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Do typhoid fever and febrile diseases have to be separated?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   27 minute read

Do typhoid fever and febrile diseases have to be separated?
Dear friends, good morning!

Today we will talk about the difference between typhoid fever and febrile disease. I used to think that this matter has been solved long ago and everyone should be able to distinguish it. However, after the outbreak of this epidemic, I found that the problem in the traditional Chinese medicine community has not been solved yet. Why? Many people are still debating whether this plague is typhoid fever or febrile disease? I am in a group of doctors, and many traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are debating whether this is a febrile disease or a typhoid fever. The debate is very heated. I feel that this problem has not been solved yet, so I want to discuss this issue again. Have a chat. So what are the benefits to the people of talking about it? Listen, everyone. In fact, the epidemic is just a serious external infection. Most of the external infections we usually have are colds and other problems. After everyone understands this issue, it will be easier to deal with colds and other things. Otherwise, many people are still confused. What I am suffering from Is a cold a wind-cold cold or a wind-heat cold? This is a problem I have talked about before. Everyone is confused, so I will analyze it with you. If this problem is clarified, it will be beneficial to the future development of the entire treatment of exogenous diseases in traditional Chinese medicine.

In fact, I have a conclusion that this plague can always promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine. When the "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" appeared, it was related to the plague. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" written by Zhang Zhongjing, a medical sage of the Eastern Han Dynasty, is the foundational work on exogenous diseases in traditional Chinese medicine. Why he wrote this book is made very clear in his own preface: "The Yu clan has a long history, and Xiang Yu Er Hundreds. Since the beginning of the Jian'an era, there have been less than ten people. Two out of three of them died, seven out of ten from typhoid fever." In other words, from the beginning of the Jian'an era, in about ten years, his family had more than 200 people. Two-thirds of the people died due to exogenous diseases, which he called "typhoid fever". So, what is the typhoid fever described by Zhang Zhongjing? Did he catch a cold and not be contagious? In the end, the disease spread internally and he died on his own? No, it's the plague. The era when Zhang Zhongjing lived was a period of great plague in China. "Book of the Later Han" records: "In the 22nd year of Emperor Xian's reign, there was a great epidemic." Cao Zhi's "Speaking of Epidemic Qi" describes this plague: "Science It is prevalent, and every family has the pain of zombies, and every room has wailing mourning. Some people die after closing the door, or they lose their family members and mourn." Cao Pi said in "Books with Wu Zhi": "In the past years, there was an epidemic, and many relatives and friends suffered from it. Xu, Chen, Ying, and Liu all passed away in an instant, how painful can it be?" Four of the seven sons of Jian'an died due to the plague. Household registration statistics during the reign of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty showed that there were still 10 million households in the country. By the mid-Jianan period, only 3 million households were left. Two-thirds of the population had disappeared due to plague and war, which was exactly the same as the family situation described by Zhang Zhongjing. Only under this background did the medical sages learn from the pain, conduct in-depth research, and write the masterpiece "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" about exogenous diseases. Therefore, the study of plague is an important basis for the establishment of traditional Chinese medicine for exogenous diseases.

Later, the emergence of febrile diseases was also related to the plague. After the plague appeared, people thought and developed the theory of febrile diseases. Therefore, the plague is an opportunity to promote the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and improve thinking. Because it is so special and harmful, it can prompt people to concentrate more on thinking about theory and improving theory. I think that if typhoid fever and febrile disease can be finally unified into an exogenous disease system, it must be under the influence of the plague. Normally, the typhoid fever faction treats the typhoid fever faction, and the febrile disease faction uses the prescriptions of the febrile disease faction. Everyone will not have it. So touching.

Now let’s start from the beginning. Let’s not talk about internal injuries, but external infections, which are infectious diseases. How do people get this infectious disease?

Internal factors in the body that lead to illness

In fact, when it is normal, our human body is in balance with the outside world. We can survive in the complex environment of nature. Everyone lives well and the human body runs normally. Then this is a normal environment and people do not get sick. So under what circumstances do people get sick? It is when both the internal environment and the external environment change. Everyone must remember that changes in our internal environment are the basis for our illness, and this must be the main cause. For example, in a kindergarten, the children have all gone to kindergarten. A cold wind blows, and seven of the ten children are fine. The remaining three children are sick. Why? The same wind? These three children must have problems with their own internal causes, such as overeating, accumulation of food, abnormal qi and blood circulation, etc. There is insufficient righteousness, so internal causes are the main cause.

