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What to do with high fever of pneumonia?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

What to do with high fever of pneumonia?
I often think: If the current Chinese medicine practitioners can seriously study Zhang Xichun's books and study carefully, then their clinical level will definitely be greatly improved. In Zhang Xichun's medical books, there are too many actual combat experience, just like martial arts has actual combat, Chinese medicine clinic also calls for immediate combat effects.

Now let's talk about today's topic, which is high fever of pneumonia. In the elderly, the incidence of pneumonia is relatively high, and the high fever caused by pneumonia is a problem that must be dealt with, otherwise the continuous high fever will cause serious consumption of the body and even lead to serious consequences. In fact, many elderly people end up in danger because of this problem.

However, my observation is: now Chinese medicine hospitals deal with this problem, and the effect is satisfactory, and some are not ideal. Many Chinese medicine hospitals use antibiotics as the mainstay, combined with traditional Chinese medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification, but often cannot quickly reduce the fever and control it. How to improve the curative effect is a more realistic problem.

Today I will introduce my experience, which is the raw gypsum japonica rice soup that I learned from Zhang Xichun.

Regarding raw gypsum, most doctors think it is too cold, but Zhang Xichun, after studying "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and practicing it, believes that it is only slightly cold. Those who have excess heat due to exogenous pathogenesis can use it boldly to directly surpass the golden elixir."

Regarding this issue, I support Zhang Xichun. When I used raw plaster, I didn't feel how cold it was. So when I saw the ancients Miao Xiyong and Zhang Xichun using a large amount of raw plaster to treat diseases, I deeply admired them. Practical spirit.
When a patient with pneumonia has a high fever, I will use about 50 grams to 60 grams of raw plaster.

In Zhang Xichun's medical records, raw plaster is widely used. He can use it for fever in various diseases. Generally, it is used for heat syndrome caused by exogenous pathogenic factors, various sore throats, etc., and even in the process of treating syphilis in one case. He will also use it in Chinese medicine. I usually understand and think about it when I read books. In fact, we often use some heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines for such diseases. Some people even think that these medicines can kill viruses and bacteria, which are so-called exogenous evils, but , raw gypsum does not have the effect of killing anything, it just helps the body cool down. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is to get out evil spirits, clear away heat, and create a relatively stable environment for the body. Then, after going to the laboratory, the white blood cells will drop down. The symptoms of pneumonia disappeared.

Therefore, many traditional Chinese medicine now adopt the way of thinking of western medicine, thinking that viruses and bacteria must be killed by drugs, so in addition to using antibiotics, many traditional Chinese medicines for "clearing heat and detoxifying" are often used. However, the case of raw gypsum reflects the complete thinking of traditional Chinese medicine. If we study Zhang Xichun's medical records carefully, we will find that in many cases he simply used raw gypsum, mixed with a few other traditional Chinese medicines, such as "clearing heat and detoxifying", "killing "Dead bacteria" drugs are useless, the patient's fever subsides, and then the body recovers. So, who killed these evil spirits? It is a person's own body, and the mystery in it is intriguing.

The chemical composition of raw gypsum is mainly hydrous calcium sulfate. According to chemists, after suffering, there is very little water-soluble composition, so scholars have always been very surprised. An old expert from Peking University or Tsinghua University once asked me such a question, saying that Dr. Luo, the ancient famous doctor you mentioned, used more than a dozen grams of raw gypsum, but it didn’t work. Extremely small amount, 30 grams of dissolved and 300 grams of dissolved did not increase much, what is the reason for the difference in curative effect so much?

I can't fully answer this question, but it is true that the amount of raw gypsum is closely related to the curative effect, and the mystery of it remains to be studied. Zhang Xichun said: "The quality of gypsum is very heavy, and seven or eight dollars is only a big pinch of ears. With slightly cold medicine, if you want to use a big pinch to extinguish the heat of cold and warm Liaoyuan, how can it be effective. So foolishly use raw gypsum To treat excess heat due to exogenous pathogenic factors, mild syndromes must reach two levels; if excess heat is intense, it should be used repeatedly to four or five liang, or seven to eight liang, either alone or in combination with other medicines."

