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Children tend to accumulate food if they go to bed after eating at home

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Children tend to accumulate food if they go to bed after eating at home
In the past, it was "three pounds every holiday". Recently, because companies and schools have postponed work and the start of school, everyone is "paralyzed" at home. Now many people even put on the scale blindfolded.

In the past, although people were open to eating and drinking, at least they were still walking around. Now everyone has realized their dream - eat when they wake up, eat snacks while looking at their mobile phones after dinner, sleep for a while when they are tired, and wake up. Let’s eat again...

The same is true for children, but they just turn watching TV from watching mobile phones.

Children are still young and have poor self-control, and they are not very clear about the concept of fullness. Staying at home without exercising and eating snacks after meals can easily lead to overeating, resulting in food accumulation and even injury to the spleen and stomach.

Therefore, parents must pay more attention to their child's eating situation at this time and do not let him eat non-stop. Once a child feels physically uncomfortable, parents should first observe the child's tongue to see if the child has accumulated food.

1 A child with this kind of tongue sign may have accumulated food.

How can parents judge whether their children have accumulated food through their children's tongue patterns?

Let’s first look at which organs of the body each part of the tongue corresponds to: the left side of the tongue corresponds to the liver, the right side corresponds to the gallbladder, the position between the tip of the tongue and the middle of the tongue corresponds to the heart, small intestine, and lungs, the middle part of the tongue corresponds to the spleen and stomach, and the middle part of the tongue corresponds to the spleen and stomach. The position to the root corresponds to the kidneys and bladder.

Since the middle part of the tongue corresponds to the spleen and stomach, what does the thick tongue coating in this part mean? It means that the child has accumulated food.

Let’s look at the child’s tongue picture below. His tongue coating covers the entire tongue, and the tongue coating in the middle of the tongue is slightly thicker than the tongue coating on the sides. This is a typical tongue picture of children accumulating food.

Food tongue diagram

If a child's food accumulation is not treated in time, it will cause disorders of spleen and stomach function. Once the spleen and stomach function is imbalanced, it will lead to sluggish circulation of qi and blood in the body, and the lungs will also be affected. Why is this so?

Because the spleen and stomach belong to earth, the lungs belong to metal, and earth produces metal, the spleen and stomach are the "mother" of the lungs - if there is a problem with the mother, the child will also be affected. If there is a problem with the lungs, the respiratory system governed by the lungs will be out of balance; if there is a problem with the respiratory system, external evils will easily invade.

Once parents confirm that their child has an overeating tongue by looking at his or her tongue, they also need to diagnose and treat the child through syndrome differentiation and physical symptoms.

2. If you have these symptoms, parents should help their children to treat them in time.

In addition to judging the tongue appearance, parents can also judge whether their children have accumulated food based on the following physical symptoms combined with the tongue appearance.

① Taste in mouth

An important basis for judging whether a child has accumulated food is to smell the taste in the child's mouth.

Chinese medicine says that as the spleen goes up, stomach qi goes down - stomach qi tends to go downwards. The food we eat has to go downwards after entering the body, so gastric qi will also go downwards. Accumulation of food will block the child's spleen and stomach Qi and prevent it from flowing down smoothly. As a result, the spleen and stomach Qi will flow upward, carrying the smell of food digested by the spleen and stomach, causing a sour smell in the child's mouth.

②The stool is smelly

If your child's stools smell foul and putrid recently, it may be caused by food accumulation.

③ Feeling bloated after eating

If your child feels bloated and painful after eating, and this happens often, he may have food accumulation.

Some parents may say: "My child drinks porridge every day, but why can't he digest it?" In fact, this may be because the accumulated food in the past injured the spleen and stomach. Although the food has been transported out, the injury to the spleen and stomach has not recovered. . This state is also called accumulation of food in traditional Chinese medicine, which needs to be slowly adjusted and recovered over time.

It should be noted that not all of these symptoms may appear in children, but as long as one of them appears, the possibility of food accumulation in the child must be considered.

Parents can combine the tongue signs and physical symptoms to confirm that their children have accumulated food, and then they can give their children a digestion drink to dissolve the accumulated food.


Recipe: 6 grams each of Jiao Sanxian (Jiao Hawthorn, Jiao Malt and Jiao Shenqu), fried chicken gizzard (this is the dosage for a 6-year-old child, reduce the dosage as appropriate for younger children, for example, a 3-year-old child needs 3 grams of each medicine) .

Method: Pour 2 cups of water, boil the pot and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

Usage: Drink it half an hour after meals every day, usually 3 times a day. Just make enough for the child to drink each time.

Tip: There is no need to drink more if the child’s symptoms of food accumulation disappear.

3. Children with strong spleen and stomach can grow and develop better.

After giving Xiaojiyin to their children, parents must not blindly feed their children in the next period of time. They should let their children eat more whole grains and vegetables, and never let them continue to eat greasy food.

In addition, parents can also massage their children with the pinching method, which will have better results.

pinch accumulation method

Technique: Along the direction of the spine (from the child's buttocks to the neck), use your fingers to pinch the skin of the child's back forward 3 times, and then lift it once to let the child's belly lift off the bed. This is very effective in eliminating accumulated food and regulating the spleen and stomach.

Warning: Children may not be used to being pinched at first, because it will hurt a bit, but after the child gets used to it, he will like it very much and will not feel comfortable even if it is not pinched.

After parents give their children kneading food, the child's appetite will obviously improve and it can also help the child grow taller. This is because kneading food can more effectively help the child eliminate food and relieve the burden on the spleen and stomach.

After the spleen and stomach become strong, children can digest and absorb nutrients in food well and grow and develop better.

It should be noted that food accumulation is a problem that most parents often encounter in daily parenting. Although there are many ways to help children regulate food accumulation, you must remember that eliminating food accumulation is only a way to help children relieve physical discomfort and does not It cannot fundamentally solve the problem of food accumulation in children.

Let your children develop the good habit of eating in moderation and not eat whatever they like. This is what parents need to pay attention to and learn the most.

I hope all parents and children can eat reasonably during this time at home.
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