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How to clear up the "fire" of chronic pharyngitis? | life recipe

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

How to clear up the "fire" of chronic pharyngitis? | life recipe
Many friends suffer from chronic pharyngitis. This disease seems to be quite troublesome. You have used Niuhuang Shangqing Wan and other medicines for clearing away heat and detoxification. Feeling, throat fever, need to clear throat from time to time. So, how to treat this disease? Why can't it clear this "fire"?

"Getting angry" is a major problem for us modern people. We are always troubled by "getting angry". Therefore, even businesses will use this to advertise, "If you are afraid of getting angry, drink such and such a drink!"

So, what is going on with this "fire"?

real fire

In fact, "getting angry" means that the body has some kind of fever, such as throat discomfort, a little inflammation, such as skin bumps, such as sore mouth and tongue, bad breath, such as yellow urine and so on.

There are too many reasons for "getting angry". All kinds of stagnation of qi and blood and poor function will lead to getting angry. Spleen and stomach, leading to "getting angry".

Another example is that recently, a bad mood has caused turbulent flow of qi and blood, stagnation of qi, and also getting angry.

The above situations are all "real fire", which is a real excess fire, which must be eliminated. For such a fire, it is okay for the former to take Baohe pills and the latter to take Niuhuangshangqing pills. After clearing the obstacles, The body will recover, and the "real fire" will disappear.

There are also real fires, which are brought by external evils, such as febrile infectious diseases, which will lead to the appearance of real fires.

This kind of "real fire", you can drink some kind of herbal tea. Now Chinese medicine has a very bad evaluation of herbal tea. In fact, the ancients invented this thing for a certain purpose. In this "real fire" situation, it can be used.

virtual fire

And there is another kind of fire, which is not "real fire", but "virtual fire", which is the appearance of virtual fire caused by the lack of moisturizing substances in the body. This kind of situation cannot be eliminated, but nourished.

Chinese medicine believes that in the human body, two substances, yin and yang, exist together at the same time. If the strength of the two is balanced, the body is normal. However, if one of them is lacking, the other will appear to be surplus. In fact, it is not really surplus, just relatively redundant. In this way, if there is a lack of yin, there will be a surplus of yang. This surplus looks very similar to having "fire". This is called "virtual fire".

Don't clear this kind of "virtual fire", you can't clean it, because it itself only appears to be superfluous, but in fact it is insufficient. Therefore, the best way at this time is to make up for the "yin", so that Yin and Yang can be balanced, so there will be no false fire.

And what I want to tell you is: modern people have insufficient physical endowment and consume a lot. Therefore, many people are deficient in righteousness, especially many people with deficiency of yin essence. Therefore, there are more and more such false fires. At this time, if everyone focuses on clearing the fire, it will become more troublesome as it gets clearer.

However, the virtual fire and the real fire are sometimes mixed with each other, so it is more troublesome to judge. This requires professionals to make a careful judgment in the case of the four diagnostic methods.

How to clear the fire?

My current experience is this: false fires account for the vast majority of getting angry, but real real fires are not as many as we imagined, and real fires go away as soon as they are cleared, while false fires are often long-term Misjudgment.

For example, in chronic pharyngitis, many people have an uncomfortable throat, always clear their throat, and it is very dry. Even if there is phlegm, it is very sticky. Long-term use of heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs does not work well.

My experience is that most of such people are caused by deficiency of kidney essence, which leads to inflammation of the virtual fire. The ancients called this the fire of dragon and thunder. This kind of fire cannot be cleared away. It will be immediate.

There are many such prescriptions, such as Zhang Jingyue’s Zhenyin Decoction in the Ming Dynasty, and Chen Shiduo’s prescriptions such as Yinhuo Soup, Shouhuo Soup, Jinshui Soup, etc., are also very effective.
It is very interesting that these two people are closely related to Taoism, and they are even Taoist figures. The characteristics of the prescription are also a large dose of Rehmannia glutinosa, as the main medicine, and then combined with some other medicines. Are these two people What is the relationship, what is the connection in knowledge? There is no record in history, which makes people daydream again and again.