So how do we, Chinese medicine practitioners, analyze the internal causes in our bodies? We say there are "fatigue from eating and drinking" and "seven emotions and internal injuries".

◈There is a lot of knowledge about "diet". For example, this person has heavy moisture and weak qi in his body. Why? Many people's situation is caused by eating, eating cold drinks, excessive diet, fat, sweet and thick taste, etc., which consumes the healthy energy, cannot metabolize food, accumulates garbage in the body, drinks too much water, ice drinks, ice drinks, etc. If it lies inside, the person will have heavy dampness and phlegm, so this is caused by oneself. So what is the result of such a heavy burden on the spleen and stomach for a long time and the eventual decline in spleen and stomach function? The dietary subtleties that lead to the inability to absorb food eventually lead to the person's qi deficiency, so qi deficiency occurs. Therefore, if you eat this diet in a messy way, it will lead to various complex changes and patterns in the body. This is the diet.

◈"Tiredness" refers to all kinds of consumption. For example, sexual intercourse and excessive sexual indulgence can lead to kidney essence consumption. Kidney essence consumption sometimes develops towards yang deficiency and sometimes towards yin deficiency. When Yin deficiency develops, it means insufficient essence and blood. Then what about body fluid? Because the deficiency fire is strong, body fluid begins to be lacking. Therefore, such people gradually develop in the direction of deficient fire in the body, the tongue becomes redder and redder, and the tongue coating becomes thinner and thinner. This is caused by excessive consumption.

So you see, eating fatigue involves very complex problems. This fatigue also includes using your brain too much, not sleeping at night, working too hard, etc. These are all fatigue. So eating and fatigue is a big factor that messes up the body.

◈Coupled with the "seven emotions of internal injury", joy, anger, worry, thoughts, sadness, fear, and shock, your body's qi and blood will be disordered. We won’t talk much about the physical problems caused by the internal injuries of the seven emotions. I usually talk about the impact of emotions on people every day. Different emotions affect different organs and the running status of the body’s qi. Therefore, various bad emotions are There are very big factors that mess up our bodies. You can listen to my previous audios and read my previous articles about this. This is very important.

When we are tired from eating and suffering from internal injuries, the internal structure of our body begins to undergo various changes. Then the more stable ones among them will enter various physiques, which are the various abnormal physiques we talk about, such as those with qi deficiency, yin deficiency, yang deficiency, and blood deficiency. It is caused by various deficiencies in the body, several modes entered, as well as essence deficiency, heavy phlegm and dampness, sometimes hot phlegm, cold phlegm, and blood stasis. These are all abnormal patterns of our body. If it falls on the five internal organs, it is further divided. For example, if Qi deficiency falls on specific organs, there are also lung Qi deficiency, spleen Qi deficiency, liver Qi deficiency, heart Qi deficiency, and kidney Qi deficiency. The specific manifestations are different.

So as you can see, our body will enter several patterns. Then this is the internal cause of illness. When your body enters this state, if the external environment changes again at this time, you will easily get external infections. So how has the external environment changed? This brings us to our main topic, which is how the external environment affects our body.

External environmental factors that lead to illness

The external environment is like this. The normal rhythm is hot in summer and cold in winter. There is a rhythm, so our human body adapts to this rhythm. Just like animals adapt to nature, our bodies will also change. In winter, when the skin is sealed and we sweat less, we try to minimize exercise and we are able to resist the cold. When summer comes, let alone summer, let’s just say spring, when the sun is shining brightly, your body begins to change. What does this have to do with? It has to do with the various photoreceptors in your body. This thing is very subtle, just like a seed that will germinate on its own when it reaches a certain temperature. This is what nature has evolved over hundreds of millions of years. As long as the temperature and light are sufficient, the brightness of the outside world changes, and the temperature changes slightly, your body will start to sprout immediately. Change. So two days ago, my old mother said, why did you start sweating? Why are you sweating? The weather has just warmed up, and the changes are particularly obvious for people with this type of yin deficiency constitution. So I adjusted it right away, and I immediately felt that my body was starting to recover. Therefore, people are particularly sensitive to the natural rhythms of the outside world. This is because we can adapt to it, so we live well.

