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Do you know how to prevent colds in summer?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Do you know how to prevent colds in summer?
The weather has changed a lot recently. Since the beginning of summer, many places have entered a state of high temperature, and some places have been raining one after another. Therefore, many friends feel unbearable physically and start to get sick. Among them, many people have colds, especially children, who seem to have started a small illness. Cold peak.

So, what are the characteristics of summer colds?

Let’s talk about this issue today.

To understand the cold in summer, we must understand two coordinates, one is cold and heat, and the other is dryness and dampness.

🔸 First of all, getting cold in summer is serious.

You may be surprised, huh? How can you catch cold in summer?

In fact, summer is the time when you get the most cold. When the weather is hot in summer, people often think that drinking a bottle of iced beverage is "enjoyable"! However, if you drink one bottle after another, this will just make your internal organs invaded by cold and damp.

Think carefully, this world is full of illusions, many people say "what makes you comfortable is what you need", but now it is really not the case, drinking ice water in summer is comfortable, but it will really hurt you. Because at this time, the yang energy of the human body is outside, and the body is relatively in a "yin" state, so it is easier to be injured by cold evil.

In this season, there are many patients with vomiting and diarrhea caused by eating iced food. This is called cold-dampness, and in this case, internal cold-dampness, lack of righteousness, and problems in the circulation of Qi and blood are most likely to cause exogenous pathogens Invasion.

If the body is plagued by cold and dampness, what kind of external evil is most likely to invade? It's cold evil.

In ancient times, the cold in summer came relatively simply. When the weather got hot, people hid in caves or in particularly large, cold houses. In this case, it is easy to feel cold evil. In our current summer, there are even more cold evils.

why? Because there are more air conditioners now.

Air conditioners can chill people almost instantly. I remember a few days ago, I was sweating outside, and then I used Didi to call a car. After I got in the car, the driver turned on the air conditioner. I felt that I had only blown on it for two or three minutes, and then I started to sneeze, and the skin on my body began to feel tight. Got chills. In the past, I remember getting a cold once or twice every summer from the air conditioner in my car. So I quickly asked the driver to turn up the temperature, then went home and quickly drank a cup of yam paste, sweating, and finally passed the test.

My judgment is that wind-chill colds caused by the cold air from air conditioners in summer account for the vast majority of cold types.

Most people think that summer will be caused by external symptoms caused by heat. In fact, this is an illusion, and most people suffer from cold.

At this time, the heat of the weather plays a role in opening your pores, allowing your body to relax, and then paving the way for the invasion of cold evil.

Therefore, the hotter the weather, the more people will suffer from cold, far more than those who suffer from cold in winter.

The more southern China is, the easier it is to catch cold. In Guangdong, the weather will be extremely hot and humid. People will sweat outside and then enter the air-conditioned room. The wet clothes will become cold and stick to the body, and then the cold wind will blow. People sneeze.

At this time, the patient's tongue coating is often white. When the humidity is heavy, the tongue coating will be thicker and greasy, and there is often more saliva on the tongue coating. If the color of the tongue remains unchanged, it means that the cold evil is not that severe; or if it is pale white, it means that the cold evil is slightly more severe. But the tongue is definitely not red.

In places where the outside weather is humid and smoggy, there will be more such patients.

🔸 So, what should we do at this time?

At this time, if you have just caught a cold, there are a few simple methods you can use.

1. Bask in the sun: If you catch a cold indoors for the first time, you can go outside immediately and let the sun bask in you. As long as the body fluid in your body is sufficient, you can do this. Let yourself sweat and your body will warm up again, which is victory, and the cold evil will often be eliminated.

2. Drink ginger soup and Su Ye water: the Su Ye water is perilla leaves bought in pharmacies, one handful at a time, boiled for five minutes, or brewed in boiling water, can dispel cold and relieve the appearance.

3. Drink Huai Yam water: This is my trick. Use two spoons of Huai Yam powder, boil water, stir constantly, and it will become mushy, and you will sweat after drinking it. Boiled yam tablets are also available. Huai yam nourishes the spleen and lungs, increases righteousness, unblocks qi and blood, and dispels exogenous cold. Dispelling the cold while invigorating the spleen is a method that takes both into account.