This Chen Shiduo is also a strange person. He has written many books. He himself said that these books were taught to him by gods such as Qibo Tianshi and Zhang Zhongjing. When others published books for him, they said he was a very kind person. Scholars ("Chen Jun is a real gentleman"), don't lie, but what is outrageous is that Chen Shiduo still insists on saying this in every book, and his prescriptions are very effective for future generations, such as the fire Soup, in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, basically one treatment is effective, and the third treatment is cured. Therefore, the source of Chen Shiduo's book is also a very interesting mystery. Whose name did he entrust?

Next, let's introduce Chen Shiduo's Shouhuo Decoction for treating throat diseases.

Fang Zi
90 grams of rehmannia, 30 grams of cornus,

Fifteen grams of Poria cocos and nine grams of cinnamon.

According to Chen Shiduo's opinion, the sudden swelling and pain in the throat is mostly caused by the deficiency of kidney essence. Therefore, use the rehmannia glutinosa and cornus in this prescription to nourish it, and cinnamon to make the fire return to its origin. One medicine should cure it. up.

To treat chronic pharyngitis, we don’t need to be so anxious. We can reduce the dosage, we can use 30 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, 12 grams of cornus, 9 grams of Poria cocos, and 3 grams of cinnamon. This amount is fine.

This kind of symptom must be red tongue, this is my judgment standard. Generally, it is not necessary to take more than three pairs. Pregnant women should not take it.

The mode of this kind of prescription is a large amount of rehmannia, they often use 90 grams, with a little Yin-nourishing medicine, and finally with about three grams of cinnamon.

In Chinese medicine, the lungs belong to metal, the kidneys belong to water, and metal produces water. Therefore, the lungs are the mother of the kidneys. Chen Shiduo used metaphors to describe the state of deficiency of the lungs and kidneys:

"People have dry throat, and it hurts for a long time. People think it's because of lung heat, but they don't know that it's because of the dryness of kidney water. If the lungs are golden and produce kidney water, the lung qi is clear, and it can naturally produce kidney water. Only the lungs If the qi is deficient, the body fluid in the lungs can only support itself, and it is not like the kidney water is greatly consumed. If it is supplied every day, the pain of peeling the skin will never be avoided. For example, there are no parents who do not support their children. When you are in poverty and distress, there is no rice to cook, how can you stop crying for food and hunger. If the son is established, he can take care of the family. Parents can not only get money, but also avoid the pain of being forced to ask for money; If you are lonely and wild, if you are not good at making a living, then your son will be poor and your parents will be even poorer, and the dryness will be indescribable, especially for the lungs and kidneys. Therefore, if you want to save the dryness of the lungs, you must first save the dryness of the kidneys.”
Moreover, in Chinese medicine, the circulation of the kidney meridian will touch the throat. Therefore, one of the most obvious symptoms of kidney essence deficiency is that the throat is prone to problems.

medical case
Frankly speaking, there are many people nowadays who are deficient in kidney essence. Therefore, when encountering weak people, if they have symptoms of "getting angry", I often use this kind of rehmannia, cornus, and cinnamon, not only Limited to the treatment of chronic pharyngitis.

For example, after a person caught a cold, he felt extremely weak, his whole body was weak, and he sweated profusely when he moved a little. After taking it for a day, I feel that my energy is basically restored.

In another case, after an exogenous infection, he suddenly lost his voice and could not speak. I saw his tongue was red, so I added 6 grams of cicada slough and 9 grams of fat sea with this prescription, which was also a medicine, and the voice recovered the next day.

Another person, after taking the cold traditional Chinese medicine Qinghuo, felt that his energy was extremely weak, his limbs were weak, and he felt tired even after walking 20 to 30 meters, and he was tired all day long. I use this recipe to add 9 grams of medlar, 9 grams of dodder, and 9 grams of fairy spleen. After the first dose, his energy basically recovered, which surprised him, and he stopped taking the medicine after the third dose.

Chen Shiduo's prescriptions have been learned by many folks, and most of them have immediate results, which shows the charm of Chinese medicine. I will tell you Chen Shiduo's story when I have the opportunity in the future.
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