So under what circumstances is it inappropriate? It's just that it's too much. In ancient times, this kind of excess was called "yin". This kind of lust should be considered excessive. For example, in winter, it is normally cold, but suddenly the temperature drops suddenly in the past two days. For example, it was minus 15 degrees Celsius in the first two days, and suddenly it was minus 25 degrees Celsius. This is a cooling down, and a cold wave is coming. In this situation, some people cannot adapt. Why? In your own body, the internal factors mentioned earlier have messed up the body, so you can't adapt to it normally. For example, in the winter it is always minus 15 degrees, and suddenly today it is 1 degree above zero, and the snow has melted. How is this person doing? Humans can't adapt to this kind of weather, so if you operate normally, it's fine. But because of nature, it's also full of changes. Because of the movement of galaxies in the universe, it has various changes. This kind of change was studied by the ancients. The "Five Movements and Six Qi" will superimpose various factors and lead to abnormal climate changes. If you study carefully, there are too many factors that affect our earth. What do you think of the gravitational relationship between the moon and us, which causes daily changes in tides and sea water. For example, our women's menstruation comes once a month. What does it have to do with it? It has something to do with the changes in the gravity of the moon and the earth. Well, some friends said that there are a lot of disasters this year. We all know that there are a lot of locust plagues, fires and other things on the earth. Why? Some netizens left a message saying that this year is an active year in the sunspot activity cycle. I think it makes sense. You may not expect that changes in distant celestial bodies will cause various complex changes in the earth's climate. So once the normal rhythm is broken, and suddenly there is excessive cold, excessive heat, excessive wind, extremely heavy humidity, etc., some people find this situation okay and can adapt; then there are people whose bodies are not normal to begin with. , for example, people with various physical constitutions will have problems at this time and cannot adapt. Therefore, the changes in the external world were summarized by the ancients as the "six evils", wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, fire, or dryness and heat. These points are the abnormal changes in the external world. These things are called the "six qi" ", which are the various changes in nature, the six changes. If it goes too far, it is called the six evils.

At this time, the key question comes, are these six evils evil? This question is particularly important and involves many subsequent questions. Let me answer this question for you. These six evil spirits should be said to be evil spirits, but they are not the whole content of evil spirits. Strictly speaking, these six evil spirits are the external environment that causes changes in the body. The external temperature decreases and the external environment changes. Because the external environment changes, the body is messed up. The body is already in chaos. The changes in the natural environment and the chaos inside the body make you unable to resist another pathogen entering the body. cause you to become sick. Therefore, we call pathogens that enter the body and changes in the external environment as evil.

Well, the ancient Chinese were smarter. I divided this thing too finely for everyone to grasp, so I simply called this change in the external environment "evil energy", which is simpler. For example, the outside world suddenly becomes cold, and it suddenly drops to minus 25 degrees. You catch a cold, and then it causes a series of physical diseases. So what should we do? We call the cold you receive "evil energy". When you catch a cold, the "cold evil" enters the body, moves in, etc. In fact, it is a reaction to the changes in the body after being exposed to cold. But we just treat the cold as an evil spirit, and you can cure the disease by adjusting your response to changes. Let's take an example like this. For example, if you catch a cold, your body will be cold at first, and then the cold evil will move inside, causing your stomach to catch a cold. Your stomach will become cold and you will start to have diarrhea. This kind of diarrhea caused by cold, we say that cold evil has come in, what should we do? We warm the Yang to warm up the body and expel the cold evil. Well, this process is actually because your body can't stand the drop in temperature, which leads to changes in the digestive system. Then we warm up your body, restore its functions, and the body recovers. We ordinary people say, "The cold evil has been driven out." This statement is more intuitive and easy to understand. As soon as it is said, all Chinese people know that when I drink ginger soup, the cold evil is driven away, which actually makes my body warm again. , and the normal function is restored, then we say that the cold evil has been driven away.

