detail.

Xiaoqinglong Decoction is a famous prescription in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". The basic prescription of Xiaoqinglong Decoction contains eight herbs, namely ephedra, peony root, asarum, dried ginger, licorice, cassia twig, pinellia, and schisandra chinensis. Since it is "cold wheezing", it means that there is cold evil in the body. This cold evil usually restricts the Yang Qi guarding the human body. In traditional Chinese medicine, this pathological state is called "wind and cold binding the exterior".

For this situation, our first choice is ephedra and cinnamon twig. First of all, ephedra is known as the "first drug for sweating and relieving symptoms". It has a particularly strong ability to induce sweating. Not only that, ephedra is also very good at sorting out lung qi, and is especially good at treating symptoms of wind-cold syndrome. An important role in treating asthma and cough. However, having said that, although ephedra is powerful, it often causes body fluid damage due to excessive sweating. If you want to try to prescribe it yourself, you must use it symptomatically and in an appropriate dosage.

Secondly, Guizhi is not that radical. Its sweating ability is weaker than Ephedra, but Guizhi can enhance Yang Qi and accelerate the recovery of Yang Qi. In addition, cassia twig is also good at treating various pains.

In addition to these two protagonists, why is a good show missing supporting roles? The two most important supporting roles in Xiaoqinglong Decoction are Schisandra chinensis and peony. The main function of these two herbs is astringent. In simple terms, they are like traffic police. Take "cold asthma" as an example. When the human body is sick, the breath in the body is abnormally disordered. Adding ephedra and cinnamon twigs is like adding a spoonful of water to a frying pan, and the pan suddenly explodes. At this time, Schisandra chinensis, Schisandra chinensis, All the peony appeared, and the orderly command of the scene not only increased the effectiveness of relieving coughs and asthma, but also prevented the consumption of gas and body fluids, which can be said to be a great contribution.

The remaining medicines, such as dried ginger, focus on warming the yang, making the yang more abundant and conducive to the body's recovery. In addition, dried ginger is the "sacred medicine for vomiting" and is very effective in treating vomiting and other symptoms. We will talk about this later. Pinellia ternata is mainly added to this prescription for treating phlegm. It can be regarded as a precise "scalpel-like" attack. It has a very good effect of drying dampness and reducing phlegm. As for the auxiliary effects of Asarum and Licorice in this prescription, which are greater than their ability to cure diseases, we will not discuss them for the time being.

In addition to the asthma and other diseases mentioned above, Xiao Qinglong Decoction is also clinically used to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema, pneumonia, whooping cough, allergic rhinitis, catarrhal ophthalmia, and catarrhal otitis media. Those who have the syndrome of drinking cold outside and inside. If you think you have the right symptoms, just go to the drugstore and buy Xiaoqinglong Granules. You can use them according to your actual situation.
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