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How should we survive this hot and humid weather?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

How should we survive this hot and humid weather?
Recently, there have been heavy rains and high temperatures all over the country.

✨ So, in this kind of weather, what should we pay attention to? How do we get through this weather?

First of all, we need to know the characteristics of the current weather.

What everyone needs to understand is that the heat at this time is quite different from the heat of the previous days. Why? It turns out that in Chinese medicine, the change of solar terms is very important. The hot weather is also hot, but with the difference of solar terms, there will be two names. Before the summer solstice, it is warm, and after the summer solstice. , the nature changes, and it is called summer heat. It is said in the "Huangdi Neijing": "The ones that precede the summer solstice are sick with fever, and those that come after the summer solstice are sick with heat." Therefore, when we define the six exogenous exogenous factors, we must The definition of this heat evil is: "After the summer solstice and before the beginning of autumn, the exogenous evils with the characteristics of heat, dispersal, and dampness become heat evils" - "Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine". In fact, there is a problem in this definition. What's wrong is that summer heat sometimes has dampness at the same time, and sometimes it is not wet but dry.

The definition is clear, but we can't rely on the definition to see a doctor or keep in good health. We need to really understand what harm does summer heat do?

It turns out that the summer heat is a manifestation of the development of temperature to a certain level. It is very hot. The summer heat is yang evil, which is transformed by the hot air in midsummer. What does yang evil harm the human body? The most easily injured by yang evil is yin and fluid.

At this time, people with yin deficiency began to feel uncomfortable, and those with yang deficiency felt very comfortable. A few days ago, several patients told me that it was hot in Beijing these days, and others could not bear it. , why do I feel so comfortable? I replied: You originally lacked yang energy.

People with yin deficiency do not have a good life, because the yin fluid in the body is insufficient, and at this time they start to sweat a lot, and the heat is fumigated. As a result, the body is very uncomfortable. Some people start to be irritable, and some people People's blood pressure rises, and some diseases begin to recur.

Even ordinary people, the so-called "average people" in Chinese medicine, also feel uncomfortable, people become very sleepy, thirsty after sweating, and always want to drink water, but after drinking a lot of water, their stomachs become bloated again.
✨ So, how should we spend such a day at this time? How to supplement our yin fluid?

First of all, it is not advisable to drink water vigorously. At this time, many people often drink a lot of water, and some people directly drink a lot of iced water, the cooler the better. In the case of surplus, in the past two days, I have encountered several patients who were in good health, but drank too much water, and when the wind blew, they developed a summer-dampness cold. Sweat, the disease will be cured, which also shows that their disease is caused by water dampness.

In fact, it’s a good idea to replenish body fluid at this time, and we can start with diet therapy.

In the food, there are many that can nourish yin and fluid, such as lean pork (not pork ribs), many meats can gather dampness and produce phlegm, but if pork is boiled in soup, it can nourish yin, which is the Qing Dynasty febrile disease theory The family Wang Mengying found out that the iron-making workers, facing the stove, were able to work sweating profusely in summer without feeling thirsty. What's going on? After careful questioning, it turned out that these workers used lean pork, boiled water, skimmed off the foam on it, and then drank the soup to quench their thirst. Only then did Wang Mengying discover that lean pork had this function.

Well, when we are cooking now, we can use a little lean pork, such as one or two liang, and then put in a section of chopped lotus root, because lotus root cools blood and nourishes yin. If possible, you can put in ten grams of rehmannia (Because the raw land nourishes the shade and cools the blood), if possible, you can also put a few slices of watermelon rind with green skin attached to the white flesh (this is called watermelon green clothes in Chinese medicine, and it is also a good thing for clearing heat), and then boil the soup, so that , After the boiled soup is warmed, it can be used as a soup when we eat.
At this time, on such a scorching day, the lotus root juice and pear juice I have seen before are good choices.

However, in these days, the heat will manifest itself in another way. The situation I mentioned earlier is the scorching sun. However, sometimes, the weather still becomes humid and hot, just like a few days ago in Beijing. It is also very hot like the sauna day in our country. There is also heat at this time, but there is still humidity at this time. This is called summer dampness. This is a very uncomfortable weather. Moreover, this kind of weather is more harmful. People will get sick from it.

In this hot and humid weather, we must pay attention. Although we are also very thirsty, we should not drink water excessively, especially ice water. People who are not good will feel very uncomfortable, and even get sick, and some people with skin diseases will relapse at this time, all because of the disturbance of summer heat and dampness.

✨ So, what should we do at this time? How to get rid of this summer heat?

It turns out that it is difficult to deal with the combination of heat and humidity, but if we remove the humidity, then the heat attached to the humidity will have nothing to rely on, and it will be easy to dissipate.

We can use this method to condition the body. First of all, when cooking, you can put a handful of barley, that is, barley. This medicine is actually food. In ancient times, it was rice for the emperor. It has the effect of removing moisture. The famous prescription Sanren Decoction The main medicine in it is coix seed. At the same time, when drinking beverages, you can choose almond milk, because almonds are foods that open up the lung qi. Once the lung qi is opened, the whole body's qi will flow, and the moisture will be easily dissipated.

If you are cooking, you can buy some white kohlrabi in advance, which are usually sold in pharmacies and vegetable markets. After you get home, take out a few, smash them open, and put them in when cooking, which can also be used to promote Qi Humidification effect.

If you have a cold at this time, it is likely to be a cold due to summer dampness. Pay attention to your tongue coating. If you find that it suddenly becomes white and thick, or it is covered with white coating, it means that the humidity is heavy. You can consult at this time Doctor, see if you should take Sanren Decoction

San Ren Soup

The recipe for Sanren Tang is as follows:

12 grams of almonds (pounded, below), 18 grams of coix seed, 6 grams of white coix seed (pounded, below), 6 grams of Fapinia, 6 grams of Magnolia officinalis, 6 grams of bamboo leaves, and 3 grams of Tongcao.

I removed the talc from the recipe.
I use it to treat Shushi cold, and the curative effect can be said to be very good. There is also a skin disease that occurs in the sauna, and the curative effect of using this prescription is also very good.
For example, a few days ago, a friend had a lot of red dots on his arms during this sauna day, which were faintly visible in the skin, and it was scary. I don’t know what it is. According to the characteristics of the weather, I prescribed Sanren Decoction for him. The patient reported that he was sweating all over after taking the medicine, and the red spots disappeared the next day.

In addition, we need to pay attention, in this hot and humid weather, everyone tends to be greedy for coolness, but many rheumatisms are also contracted at this time, because the pores are open at this time, and the weather itself is very humid. Entering a cold place can easily cause intricate rheumatism. There are precedents for this. Everyone can pay attention not to be too greedy for coolness, especially in cold places such as basements. Do not stay for a long time.

In addition, it is reminded that these dehumidification prescriptions cannot be taken by pregnant women. If you take them, you need specific guidance from a doctor, because the properties of some medicines are downward, and you cannot judge by yourself.
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