"Inorganic Evil" and "Organic Evil"

So general diseases are no problem, but in some special cases it will cause people to think, under what circumstances? plague. During the plague, people discovered, how could this thing change back and forth? I am obviously suffering from cold evil, so why is there a reaction of heat inside? We just say "turning heat into the interior", but there are always people who can't explain the matter of turning heat into the interior. What does it mean to turn heat into the interior? How can cold evil turn into heat? So it makes people think.

I particularly admire a traditional Chinese medicine doctor from the Republic of China, named Zhu Weiju. This person was a very powerful person. He was from the Vulcan sect. He was good at using aconite and dared to issue a military order when treating diseases: You can’t cure this disease, so I’ll cure it! If it can’t be cured, go and smash the sign of my medical clinic! He dares to do this. Well, Zhu Weiju wrote a book called "Shanghai Zhidi Difficulty". The preface to "Shanghai Zhidi Difficulty" was written by famous Chinese medicine masters in Shanghai at that time, such as Lu Yuanlei, Zhang Cigong and other famous Chinese medicine masters. Everyone highly praised him. , he was a very prestigious person in Shanghai’s traditional Chinese medicine community at that time. He said that Chinese medicine must clarify this issue. If you always regard these six evils as evil spirits, Chinese medicine will never make progress. So how can it make progress? He said you have to get to the bottom of it. What are these six evils? It is a change in the external environment. We call it "inorganic evil". If you catch a cold, if the cold enters the body, it will not develop further. If it enters six points, it will be six points, and it will not become nine points. It is just the external environment that affects the body, so it is an inorganic evil and it will not reproduce. So what is another evil spirit? Microorganisms from the outside are called "organic evils". This kind of thing will multiply when it enters the body. Once the environment is suitable, it will multiply. This kind of organic evil means that when your body is affected by inorganic evil and your body becomes seriously disordered, organic evil can enter your body and start making trouble. Therefore, every external disease we suffer from is the result of a mixture of organic and inorganic evils. So this organic evil includes the bacteria, viruses, etc. we are talking about today. So everyone can see that Zhu Weiju’s thoughts are more in line with the actual medical situation. How does Zhu Weiju discuss organic evils and inorganic evils? I won’t go into too much detail, because this is for TCM professionals, and I don’t think what Zhu Weiju said in the entire book "Shanghai Difficulty" is correct, because he also has his limitations. After all, he was from the Republic of China period. , but I think his formulation and concept are particularly outstanding. It provides a platform and an opportunity for the development and breakthrough of the theoretical framework of traditional Chinese medicine.So let’s summarize this: every time our body suffers from an exogenous disease, it is the result of several factors. What factors are it? First, the movement of qi and blood in our body is disordered, and we have different constitutions such as qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, and phlegm-dampness. Then when various problems occur in your body, the external environment changes, such as humidity, temperature, etc. Changes have occurred that make it difficult for your body to bear this change. This is the impact of inorganic evil on your body. Then, when inorganic evil causes your body to be in a state of low immunity and low righteousness, organic evil takes advantage of the situation and enters your body to multiply, so you suffer from exogenous diseases. Therefore, our exogenous diseases are the result of several factors, which everyone can understand.

"Typhoid Faction" and "Febrile Fever"

Let’s talk about this question: Why are there two schools of traditional Chinese medicine, typhoid fever and febrile disease, in the history of exogenous diseases? It’s like this. What do the inorganic evils outside, the changes in the six evil environments outside, have to do with it? It has to do with time. For example, during the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Zhang Zhongjing lived, there were more than 200 people in his family. Many people died because of the plague. What kind of plague? At that time, cold was the main cause. Later, our research proved that at that time, it was a cold period in the history of the earth. The temperature of the earth was much lower than usual. Therefore, the evil spirits felt were the factors causing disease in the external environment at that time. These six evils, This inorganic evil is mainly cold. So in a cold environment, who is more likely to get sick? People with insufficient yang energy and qi deficiency, that is, people with yang deficiency and qi deficiency, are more likely to get sick and catch cold at this time. In this case, the treatment of diseases is very unique, so the book written by Zhang Zhongjing is called "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases". What is the main system framework of this book? It is when you feel the inorganic evil - cold, that is to say, when the six evils are dominated by cold, what happens to the body's pathological changes, when organic evil comes in, and what are the resistance states of the body at different levels. So what we call the "Six Classics" are actually six defense states. Zhang Zhongjing wrote these different defense states of the body very clearly. For example, when defending, there are those who are particularly strong in resistance, and there are those who have low physical function and insufficient resistance. The discussion is particularly detailed.

