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Special drink in winter, hot and sour soup to drive away the cold!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Special drink in winter, hot and sour soup to drive away the cold!
These days, when the cold snapped, Young Master Yun, who was in the northeast, had already put on the thickest down jacket. When he went out, he had to be fully armed from head to toe, because if he didn't pay attention, he would be targeted by the cold evil. In addition to dressing to keep warm, in terms of diet, we can also make some food for ourselves that can keep the cold and warm the body, such as what I will teach you to make today-hot and sour soup.

Many friends should have drank and liked hot and sour soup, because its hot and sour taste can especially increase appetite. In fact, it also contains the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. Luo once wrote in an article that if you feel that you have a bad appetite and don’t like to eat, you can drink hot and sour soup. Because spicy food has a divergent effect, which makes the qi rise, and sour food has a convergent and downward effect. The combination of the two makes the qi flow up and down, so that the stagnation of the spleen and stomach can be opened, and our appetite can be restored. , and the hot and sour soup is just boiled with pepper and vinegar. One is spicy and the other is sour, which is just in line with the principle of rising and falling Qi.

In addition to helping us improve our appetite, hot and sour soup can also help us dispel the cold on such a cold day, thanks to the important member of the soup - pepper. Pepper is a medicine for warming the interior, with fragrant gas, spicy taste, hot medicinal property, and returns to the stomach and large intestine meridians. Because pepper is pungent and hot, it can warm the middle and dispel cold and relieve pain. It has a good therapeutic effect on stomach cold, cold pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea caused by deficiency and cold of the spleen and stomach. In addition, it is pungent, dissipating and warming, and can lower qi and eliminate phlegm. As a condiment, it can also help us appetize and eat.

Although the main merit of this soup lies in the perfect combination of vinegar and pepper, in fact, a lot of ingredients are needed to make this soup, and it is not particularly quick to make. Yun Shao summarized a relatively simple method for everyone , let us practice the picture below

First, prepare the ingredients, pork tenderloin, tofu, carrots, eggs, mushrooms, chicken broth, shredded ginger, chopped green onion, balsamic vinegar, white pepper, starch, light soy sauce, cooking oil, sesame oil, and salt.

It takes more than half a day to soak the shiitake mushrooms in water in advance, and Yun Shao soaks them overnight in advance.

Cut the soaked shiitake mushrooms into thin strips, wash the tenderloin and carrots and cut them into shreds, and cut the tofu into strips. Yun Shao didn’t use up the whole piece of tofu and the whole carrot, but only used half of it. Everyone can decide how much to use according to their own preferences and the number of people who eat it~

Blanch the shredded shiitake mushrooms, shredded carrots, and shredded pork in boiling water~ it can remove the peculiar smell of the ingredients themselves, and it is also convenient for the ingredients to be cooked better when making soup. Yun Shao didn't blanch the tofu sticks. In fact, the tofu sticks can also be blanched. The blanched tofu will be firmer and less likely to break.

Put the processed pork shreds, mushroom shreds, carrot shreds, tofu strips, and ginger shreds into the pot.

Pour in the prepared chicken stock.

Add a little light soy sauce, add a little salt, and bring to a boil over high heat. It should be noted here that the soy sauce already contains salt, and the balsamic vinegar will be added later, and the balsamic vinegar also contains salt, so don’t add too much soy sauce or salt at this step, so as not to make the soup too salty~

While waiting for the soup to boil, mix the starch with water.

Beat the eggs well.

After the soup boils, pour in the blended starch evenly to thicken the sauce.

After thickening, turn to low heat, pour in the egg liquid, and gently push the soup with a spoon while pouring, so that even and thin egg flowers can be thrown out~

Look, very successful frangipani~

When the frangipani is done, bring the soup to a boil over high heat.

Prepare a large soup bowl ahead of time, and add balsamic vinegar, a little cooking oil, chopped green onion, and pepper to the bowl. This is the most important step in making this soup. The ratio of balsamic vinegar and pepper directly determines the taste of the hot and sour soup. Everyone should master it well~

Turn off the heat and pour boiling soup into soup bowls.

Scoop out a small bowl and enjoy! Although there is no obvious spicy taste when you drink it in your mouth, the power of pepper will be reflected slowly, and your body will start to warm up after a bowl~

Yun Shao checked on the Internet. There are more than ten kinds of recipes for this hot and sour soup. Yun Shao referred to a few of them and compiled them into what I present to you today. It is relatively uncomplicated and healthy with less oil and less salt. practice. When preparing the ingredients, Yun Shao also prepared sesame oil, but he didn’t use it in the end, because the hot and sour soup tasted very fragrant. If you like it, you can add a few drops of Tixiang at the end. In addition to sesame oil, you can also add chicken shreds, coriander and other ingredients. There are many ways to do it. If you are interested, you can explore and develop it by yourself~
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