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How should people with yin deficiency survive the winter?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

How should people with yin deficiency survive the winter?
The cold snap has come, and the temperature in the north has generally dropped, which makes people feel that winter is really coming.

As I said before, people with different constitutions have different body reactions in each season. So, let’s talk about how to survive winter if you have a constitution of yin deficiency.

People with Yin-deficiency physique will suffer from deficiency and heat, so it is more sad in summer, because the weather is hot in summer, and heat can easily lead to deficiency of Yin-fluid. Therefore, people with Yin-deficiency are more likely to have problems in summer. There will be various fevers. And in winter, when the weather gets colder, this yin-deficiency person should feel comfortable, right?

The answer is: not necessarily. At this time, people with yin deficiency seem to be comfortable on the surface, but in fact, they also have their own problems, that is, they are prone to external cold and internal heat.

In this situation, it seems that there is no big problem on the surface, but I am also quite uncomfortable.

So, what exactly is yin deficiency?

The so-called "Yin" refers to the main static in the body and the material basis for moistening. For example, blood and body fluid are all Yin-like substances.

As for the so-called yin deficiency, let me give you an analogy. It is like the lack of lubricating oil in the car engine, or the lack of water in the cooled water tank. In this way, the engine will of course get hotter and hotter when it is running.

In the human body, yin and yang are balanced and mutually rooted. But when yin is lacking, yang will appear redundant, and this excess yang will manifest as deficiency and heat. So the ancients said: "Yin deficiency creates internal heat".

This kind of asthenic heat is different from the excess heat from outside. The heat caused by external pathogenic heat or stagnation of phlegm and dampness is really redundant and needs to be cleared away. This kind of asthenic heat needs to nourish yin , so that yin and yang are matched, and the balance of the two will make the virtual fire disappear.

So, what are the symptoms of yin deficiency?

People with yin deficiency will have these symptoms:

1. Eyes will feel dry, always feel hot eyes.
2. Dry mouth, always want to drink cold water or beverages, feel like this quenches thirst.
3. The palms of the hands and feet are hot, and sometimes the hands and feet feel irritated, and it is uncomfortable to stretch them. I always want to sleep with my hands and feet outside.
4. Annoyed, easy to get angry, always feel very dry inside.
5. Bone steaming and hot flashes. Feeling hot inside the body, sending out bursts.
6. Night sweats. When you sleep at night, you will sweat and wet the pillow towel and bed sheet.
7. Sore waist and knees. I always feel sore, my knees are sore and weak.
8. Hair loss and tinnitus. This kind of tinnitus is a sharp sound, which will be more serious at night.
9. The stool is easy to dry, and the urine is easy to turn yellow.
10. Red tongue with thin coating, or even no coating. The pulse beats fast.

Below is the tongue image of yin deficiency, a typical red tongue without coating.

So, how did this yin-deficiency physique come about?

First of all, genetic factors account for a certain proportion. For example, if the parents have a constitution of yin deficiency, children are prone to develop this constitution; staying up late to consume the day after tomorrow is also prone to yin deficiency, and eating spicy food or medicine in the diet will gradually damage the yin and so on.

The biggest characteristic of people with yin deficiency in winter is that the outside is cold and the inside is hot. The so-called external cold is due to the lack of fluid, essence and blood in the body of people with yin deficiency, and these essence, blood and body fluid can moisten and nourish the body. If they are lacking, the carrier of warming the body is insufficient. Hands and feet are easy to get cold, which is easily mistaken for yang deficiency, but it is not. People with yin deficiency have hot hands and feet in summer, but in winter, they will feel cold hands and feet just like people with yang deficiency.

However, because people with yin deficiency lack body fluid and have severe internal heat, at the same time, in winter, yang energy begins to hide in the body, so people with yin deficiency can easily become hot and stagnant in the winter, feeling that although the body surface is cool, but Internal heat, upset, dry mouth, want to drink cold water, feel a fire in my heart, the more serious it will be in the evening.

So, what should we do at this time?

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a good time to nourish yin. The "Huangdi Neijing" says, "The man who is yin and yang in four seasons is the root of all things, so the sage nourishes yin in autumn and winter to follow its root." We can understand this matter in this way, All things have their own laws of ups and downs. In autumn and winter, yang qi begins to hide. At this time, the recovery of yang qi in the body requires the cooperation of yin qi to achieve the effect of winter sealing. However, for people with yin deficiency, yang qi enters and yin However, the qi cannot cooperate, because the yin is insufficient at this time, which will make the inside of the human body dry and hot. Therefore, in the autumn and winter seasons, we must pay attention to nourishing the yin, so that the yang qi can be well hidden, and in the next spring, the hair will grow more. good.

Therefore, people with yin deficiency especially need to nourish yin essence at this time.

So, what should be done about Yin deficiency?

The method I introduce to people with yin deficiency is to use Rehmannia glutinosa to nourish yin essence at this time.

You can ask a Chinese medicine doctor to prescribe an ointment for tonifying. The method I recommend is a simple method.

Thirty grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, nine grams of medlar, nine grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, nine grams of poria cocos, three grams of cinnamon, and several sections of pig spine.

Use this pig spine and this recipe to make soup, and you can add seasonings such as salt. This is a medicinal meal that can be taken once a week. Can play the role of nourishing kidney essence, nourishing yin and tonifying kidney.

Pork can also be substituted with duck. Pregnant women should not take it.

In this recipe, Rehmannia glutinosa is still used mainly to nourish the yin essence. In fact, in the classic prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, Jinkuishenqi Wan and Liuwei Dihuang Wan, rehmannia glutinosa is the main ingredient. In my opinion, rehmannia glutinosa is the best product for nourishing yin essence, and nothing can beat it. For people with deficiency of kidney essence, without Rehmannia glutinosa, I am afraid that it is difficult to have a better choice. Therefore, Zhang Jingyue, a famous doctor in Ming Dynasty, would use Rehmannia glutinosa in the treatment of many diseases, and his nickname is also "Zhang Shudi". ".

There are many similar Chinese medicine prescriptions for replenishing kidney essence, and most of these prescriptions contain Rehmannia glutinosa. Today I am just talking about a truth, and I will introduce more knowledge about rehmannia glutinosa to my friends in the future.
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