Professor Wu Jun from the United States circulated on the Internet two days ago, talking about the prevention and treatment of coronavirus pneumonia. He said why these doctors who died were all from our hospital, and our hospital must take care of them under the best conditions, but why did they still die? What's up? What is the reason? What most people don't know now is that they actually die from an immune overreaction. The body feels that external evil is coming, so it mobilizes an army and attacks with countless artillery shells. It not only attacks the virus, but also attacks its own organs. So in the end you will find that the internal organs are damaged and various organs fail, including lung failure, heart failure, and kidney failure. , why is it failing? It's an excessive immune response. So he said that the way to save lives is to try to suppress this powerful immune response and use an antioxidant component to suppress it. He said that Chinese medicine isatis root and coptis have this effect, and this Chinese medicine doctor has known it for a long time. In Zhang Zhongjing’s system, why is there Baihu Decoction and heat-clearing soup? That is, when your body reacts too intensely and is in a high fever state, let you cool down and return to normal state. Don't react so intensely or be so excited against evil, because this kind of excitement can easily damage your own organs. . So you can see that the ancient Chinese were very smart. Now you are slowly revealing these truths. For example, the mortality rate is very high now. Why is the mortality rate so high? The immune response is excessive. We ancients have long known how to avoid entering this excited state, allowing you to return to normal, and let your entire enthusiasm for resisting the enemy drop. Two days ago, a doctor of Western medicine sent me a voice, which is the voice taught by an American professor. After listening to it, I said that we Chinese medicine have many such ideas. It is not just a small Bupleurum plus Isatis root, Scutellaria baicalensis and so on. We There are many such ideas in traditional Chinese medicine. So I have to admire the wisdom of the ancients.

Well, in addition to this anti-evil excess, there is also the doldrums. When external evils invade, your body is unable to organize resistance due to its low state. For example, I wrote an article earlier called Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Decoction Syndrome. Zhang Zhongjing’s prescription is to treat Shaoyin disease, which means that you are suffering from external evils. During the period, if your Shaoyin Qi is insufficient, that is, the kidney meridian Qi is insufficient. In addition to invading the body surface, external evils also invade the kidney meridian, which is called "too little and two senses". Use Ephedra, Fuzi and Xixin Decoction. How was this disease often treated in ancient times? This person has just had sexual intercourse, or has had a lot of sexual intercourse in normal times. People with kidney deficiency will easily enter this state when feeling external evils, and their resistance will be insufficient. At this time, if Western medicine tests the hormone levels in this person's body, many of his hormone levels will be low, that is, his overall functions are not overactive. This person always wants to sleep, is always wilted, is afraid of cold, and usually looks pale. What should people do in this state? I arouse your fighting enthusiasm, strengthen your yang energy, and give your body the ability to resist external evils. This "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" discusses in great detail what to do when the body is deficient and what to do when it overreacts. Wait. And what else is discussed in detail in Treatise on Febrile Diseases? What to do when there is blood stasis, what kind of reaction will occur when external evil attacks when there is heavy water and dampness, etc., etc., are all explained in great detail. What is this for? This is all about how to adjust various patterns in the body. So "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" is very interesting. When discussing evil spirits, it is very clear. There are only two words, "typhoid fever", what happens next, and what to do under what circumstances. So he uses the word "typhoid fever", which I think has a special meaning. Deep, people have made it very clear that when cold comes, external evils enter the human body and undergo various changes. How do we adjust it? Therefore, Zhang Zhongjing is very strict in his words. However, with the development of later generations, the more we talk about cold, the more emphasis is placed on it. In fact, cold is just an environment that causes disease. After external evil enters, Zhang Zhongjing writes clearly about various reactions. Let me emphasize it again, because in that era, there were more colds and the prevailing environment was cold, so Zhang Zhongjing mainly discussed that in this cold environment, when the two factors of Yang and Qi in the human body are insufficient, it is easy to feel evil. , easy to get sick, so how to adjust it is discussed in very detail. So the discussion didn't discuss other hot situations? When it came to the discussion, Zhang Zhongjing also discussed it in great detail, and there were many prescriptions that were used again and again by later generations to treat febrile diseases. But in any case, Zhang Zhongjing emphasized the two factors of yang and qi. In the absence of these two factors, what problems will arise in the human body's resistance to evil? He discussed this in detail.

