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Emotions and illness in loved ones can affect each other

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Emotions and illness in loved ones can affect each other
Let me talk about an interesting thing first. I remember that once, many friends gathered for an event in the south. During the meal, there was a western doctor from Beijing. During the dinner, everyone said that he was very capable, and asked him to show his skills. He said that he could tell the character of the people at the scene and the direction of getting sick easily. So, a big round table of people let him watch, and they all said the same thing. , Then, he said that he could also see the character of the spouse of the friend on the scene, everyone was even more curious, how is this possible? ! Because neither spouse was there? So I asked him to say it again, and he was very accurate. For example, I remember he said to a lady: "Your husband likes to educate you very seriously, he likes to preach, right? You may have a problem with your breast." Then The lady couldn't believe it: "Oh my God, that's what's wrong with him! I really have a problem with my breasts too." After looking around, it was almost a frying pan, and the scene was boiling.

In the end, he told me: There is nothing mysterious about it. If you see a hundred patients every day for 30 years, and read countless people, you will find that many cases are regular.

Speaking of this, I want to say that, in fact, family members, emotions and diseases all affect each other.

We used to think that family members live in the same way and eat the same meals, so it is easy to cause the same constitution and the same disease. Infectious diseases are also easily transmitted among family members, so the diseases among family members will be very consistent.

What I want to say today is that emotional problems in one family member can also cause illness in other family members.

I once had a student in a business school. Her husband was an entrepreneur and was under great pressure. She said that when her husband came home every night, everyone in the family, including her husband’s parents, would gasp. Then, in the morning, when he leaves for work, the whole family breathes a sigh of relief.

So, let me ask a question now, will his family be healthy?

The answer is: No, this aura, this stress, can cause other members of the family to get sick. For example, what this student asked me to see was skin problems caused by liver qi discomfort.

This kind of situation is very common. For example, in many families, if there is a member who has a bad temper and is particularly unreasonable, it will cause great pressure to other family members, lead to discomfort of liver qi, and disease.

For example, we have seen such a thing. Several sons and daughters in the family fought fiercely because of the old man's real estate problem, and even went to court, and then treated the old man badly, thinking that the old man was unfair. As a result, the old man was hospitalized continuously. There was even such an example. The old man was originally hospitalized because of a heart attack and recovered well. When he was discharged from the hospital, several sons fought because of the allocation of hospital expenses. As a result, the old man became critically ill again and died in a fit of anger. up.

Teacher He Juan from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine told about such a case. A young man was in the best period of his life and just married, so everything seemed to be beautiful. As a result, Teacher He found that his complexion was getting worse and worse, and his expression was getting more and more dignified. why? After asking, I found out that this newlywed wife is a woman with a very strong personality. She often gets angry at home because of little things, such as picking her up a little late, cooking a little late, and so on. As a result, the young man was under great pressure all day long, and finally he was diagnosed with liver cancer, and died soon after.

In the above situations, we can find psychological evidence, and we can trace the source of the disease. We can see from it that one person’s bad mood has caused another family member’s unhappiness, leading to liver qi discomfort. , causing it to become ill.

Therefore, I think the way the ancients used to see a doctor is more reasonable-to see a doctor, usually when you are sick, you have to ask the doctor to visit the patient's home, or even live in the patient's home, concentrate on treating the disease, and leave after the treatment is complete. In this way, a more reasonable place is: you can observe the situation of the patient's family members, because the patient's disease is likely to come from his family members. If the patient goes to the hospital alone, you may not be able to find the root cause.

In addition to the visible psychological connection I mentioned above, there is another situation, which I also find difficult to explain, and I even think it can only be explained by the theory of "aura".

For example, I have seen a lot of children with liver qi discomfort, even children as young as two or three years old, where does the liver qi discomfort come from such a big child?

Let me give you an example. I have seen some children suffering from a disease called "Siwan Feng". The characteristic of this disease is that severe skin lesions appear on the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, etc. Some people also say that this is eczema. This disease is usually more serious, even to the point where the skin is layered and rough like bark. Because the diseased parts are concentrated in the bending parts of the limbs, it is commonly known as "four bending wind".

If everyone treats this disease simply according to eczema, I am afraid that the effect will not be good. The people who found me are all people who have been treated countless times with Chinese and Western medicine, but have no effect.

And I think that this disease is related to poor mood, that is to say, liver qi is not comfortable. why? Because the liver fire will attack the lungs, and the lungs govern the fur, so the liver qi will not relax, which will cause skin diseases. So, why does it appear on the skin of the joints alone? Because Chinese medicine believes that the liver governs tendons, and the joints between bones are tendons, so such diseases often occur in joints.

Therefore, for such a disease, I suggest to consider it more from the perspective of liver qi discomfort. This kind of thinking is equally effective even for adults. I have also seen eczema in some adult women, and it also grows in these parts. These women are mostly stressed and the disease is caused by the discomfort of liver qi.

But where did the child get the liver qi from?

For such children, I will observe the parents of the children, and I will find that almost all of these parents also have a restless liver and nervous personality. Even, some parents also have skin problems!

If both parents of the child have such personalities, the child will feel pressure all the time. This comes from the tone of the parents' speech and the expression of the parents. This is the pressure that can be traced by psychological traces. On the other hand, I believe that between relatives, there will be a closer connection, and there are other ways of contact besides direct communication.

When my grandfather (that is, grandfather) passed away in my hometown, our family was far away in Shenyang, the traffic was blocked, and there was no sign. Suddenly, my mother dreamed at night that the old man had passed away. She was lying on the bed and covered with a white cloth. After getting up, my mother I started to cry, there was no phone at that time, and it was only later that a telegram came, saying that the old man had passed away. I believe you have heard many things like this. This is the connection between family members. The ancients said that "mother and child are connected".
Therefore, in this case, when I see the abnormal state of the parents of the children, I will also suggest that they also recuperate, adjust their emotions by themselves, and then use drugs and other methods to assist them.

These parents are often completely unaware that their children's illness has anything to do with them. I have to explain every time: it is very likely that the child's illness comes from the parents' bad emotions. Therefore, the real solution is to have the whole family adjust together.

This truth needs to be explained to the public little by little, otherwise many people will not understand and will not accept it. However, I believe that if everyone can understand this, it will definitely help the family's physical conditioning.

Sometimes, such an extreme phenomenon even occurs, that is, the child is treated, and the effect is very slow, and then the parents are treated at the same time, and the parents and the child take medicine together. As a result, the child's condition improves immediately after the parents take the medicine, and the recovery speed is the same as before. It's not the same, and this has left us dumbfounded.

So, in the end we will believe that the world is connected in a certain way, and family members are the people who are most closely connected with us. There are various levels of interaction between family members. Think about these, you You will find that adjusting yourself is not only responsible for yourself, but also for your family.

May you all be happy and healthy, and wish your family happiness and health!
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