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What to do about a lingering cough? | life recipe

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

What to do about a lingering cough? | life recipe
Last week, I suddenly received a WeChat message from the wife of a good brother of mine in Guangzhou, saying that a child of a friend of the couple had a cold and cough for more than a month, and went to the hospital for treatment. The parents were very worried and wanted to ask me what to do. what to do?

In this case, I have actually written it before, but I am worried that if I don’t write it for a long time, everyone will forget it, so I will write it again.

This long-term lingering cough after exogenous infection is basically a residual problem caused by wrong medication at the beginning of the cold. So, why is this?

It turns out that most of the exogenous diseases are caused by cold evils attacking our body. At this time, if we catch cold, according to the principles of Chinese medicine, we should use warm medicine to dispel the cold and relieve the surface, so that the cold evils can be eliminated.

The same is true for the cough at this time. The cough caused by the external cold is actually just a symptom, which is at the same level as sneezing and runny nose. At this time, if you are in the first stage of feeling the external cold, if you can persist in using warm medicine to dispel the cold and relieve the surface, the cough will naturally be relieved.

However, many people now mistakenly use cold and cooling medicines, such as Chuanbei Piqua Oral Liquid and other similar medicines, in the first stage of feeling the external cold. These medicines contain the medicine of Chuanbei. Chuanbei is a medicine for coldness and coldness. If it is used at this time, the coldness will add to the coldness. How can the body bear it?

At that time, I heard Mr. Zhu Zhaogang, a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Beijing, mention that he found that a patient who suffered from a cold and coughed and took the medicine of Chuanbei by mistake at the beginning, and the cough would linger. , and then understand, they all used Chuanbei from the beginning. One more thing, Mr. Zhu's father is the famous old Chinese doctor Zhu Chenyu, and Mr. Zhu Chenyu's father-in-law is Mr. Shi Jinmo, one of the four famous doctors in Beijing during the Republic of China, with a deep family background. After I heard about this experience, I began to pay attention to observations. It turned out that patients suffering from external cold, as long as they started to use the prescriptions containing Chuanbei, especially those Chinese patent medicine syrups for cough relief, the cough would indeed be lingering. It can last for even several months.

At this time, many parents don't understand the truth, and they are still giving their children medicines similar to Chuanbei Pipa Oral Liquid, but the result is ineffective.

As for the clerks in the pharmacy, because the syrup is delicious, the children like to drink it, and they don’t understand the problems caused by drinking it, so they strongly recommend it. Therefore, most parents go to the pharmacy and ask: "I have been coughing for a long time, what medicine do I use?" The clerk immediately Will say: "Chuanbei Loquat..."

Therefore, I have been publicizing this issue, but I still don't know how many people understand it.

👓 So, how to deal with this situation?

Righting Act

For this kind of situation, I generally have two methods, one is from the perspective of strengthening the body, strengthening the body to get rid of the remaining evil spirits. At this time, I will use dried yam tablets (why write "dried"? Because some parents always ask me if it is fresh yam, no, it is dried yam tablets), usually tens of grams, boiled water , and then drink this water every day, do not drink other water, drink it up, add water to boil, and take it in a cycle. If the cough is severe, you can add three grams of burdock seeds to boil the water together. Generally drink three or four days to be effective.

This method is based on the experience of Zhang Xichun, a famous doctor in the Republic of China. I have recommended it to many parents. The effect is good, and it also has a good effect on adults.


Another method is to exorcise evil spirits.

This prescription is the prescription of Lin Hehe, a famous old Chinese doctor. Lin also observed that residual coughing after a cold, coughing for a long time, and some even lasting several months, are basically caused by cold evil hidden in the body. The body has not been radiated out. If you add a little heat evil, the cold and heat will be mixed, and it will be more complicated, so it will not heal. Therefore, he created a prescription. I recommended this prescription several years ago. It benefits According to my experience, the vast majority of patients who have a residual cough after a cold have a marked effect with this prescription, and it will usually stop within five doses. This proved from another angle that Mr. Lin's judgment was correct.

The formula is like this:

Five grams of schisandra, three grams of asarum, nine grams of tangerine peel, nine grams of almonds, six grams of French pinellia, nine grams of shegan, nine grams of mint, six grams of bellflower, six grams of aurantium, nine grams of whole melon, nine grams of ginseng , 9 grams of Morus alba, 6 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, and 6 grams of licorice.

This is the amount for adults, and for ordinary children, I also asked to buy this amount, because no matter how small the amount of medicine is, the pharmacy may not be willing to prescribe the medicine. So I usually ask my parents to buy this amount, and then drink half or one-third of a bottle a day.

If there is a Chinese medicine doctor nearby to help, it is better to add or subtract it on the basis of this prescription, and pregnant women should not take it.

In fact, the composition of this prescription is relatively complicated. It can relieve the exterior and dispel cold, restrain the lungs, clear the throat and reduce phlegm, and clear away heat and detoxification. It is a relatively comprehensive prescription, especially the mint in the prescription, which clears the throat Lin Lao thinks that at this time the disease is in the orifice, or even a pharynx-derived cough, so it is also very important to clear the throat at this time. This idea is quite inspiring to me. The older generation of Chinese medicine practitioners think more carefully about problems, and can even absorb the experience of Western medicine and use it for me to improve the curative effect. This is worth learning for our younger generations.

This time, I bought three packs for this child, and after boiling it, I drank half a pack a day and one pack for two days. After drinking the third pack, my friend came to WeChat and told me that the cough was gone! Then they asked me, what should I do next?

I told them that they can drink some yam water and some water soaked in tangerine peel, so that they can deal with the aftermath.

What needs to be reminded is: this kind of cough must be the residual cough after exogenous infection. Some people's cough is choked by decoration materials or inhaled by smoking, so it has no effect. In addition, there are some parents who are very anxious. The child is still suffering from exogenous fever, so he uses this prescription, and then tells you that it has no effect, which is not acceptable. It should be remembered that other exogenous symptoms must be basically gone, and other exogenous symptoms are basically gone, and only cough is left, so it can be used at this time.

On my way of learning Chinese medicine, reading ancient Chinese medicine books has laid a theoretical foundation for me, and the experience of contemporary famous old Chinese medicine practitioners has also benefited me a lot. In many diseases, these old people have their own unique experiences. It is summed up in a lifetime, and when we learn, it will benefit us a lot.
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