Then let’s talk about febrile diseases. The theory of febrile disease has been around since the Jin and Yuan Dynasties. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially the Qing Dynasty, the theoretical framework was established. Is this a cold period? No, this is related to time. So what else does this six evils, this inorganic evil have to do with? It also depends on the region. So this time pneumonia occurred in Wuhan and spread to different places. The reactions were different. In Guangdong, there was a lot of heat and humidity. In the northwest, people said it was clearly dryness, with dry tongue and no body fluid at all. It was a disease caused by dryness. This seems to be a big difference. Why is it so different? Is this plague caused by dryness or dampness? Is it cold or hot? Everyone just doesn’t understand.

In fact, these organic evils are all the same, and they are all the coronavirus. So this inorganic evil is different, because it varies from place to place. Can Northeast and Guangdong be the same? It is definitely different from Hainan, and the northwest and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai areas are definitely different from Jiangnan. Therefore, this inorganic evil will cause various reactions in the body. For example, let’s talk about the origin of febrile diseases. Why did febrile diseases develop in Jiangnan? Jiangnan is hot, what does the heat hurt? Heat consumes body fluids and blood in our bodies, so essence, blood, body fluids, and fluids are all easily damaged by heat consumption. This is another matter of physical constitution. Zhang Zhongjing discusses Qi and Yang, and it is easy to damage Yin and blood here. On the other hand, for people with yin deficiency and blood loss, in this environment, when the weather is hot and inorganic evil heat dominates, the body is more likely to collapse. At this time, organic evil can easily come in, so in this However, it reflects exactly another state. People with other physical constitutions, those with a weak-heat constitution, are easily brought into this state by organic evils. So at this time, it’s a bit unreasonable for everyone to use the original explanation of typhoid fever. Therefore, many doctors were confused during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially when the plague came. They felt that the original prescription for typhoid fever was not enough. It seemed that the disease was different from the original one due to external pathogens. So they began to think about it, and febrile diseases were born. theory. So the theory of febrile disease focuses on things like essence, blood, body fluid, and fluid. At the same time, what are the characteristics of the Jiangnan region? It is extremely moist, so if a person has a heavy amount of moisture in the body, when the external evils and six evils are heavy, it will be easier for the body to collapse and be invaded by organic evils. Therefore, after the febrile disease school became popular in the Jiangnan area, it paid special attention to clearing dampness. This is another major feature of the febrile disease school. What is the root cause of dehumidification? Is there Zhang Zhongjing? Yes, Zhang Zhongjing had many prescriptions and ideas for removing dampness, so later generations developed them and developed them in the Febrile Disease School, because this place was in great need.

Having said this, let me review it with you again. What problems are likely to occur inside our human body? Qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, yang deficiency, plus phlegm-dampness, blood stasis, etc. Phlegm, dampness and blood stasis are obstacles to the body's operation. Zhang Zhongjing has long discussed how to remove them. Later generations of febrile disease experts also knew how to remove dampness, dampness and heat, etc. The most fundamental problem is that the problem with your body is Qi. , blood, yin and yang. Zhang Zhongjing discussed yang qi and qi in great detail. The Febrile Disease School paid more attention to blood and yin. Think about it, if these two schools of thought were combined, would the theory of exogenous diseases of traditional Chinese medicine be complete? Everyone is right. When these two things are combined, it seems that the internal environment in the body is solved. So what influence does it have from the outside? Once my internal environment is solved, in fact, the external influence is not that big. Therefore, if the two schools of thought are combined, the exogenous disease of traditional Chinese medicine will have a great development.