4. Eating Malatang: This is the method that girls like. At this time, eating pickled fish, Malatang, Malatang, etc. are all good methods, because it can dispel cold and dampness in the spleen and stomach, and at the same time warm and sweat. It is just right for the body at this time. It is also a way to give consideration to both while invigorating the Qi of the spleen and stomach and dispelling the cold at the same time. I remember that when I was eating Bak Kut Teh in Singapore, I saw that they wanted to put some pepper; when drinking porridge in Guangdong, authentic restaurants would put a bottle of pepper on the side of the bowl at the same time, which is the same reason.

🔸 What should I do if it develops into a disease?

At this time, if the body is internally cold and damp, causing the invasion of external cold, and suffering from exogenous pathogenic factors, it is common to have a fever, vomiting and diarrhea at the same time, some have simple diarrhea, and some are vomiting. At this time, medication is needed, and the prescription of Huoxiangzhengqi Powder is used. No matter what the dosage form is, water, pills, dripping pills, or soft capsules, they are all very effective.

If the exogenous pathogenesis is serious, Huoxiangzhengqi preparation should also be added at the same time as other medicines, such as antiviral oral liquid and other medicines. Better results.

What everyone needs to understand is that people with constitutional yang deficiency are likely to suffer from cold and dampness, and the symptoms tend to develop in the direction of cold.

People who are naturally hot in the body are prone to damp heat, which tends to develop in the direction of heat. In this case, it is often cold on the outside and hot on the inside, but the heat on the inside is not simple, but damp and hot.

The frequency of hot and humid is actually not as much as that of cold and damp now, but it is also quite a lot in summer. At this time, the tongue coating will be thick and greasy, some are white and greasy, some are yellow and greasy, which means that the moisture is heavy, and yellow and greasy means that there is heat.

At this time, faint red spots can often be seen on the tongue coating. When the tongue coating is removed, you will find that this is a red thorn, which is also called a thorn, which is a manifestation of heat. It is now covered with tongue coating. At this time, the tongue is also red, but the tongue coating is covered, and it looks like the tongue is white. In fact, after the tongue coating is refreshed, you will see that the tongue is very red. These are all illusions, and everyone must learn to recognize them.

This kind of damp-heat infestation can be treated with Chengfang Sanren Decoction. Generally, when treating exogenous pathogenic factors, it is enough to add a few herbs, such as forsythia, double flower, dandelion, etc., to increase the effect of clearing internal heat, and add a little perilla leaf, Huoxiang, etc., to strengthen the effect of dispelling external cold, Better results.

At the same time, we must learn to protect ourselves, and try to avoid being blown by the cold air of the air conditioner when we are sweating profusely.

🔸 Another coordinate system that must be considered in summer is dryness and humidity.

What we have said before is that the humidity is heavy, which increases the complexity of the disease. However, it is also very common for the body to be in a "dry" state due to the damage of Tianjin liquid in summer, so the exogenous pathogenesis in summer is more complicated.

Everyone thinks that when the weather is hot in summer, we will sweat a lot outdoors. People with yin deficiency usually have insufficient body fluid. The loss of sweat at this time will lead to the shortage of "yin" substances in the body. Therefore, such People will feel more thirsty in summer, have dry throat, yellow urine, small amount, irritability, and always want to drink cold drinks, etc. At this time, the tongue will be red, the tongue surface will be dry, and the pulse will be counted.

At this time, the state of yin deficiency and dryness in the human body will also become the fuse for the invasion of external evils. In such a person, the ability of the defense force to operate the meridians will decline, and the external evils will also invade. It appears in the form of "heat", and the patient will directly experience dry throat and pain, and will soon develop a fever.

This kind of cold is a real wind-heat cold.

Therefore, for this kind of people, don’t wait until there are external evils before recuperating. Once you know your physique, you should prevent it at ordinary times. Drinking drinks will be beneficial. Or drink some Shengmai Yin and so on. In short, conditioning comes first and removing the underlying cause of the disease will prevent problems from occurring.

When the outside weather is relatively dry and the weather is very hot, there will be more such patients.

In this way, everyone can see that the changes of dryness, dampness, coldness and heat of the outside weather, and the change of dryness and dampness in the human body, coupled with air-conditioned cold drinks, have created a more complicated pattern. We analyze them one by one, and we will know the source of the disease, and we can treat it accordingly. .

Okay, today we will briefly analyze the factors that cause external symptoms in summer. Each season has its own characteristics, and China has a vast territory and different climates in different places. Therefore, we can talk about this knowledge from the characteristics of each place in the future. There will be more content, and we will talk about it later!
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