In the process of cooking with raw gypsum, Zhang Xichun once used two kinds of food, one is japonica rice, which is today's rice, he used to boil japonica rice and raw gypsum, the two parts are the same, and when the rice is cooked, this raw gypsum japonica rice The soup was ready, so he gave the patient this rice soup, which turned out to be very effective. After drinking it, because the rice soup was warm, he could sweat. This idea comes from Zhang Zhongjing's White Tiger Soup. In Baihu soup, Zhang Zhongjing used japonica rice in order to make the juice thicker and make the medicine stay in the middle of the burn. At the same time, the rice soup can assist stomach qi and expel evil spirits.

Later, Zhang Xichun came up with an original idea and used Huai Yam combined with raw gypsum, because Huai Yam itself has the effect of nourishing the spleen and lungs. I have done many experiments, boil Huai Yam paste, drink it when it is warm, and it will slowly sweat . This is the effect that drinking hot water at the same temperature cannot achieve, so I have always suggested that Huai yam has the effect of strengthening the body and helping sweat. Therefore, I am very impressed by Zhang Xichun's use of Chinese yam instead of japonica rice. This is a unique insight.
However, my experience is like this, using Chinese yam and raw gypsum alone to make soup, the effect of reducing fever is not so ideal. Later, I analyzed that it lacks the stickiness of japonica rice. Therefore, when I use it, I will Put the japonica rice and Chinese yam in it and boil them together, so the effect will be very prominent.

The last is Codonopsis ginseng, Zhang Xichun said: "Only those who have a deficiency of heat and excess pulse must have both excess heat and deficiency heat. Imitating the meaning of white tiger plus ginseng soup, ginseng and gypsum will also be able to reduce fever." This is also Zhang Zhongjing's thinking. In the white tiger ginseng soup, raw gypsum and ginseng were used to match. Later generations of Chinese medicine concluded that for weak people, if a large amount of raw gypsum is simply used, it may be difficult to support the righteousness and cause symptoms to change. This is a talk from experience, the experience of old Chinese medicine practitioners. Therefore, when Zhang Xichun uses a large amount of raw gypsum, if the patient is relatively weak, he will cooperate with Codonopsis pilosula.

Therefore, in this prescription, I will use raw gypsum, combined with japonica rice, Chinese yam, and Codonopsis ginseng. When the righteousness is very insufficient, I will replace Codonopsis ginseng with human ginseng.

So the recipe is this:
60 grams of raw gypsum, 30 grams of japonica rice, 30 grams of Chinese yam, and 12 grams of Codonopsis pilosula.

Add water to make porridge, wait until the rice is cooked, pour out the rice soup and let it warm.
When drinking, remember not to drink it for the patient all at once, but to drink a small bowl first to see if there is a slight sweating. If the sweating is slight, wait for half an hour to see if the fever subsides. After that, you don’t have to drink the rest. The remaining medicine can be stored in the refrigerator to see if it will be used the next day. If there is no sweating and no fever, continue to drink a small bowl, observe again, and continue like this. Zhang Xichun said: "Three or four teacups of soup must be decocted, and the soup should be warmed slowly in four or five times. It is not necessary to use up the dose to relieve the heat. If so many decoctions are taken slowly, I want to avoid the suspicion and fear of the patient, and I want the medicinal power to always be in the upper burner and middle. burnt, but the cold and cool will not invade the lower part and cause diarrhea."

According to my experience, under normal circumstances, the fever can usually be reduced overnight. Sometimes, the fever will recur a little the next day, but the fever is often not high, and you can continue to take it until you no longer have a fever.

At this time, what medicine should be used to treat pneumonia, and what medicine should be used, but after the fever subsides, the treatment effect will be much better.

If there is a lot of yellow phlegm, it will be better to use a few more sticks of Compound Fresh Bamboo Lek Oral Liquid.

This raw gypsum soup is completely based on Zhang Xichun's idea. My experience is that the curative effect is rapid, and the disease can be reversed in a short time, leaving room for the doctor to treat. I recommend it to everyone now. If there is a prescription that can save people, this prescription can indeed save people in times of crisis.
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