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Do these after exercise, be careful of self-defeating

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Do these after exercise, be careful of self-defeating
Exercise is not without taboos. If you do it wrongly, it may even be harmful to your body. Especially right after exercise, it is best not to do the following 6 things immediately, otherwise you may be self-defeating!

01 Don’t just stop when you say stop.

If exercise suddenly stops, the heart cannot adapt to the sudden changes in the limbs in a short period of time and is still in an overloaded state, which will cause a large amount of blood to accumulate in the heart, leading to extreme ischemia in the brain, resulting in symptoms of dizziness and shock. In severe cases, the brain may grow due to brain growth. Death due to lack of time.

Therefore, you must "cool down" after exercise, adjust your breathing rhythm, walk and swing your arms for 3 to 5 minutes or longer, and rest after your heart rate drops to less than 100 beats per minute.

02 Avoid eating immediately

Exercise will consume the body's stores of sugar, fat, and protein, so it is normal to feel a certain degree of hunger after exercise, but it is not advisable to eat immediately after exercise. This is because when people exercise, only the motor nerves are excited, and the autonomic nerves that control the gastrointestinal tract are still suppressed. At this time, the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract is still relatively slow, and the secretion of various digestive glands is also greatly reduced. This situation will probably recover 20 to 30 minutes after the end of exercise.

Therefore, rushing to eat right after exercise will increase the burden on the digestive organs and cause digestive disorders.

03Don’t smoke immediately

Exercise greatly increases the body's demand for oxygen. In this case, if you inhale smoke containing a large amount of extremely low oxygen content, the body will inevitably suffer from "drunk smoke" symptoms such as chest tightness, suffocation, dizziness, and fatigue due to lack of oxygen. Harmful to health.

04 Avoid drinking a lot of water

Exercise often makes people sweat profusely. As a large amount of water is consumed, there will always be a feeling of dry mouth and urgent need to drink water after exercise. However, if you drink a lot of water at this time, it can easily lead to electrolyte imbalance in the body, causing symptoms of "water intoxication" such as fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle tremors, and even coma and shock. To prevent this phenomenon, you should replenish water correctly after exercise:

1) After exercise, rest for at least 10 to 15 minutes before drinking water. The water temperature should be controlled between 20 and 40°C. If the water temperature is too high, it may damage the oral or digestive tract mucosa; if the water temperature is too low, it can easily cause gastric cramps.

2) After your physical strength has basically recovered, you can drink an appropriate amount of vegetable juice or fresh milk to neutralize acidic toxins in the body and promote physical recovery.

05 Avoid sudden drop in body temperature

During exercise, blood vessels on the surface of the body dilate, body temperature rises, pores dilate, and perspiration increases. If you take off your clothes immediately after exercise, take a nap in the air vent, or flush your head with cold water to cool down, it will cause the body temperature regulation function to become imbalanced, resulting in a decrease in immune function, which can lead to colds, diarrhea, asthma and other illnesses.

06 Avoid taking a bath immediately

During exercise, blood floods the body surface. Taking a bath immediately after exercise will further expand the blood vessels on the body surface, which will aggravate ischemia and hypoxia in the heart and brain, leading to symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, and even syncope. Therefore, after exercise, Do not take a bath immediately.
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