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In the dog days, let's talk about "dampness evil"

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

In the dog days, let's talk about "dampness evil"
These days, we have been talking about how we can live a better life in the hot and humid dog days, so today, let's continue to talk about the humidity in this hot and humid weather.

In Chinese medicine, this damp evil is one of the six evils (six evils of wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire). Originally it is a normal change in the weather, but if it is too serious, for example, the sky is full of humidity, the sun cannot be seen at all, and it affects our body, then it becomes evil.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dampness is a yin evil. Although it will combine with cold and become cold and damp, it will also combine with heat and become damp and hot, but generally speaking, it is still a negative evil. On this day, we must analyze whether it is hot and humid or cold and damp according to the situation at any time. There should be a lot of hot and humid, but I found in the past two days that there are also a lot of cold and damp, all of which are blown by the air conditioner. If it is damp and hot, the tongue coating should be yellow and greasy, and the tongue should be red, while cold and damp can cause the tongue coating to be white and greasy. The most important thing is that the tongue is not so red, and the color is often very light, pale white. This is one of the ways to differentiate.

Regarding the nature of dampness, traditional Chinese medicine believes that dampness is heavy and sticky in nature, which can block the flow of Qi and hinder the transportation and transformation of the spleen. This is called "dampness trapping the spleen" in Chinese medicine. If it is caused by exogenous dampness, symptoms such as aversion to cold and fever, sweating but persistent heat, drowsiness in the limbs, and joint and muscle pain are common; Shu, dysuria, loss of appetite, loose stool embolism.

So, how did dampness come from?

In Chinese medicine, there are two types of dampness, one is external dampness and the other is internal dampness.

Exogenous dampness is mostly caused by humid climate, wading and raining, and damp living quarters. Long summer has the most moisture, so there are many damp diseases. In the past, dampness was often attributed to the main qi of long summer, but now, we need to be more flexible. The climate changes over the years are unimaginable, because we have modified nature too much, and put so much gasoline underground. They were all pulled out and burned, so the four seasons felt a little messy, so other seasons were also very humid. For example, this day, I felt wet all over while sitting in the room.

When I was in Suzhou, it was raining, misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and people on the road did not use umbrellas at all, which would also allow moisture to enter the body. If you sweat at this time, it is more likely to cause problems.

Some friends reported that their parents were in good health in the city, but later moved to the countryside to live near a reservoir. They thought the air was good, but they were always sick. In fact, this was also caused by not adapting to the humidity there.

Another kind of dampness is internal dampness. Internal dampness is the product of pathological changes of diseases. Most of them are addicted to alcohol or overeating and cold, so that the spleen yang is out of luck, and dampness arises from within. For example, often drinking cold beer, cold drinks, etc., will cause spleen yang to be injured, so that the moisture will be heavy; sometimes people lack exercise, resulting in insufficient circulation of qi and blood, then the rise of yang qi will be unfavorable, and it will also lead to excessive internal dampness. Heavy, because Yang Qi is the most important means of controlling moisture.

So, how do we distinguish damp evil? What are the characteristics of damp evil?

🔸 First of all, the first characteristic of damp evil is: heavy turbidity of dampness.

Everyone needs to understand two words, one is "heavy" and the other is "turbidity". Dampness evil is the one that is heavy in the air, and it is easy to trap our body. The "Huangdi Neijing" said that "due to dampness, the head is like a wrap". This is what it means. Being trapped by moisture, the head always feels like it is wrapped in something. Some patients say it is like wearing a big hat; If dampness stagnates the meridians and flows into the joints, the joints will be sore, heavy, and difficult to move, and the pain will not move; if the dampness flows down the burns, the urine will be cloudy, unfavorable, loose stools, or pus and blood, or even sticky vaginal discharge in women Fishy and so on. The word "turbidity" reflects the characteristics of poor circulation of dampness, which prevents the normal circulation of our qi and blood, and is easy to mix with various evil qi, and is the carrier of various evil qi.

🔸 The second characteristic of damp evil is: damp and sticky.

This is one of the main characteristics of damp evil. This thing is sticky and greasy. Once it is targeted by damp evil, it will feel uncomfortable at all. Yes, the word "unpleasant" in the mouth of the post-90s very vividly reflects the damp evil. This feature is discomfort. This feature is mainly manifested in two aspects. One is that the symptoms of damp diseases are sticky and uncomfortable, such as patients with poor urination and sticky stools, etc.; Difficult to heal, such as rheumatism, dampness and febrile disease.

🔸 The third characteristic of dampness is: dampness is yin evil, which blocks qi movement and damages yang qi.
Damp evil is viscous and stays in the viscera and meridians, often obstructing the movement of qi, making the movement of qi incapable of ascending and descending, causing symptoms such as chest tightness, short and astringent urination, and loose stools. Don't think that dampness will combine with heat to become dampness and heat, but it is still a yin evil. When treating dampness and heat in the past, it was very cautious to use warm and hot medicine, so Ye Tianshi said, "Tongyang is not in temperature, but in "Promoting urination" means that at this time, let the yang qi grow, and you should use warming and tonic medicines carefully. You can use the method of urinating to remove dampness. When the moisture is gone, yang qi will naturally rise. At this time, if you simply warm the yang , it is easy to make the heat evil more prosperous.

Generally, patients who are trapped by dampness evil will not have strong yang energy, and often have pale complexion and lack of energy.

So, how do we Chinese medicine come and go?

In fact, there are many methods. Traditional Chinese medicine will remove dampness according to the location of dampness. For example, if dampness hurts the spleen and stomach, it will use Pingwei Powder, Buchang Jinzhengqi Powder, etc. At the same time, there are many ways to remove dampness in Chinese medicine. Methods, which are often determined according to what other evils are combined with dampness, for example, there are methods for clearing away heat and promoting dampness, methods for promoting water and expelling dampness, methods for warming water and dampness, and methods for expelling wind and eliminating dampness wait. Friends who like Chinese medicine can study these methods in depth in the future.

For ordinary people, some simple methods can be used to dehumidify at this time, and I will provide you with a few.

method one
First, you can add some spices when cooking, such as white cardamom, amomum, pepper and other spices. These things have the effect of invigorating yang. It is very popular. This is the wisdom in the lives of ordinary people, and there is a certain reason for it.

Method Two
Second, you can eat some dehumidification foods, such as wax gourd, mung beans, red beans, barley, carp, etc. These foods have the effect of dehumidification, and you can use them every now and then. There are some benefits, especially if you feel that your moisture is already very heavy When you are sick, eat it to relieve the situation.

method three
Third, increase the amount of exercise, do more sweaty sports, such as playing basketball, etc., to sweat through, which is also conducive to the smooth flow of Qi.

Method four
Fourth, make good use of electrical appliances around you, such as hair dryers, dehumidification functions of air conditioners, etc., to keep the environment around you as dry as possible.

Hope you are all staying healthy during this humid season.
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