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How to Condition Your Diet After an Illness

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

How to Condition Your Diet After an Illness
A few days ago, I didn’t know what kind of unclean food I ate outside, which resulted in diarrhea. When I got home, I felt a little fever, and my stomach was uncomfortable and painful. I had watery diarrhea dozens of times a night. I really felt the feeling of being sick. As the old saying goes, there is really nothing wrong with it. So I took Huoxiangzhengqi pills for myself once, and at the same time continued to take the Chinese patent medicine amaranth and berberine tablets. This is a Chinese patent medicine I bought when I was in the south, and it happened to be used.

It is estimated that some friends will ask: "Why don't you prescribe a prescription for yourself? How do you use Chinese patent medicine?" Actually, I think that although the discomfort is severe, it is not a serious illness, and Chinese patent medicine is enough. Moreover, in the middle of the night, where can I get the medicine?

Another friend asked: "Shouldn't you Chinese medicine practitioners pay attention to health preservation? How can you make yourself sick?" I am actually a very ordinary person, not so high-level. Humans eat whole grains, and it is normal for people to eat bad stomachs. Zhang Jingyue, a famous doctor back then, confessed in the book that he suffered from chronic diarrhea and had been treated for more than a year.

I went on to say that after taking the medicine, although I still felt uncomfortable all night, the diarrhea stopped at dawn, my body was no longer so uncomfortable, and my feeling had recovered. However, at this time, the real thing to pay attention to came.

After a lot of diarrhea, I had a special feeling of qi deficiency. Everything seemed to be normal, but I always felt a little less confident when I spoke. In addition, I would sweat when I lifted heavy things.

This reminds me of a saying in traditional Chinese medicine, which is "after vomiting, there will be no end to breath".

Today we will talk about this issue.

The so-called "vomiting" refers to vomiting and diarrhea. There are natural reactions caused by illness, such as vomiting and diarrhea suffering from gastrointestinal infectious diseases. Zhang Zihe is particularly good at the three methods of sweating and vomiting, which is to use drugs or other methods to make the patient sweat, vomit, and have diarrhea, so that the evil spirits can go away.

However, regardless of the type of vomiting and diarrhea, the ancients found that after vomiting and diarrhea, people will become qi deficient. Why is this?

First of all, during the course of a person's illness, the body fights against evil energy, which will consume righteousness, especially in the process of sudden illness, this consumption will be very obvious, for example, we usually have such an experience, even if a severe cold and fever pass, after the , the whole person will feel fluttering when walking, it may be after a few days, the body gradually recovers, and it will get better, which is one of the reasons.

The other reason is "Qi is released with liquid", which is a term in traditional Chinese medicine. It refers to the pathology in which a large amount of body fluid is lost during profuse sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea. Variety. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that body fluid is the carrier of qi, and body fluid can carry qi. This principle is similar to the principle that "qi is the commander of blood, and blood is the mother of qi". In fact, body fluid also circulates in the body and plays a role in moisturizing the body. "Huangdi Neijing" said: "Body fluids go their own way, so the triple burner comes out to warm the muscles and fill the skin, which is fluid; if it flows but does not flow, it is fluid. "However, we usually refer to it as body fluid. After vomiting and diarrhea, a large amount of body fluid will be lost, which will inevitably lead to the loss of qi.

Therefore, "Treatise on Febrile Diseases Yin and Yang Syndrome and Syndrome Treatment" said: "If you sweat a lot, if you sweat a lot, your yang will die." What we are talking about here is that if you sweat a lot, body fluid will leak out, and yang will be lost. Therefore, when Xu Shuwei in the Song Dynasty encountered a patient who was weak and lacked righteousness, but he still needed to use the method of sweating, he first replenished the righteousness, and then sweated. In the Qing Dynasty, You Zaijing said in the "Golden Chamber Yaolue Heart Code · Phlegm Drink": "After vomiting, there will be no end to breathing." This is a particularly clear statement of this characteristic after illness.

Therefore, at this stage, it is best to slightly invigorate the spleen and qi. We call this the aftermath.

What I take for myself is Shenling Baizhu Granules, which is also a Chinese patent medicine, and it is used to treat diarrhea due to spleen deficiency. It is just right to use it at this time.

However, it should be noted that the evil energy must be cleaned up before it can be repaired in this way, otherwise it is still necessary to work hard to eliminate the evil energy, or use both attack and reinforcement.

At this time, for patients with diarrhea, you can also take Buzhong Yiqi Wan, but for patients with vomiting, do not take this medicine, because there is no need to lift the Qi machine upwards. At this time, the easiest thing is to take a piece of ginseng in your mouth, two or three pieces a day, and it will also work.

At this time, another issue that needs attention is not to "eat complex".

The so-called "food recovery" means that after the illness, the disease will recur due to dietary problems.

After vomiting and diarrhea, the spleen and stomach function of the human body begins to recover. At this time, the person will start to have an appetite instead of having no appetite when he was sick. Sometimes he will feel a special craving for certain foods. Some people have an illusion that what they particularly want to eat at this time is what the body needs. I want to tell you that this is an illusion. It’s just that when your appetite recovers at this time, you will think of a certain food you like to eat, not your body really need it. Many people make mistakes on this issue. For example, they like to eat a certain kind of meat. At this time, they feel that they must eat a big meal to compensate themselves, so they eat a big meal, and the stomach and intestines have problems again.

At this time, it is necessary to know the truth of "after vomiting, there will be no exhaustion of qi". At this time, the righteous qi has been damaged and has not yet fully recovered, so the spleen and stomach cannot bear a large amount of indigestible food. Therefore, under normal circumstances, we should use some light diet to regulate our spleen and stomach at this time, and give it a chance to recover.

At this time, I just boiled a pot of porridge, and then drank the porridge slowly the next day, feeling that the spleen and stomach gradually recovered.

The ancients usually boiled some vegetable leaves, some of which were rotten, and used them together to gradually recuperate.

I remember drinking this white porridge for a day. The biggest feeling is that my sense of taste has become very sensitive. I took out the cucumber pickles bought in the market that I usually like to eat, and when I licked it with my tongue, I immediately tasted a strong medicinal taste. This is an additive added when pickling pickles. I usually can’t taste it. Very, so I gave up eating this thing from then on.

When adding meat, it should be increased gradually, and it is best for those who are soft and rotten. Zhu Danxi in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties was also good at using the purging method, but after using this method, he often gave the patients some very rotten meat porridge to drink, so that they could gradually restore their righteousness.

In this way, after the function of the spleen and stomach is gradually restored, it usually takes a few days to start a normal diet, so that the spleen and stomach can be protected and will not be injured due to illness.

In short, the diarrhea that night made me deeply understand the phrase "after vomiting, there will be no end to breath", so I write it to everyone. Those who study traditional Chinese medicine cannot be born in vain when they are sick. They must summarize some beneficial content, and let everyone use it as a reference!
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