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What to do with residual cough after flu?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

What to do with residual cough after flu?
Influenza has been very serious recently. Adults and children can't stop the menacing flu. Hospitals are overcrowded, especially pediatric emergency departments. Some time ago, there were reports of pediatricians falling ill due to excessive work intensity. This is also for us. Everyone is reminded that for children, because of their weak constitution, prevention is the main priority, especially pay attention to stay away from the source of infection. Parents should pay attention to the distance from the child when they catch a cold, and do not get too close to avoid infecting the child. For adults, it is necessary to enhance their own resistance, pay attention to exercise and sports at ordinary times, and adopt health care methods suitable for themselves.

Today I would like to talk to you about a cough after a cold. A cold usually recovers in about a week, but sometimes the cough lasts for a long time. All other symptoms are gone, but the cough is still not good. This Quite annoying. It is characterized by irritating dry cough, which may have a small amount of white mucus sputum. Although it has a certain self-healing property, frequent coughing will also have adverse effects on life and work. Some people will choose to take licorice tablets when they cough, but this is a bad habit. Eating licorice tablets can suppress coughs, but the physical condition has not recovered, and it will relapse after stopping the medicine.

Cough after a cold belongs to the category of "exogenous chronic cough" in traditional Chinese medicine. Exogenous pathogenic factors manifest evils, which are not exhausted, leading to stagnation of phlegm and qi, loss of ventilation and descending of the lungs. Cough caused by exogenous pathogenesis, with sudden onset, more often when the weather changes suddenly, most of them are new diseases, and also have lung health syndrome. There are certain laws and limits to climate change as cold and heat change. If the climate changes abnormally, the six qi occur too much or too late, or there are qi at the wrong time, and the climate change is too rapid; if it exceeds a certain limit, when the body cannot adapt to it, it will lead to the occurrence of diseases. This is the so-called six evils, which are the collective name of the six exogenous diseases of wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire. The evil of the six evils enters through the fur, mouth and nose, confining the lung qi, causing the lungs to fail to ventilate and descend, resulting in coughing. Wind is the root of all diseases, and it is easy to attack the upper body, and other exogenous evils mostly follow the wind to attack the human body. In this regard, we can choose the method of cupping.

Dazhui point

In the spinal region, in the depression below the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra, on the posterior midline. It is the meeting of the three yang meridians of the hands and feet and the governor channel, which can clear away heat and relieve the exterior, and can also prevent and treat colds.

Fengmen point

On the back, below the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline. It is the door for the entry and exit of wind evil, and it can be taken to invigorate qi and consolidate the exterior, ventilate the lungs and relieve the exterior.


On the back, below the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline. Indications for lung diseases, coughs, asthma, colds, etc. It has a good cough-relieving effect and can also benefit the lungs.

Spleen Yu

On the back, under the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline. Pishu can invigorate the spleen and resolve phlegm, and is an important acupoint for invigorating qi in the human body. It is compatible with the above-mentioned acupoints to moisten the lungs, unblock the qi and stop coughing.

Operation method:

Take the prone position, fully expose the back, use an appropriate glass jar, quickly absorb the jar on the acupuncture points by flash fire method, remove the jar after 15 minutes, and treat once a day as long as there are no blisters on the skin. 2 weeks is a course of treatment, if the cough disappears, stop the treatment.

Cupping is one of the characteristic treatments of traditional Chinese medicine. It can warm and dredge the meridians, open the interstices, restore righteousness, effectively expel evil spirits, and improve the function of the lungs. Back acupoints are the acupoints infused with viscera meridian qi on the waist and back. The position is basically the same as the corresponding position of the viscera, and is closely related to the function of the viscera. Therefore, Back Shu acupoint is selected to treat cough after a cold.

For positive cough, scraping and cupping combined therapy can also be used for treatment. The experience is as follows:

Experience introduction


1. Acupoint selection: Dazhui, Shenzhu, Feishu, Fengmen, Tiantu to Tanzhong, Chize to Taiyuan meridian. Add Neiguan to Drowsy and Breathing, and Dingchuan; add Sanli, Fenglong, and Spleen and Stomach Yu to add more phlegm.

2. Scraping: Scraping sequence: first scrape the Ojo on the neck, then scrape the damper, Feishu, and body column on the back, and then scrape the Tiantu and Tanzhong on the chest. Scraping method: Apply an appropriate amount of scraping oil to the scraping area. For Dazhui point, the force should be gentle and not too heavy. Scrape down from Fengmen point through Feishu point to Shenzhu point, use the scraper part to scrape from top to bottom, and use the corner part of the scraper to scrape Tiantu to the Tanzhong meridian. Should be light. The time is based on the occurrence of Sha, or 3 to 5 minutes for each part.

3. Cupping: After scraping, focus on cupping at Dazhui, Fengmen (both sides), Feishu (both sides), and Tanzhong points, and the best time is 10 minutes.

Scrapping stimulates specific parts of the body surface, adjusts yin and yang, relaxes tendons and collaterals, activates blood and removes blood stasis, so that the human body can restore the physiological state of yin, yang and secret. Adjustment effect. Cupping is used to dispel wind and cold, dispel dampness, resolve phlegm, dredge collaterals and relieve cough. The combined application of the two not only treats the symptoms, but also adjusts the abnormal viscera. Therefore, the treatment effect is good, and generally there is an obvious effect in one treatment. Cough scraping usually produces Sha in about 1 minute, and the effect is obvious.

* "Inner Mongolia Traditional Chinese Medicine", January 2013, Wang Lihong.

*"Inner Mongolia Traditional Chinese Medicine" focuses on clinical practice, and is an important reference for scientific research, teaching, and clinical work for personnel engaged in traditional Chinese medicine and related professional and technical personnel. This publication is a comprehensive academic journal of traditional Chinese medicine, based on the region, serving the whole country, facing the grassroots, focusing on clinical practice, and is an important reference for scientific research, teaching, and clinical work application of traditional Chinese medicine and related professional and technical personnel.
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