So, what is it that prevents these two schools from coming together? Let me tell you what exactly this evil spirit is. He said that the evil spirit is cold, and he said that the evil spirit is heat. The debate between these two aspects has been going on, and the discussion has been intense. We have been litigating for thousands of years, and everyone has been fighting this fight. In fact, when I look at the prescriptions at the end, they are pretty much the same. In Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases", there are many, many prescriptions for clearing heat and many, many prescriptions for removing dampness. So among the books written by the febrile disease school in later generations, take a look at "Tiao Bian of Febrile Diseases" and Wang Mengying's "Wenre Jingwei". Chengqi Decoction and Baihu Decoction are used a lot. These ideas They're all pretty much the same. The reason why they can't get along is because of what evil energy is.

So I often say that treating the six evils as evil spirits has hindered the development of the theory of exogenous disease in later generations of traditional Chinese medicine. What are the six evils actually? The six evils are disease-causing environments. They are factors that affect changes in the environment inside your body. When they enter the body, they cannot go all the way inside, no. What has changed? It's organic evil. So I think Zhu Weiju is a very remarkable person. After he proposed the concepts of inorganic evil and organic evil, he gave Chinese medicine an opportunity. If we can all reach a consensus, it turns out that wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire are inorganic evils. It is a disease-causing environment that causes changes in the internal environment of the body, leading to system collapse and insufficient righteousness. Then organic evils invade, and every one of us An illness turns out to be the result of the interaction between the internal environment and organic and inorganic evils. If we can all think this way, all our problems with external diseases will actually be solved.

So I always say that the theory of traditional Chinese medicine has always been developing. We continue to develop and adapt to changes in the outside world. In the end, we can find better ways to treat diseases. We cannot be framed by theory. We can't break through if we are bound by theory. Every time a plague comes, we fight. I say it's febrile disease, and he says it's typhoid fever. I use the prescription for febrile disease very well. If it can't be cured, I won't cure it. It was cured very well with the typhoid prescription, but if it couldn’t be cured, I wouldn’t treat it either. Everyone, can Chinese medicine develop? It can't develop. So this time I went back and forth on this issue, is it typhoid fever or febrile disease? In fact, this is not a problem. For typhoid fever and febrile diseases, the methods inside are all correct. Whichever pattern our body enters, we adjust it. The shortcomings are to make up for it. When it is excited, we suppress it. Typhoid fever and febrile diseases They are all good at it and can use any recipe. We must first make a breakthrough in theory. It does not mean that one kind of disease is called typhoid fever, and another kind of disease is called febrile disease. No, cold and warm are just pathogenic environments. What really comes in are organic evils.

So if Chinese medicine wants to develop in the future, I will make another prediction and subdivide the organic evils. How are the organic evils integrated with our environment? What are the properties of organic evil? If Chinese medicine can one day subdivide this organic evil and analyze it in detail, then the theory of Chinese medicine will really develop. Of course I believe this day will be far away, why? Because the current mainstream of traditional Chinese medicine is still ancient, and the more ancient, the better. If you want to make a breakthrough in theory, there will be a lot of people who will criticize you. But I think this must be developed. Why? Because every time the plague comes, there is always a fight between cold and warm. I feel that this situation must be wrong. Why? The patient was waiting there, but the Chinese medicine practitioners on both sides started fighting. I felt this was wrong. So the cold and temperature must be unified, so how to unify them? The pattern must be improved, and your theoretical framework must be improved.

This is what I talked about with you today. We talked for half an hour. We talked a lot. In fact, we just talked briefly. If we talk about academic things within Chinese medicine, we actually need to take out the Treatise on Febrile Diseases and the prescriptions for febrile diseases, and examine each prescription according to the organic and inorganic evils. Come and decide whether this recipe is reasonable to put in it. If everything is reasonable, then the cold and temperature can be unified, and everyone can just use it to treat diseases. There is no need to argue about this. This is the work of the future, this is the work of professionals. The purpose of talking to my friends is to tell you how external evil invades our human body. After everyone understands it, if you find it interesting, in the future when you have a cold or feel external infection, if you understand this idea, it will be helpful to you. beneficial.

That’s all for today. I’ll talk to you more about it when I have time. Thank you all!
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