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4 tips to lower blood sugar without spending a fortune

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

4 tips to lower blood sugar without spending a fortune
In addition to the "five carriages", there are 4 tips for lowering blood sugar, which you can learn in no time without spending a lot of money. Especially those with diabetes who have poor blood sugar control can learn from them.


Having fun means making yourself happy. If you like to have fun with a friend, plan a day trip to go hiking, eating, or fishing. In fact, people should regard enjoyment as something they must do every day and arrange time for enjoyment every day. Enjoyment does not have to spend a lot of time or a lot of money. Give yourself 10 minutes to walk every day, or spend 5 minutes to call a friend, or play with a puppy, or watch a funny movie, or listen to a few crosstalks, etc. , are all good ways to have fun. When you are happy, your health will also improve.

sufficient sleep

Sleep is very important for normal people, but it is even more important for "diabetics". Insufficient sleep for normal people may cause diabetes, while lack of sleep for "diabetics" will increase the cortisol hormone in the body, causing blood sugar to rise, which may then cause a series of Complications and comorbidities, such as diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other diseases. Research has found that people who sleep less than five and a half hours have a 40% lower insulin sensitivity than people who sleep eight hours a day. Therefore, diabetic patients should not stay up late, try to maintain a regular schedule and get enough sleep. If you do not sleep enough for 7 hours at night, or do not sleep deeply, it is best to develop the habit of taking a moderate lunch break to match the biological rhythm of the human body. In addition, it is very important to ensure the "quality sleep time" from 10 pm to 5 am. Usually the human body can achieve deep sleep during this time, which is the best time to relieve fatigue.

If you have been having trouble sleeping, here are some ways you can improve your sleep to ensure you have quality sleep. 1. For "sugar friends" who have the habit of taking a nap, it is recommended that the time be controlled within half an hour to avoid being sleepy at night; 2. Take a warm bath or soak your feet in warm water before going to bed, which will help relax the body muscles and improve sleep quality. Sleep quality.

take it easy

The psychological pressure caused by excessive anxiety and tension among "sugar lovers" will cause blood sugar to rise, which is not conducive to controlling the disease. Diabetic patients need to learn to relax and reduce stress. Yoga and meditation are very effective for type 2 diabetic patients to relax their body and mind. Research has found that taking 10 minutes to meditate every day can help lower blood sugar. If you're in the office, here's how to meditate: Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing and nothing else. If you are at home, lie on the floor, put your feet up against a wall if you can, relax your muscles, and breathe through your Dantian, preferably accompanied by soft music.

Love can defeat diabetes

Whether you or your partner has diabetes, it may affect every aspect of your life including clothing, food, housing, transportation, and sleep. Research from New York University points out that a good marriage can reduce the stress caused by diabetes. The study subjects included 78 couples, with one person in each couple needing insulin to treat diabetes. The results show that if the relationship between husband and wife is happy, patients with diabetes are more satisfied with self-care routines, such as self-monitoring of blood sugar, taking insulin and diet control; if the relationship between husband and wife is tense, patients with diabetes often feel stressed and helpless. It can be seen that the love between husband and wife is also a major weapon in defeating diabetes.

Love is based on effective communication. If one party has diabetes, the other party should also strengthen their diabetes knowledge, actively communicate with the other party, and provide logistical support for the other party. On the road to fighting sugar, you will go further if you are accompanied by love.

Don’t underestimate the above tips. Their impact on blood sugar is far beyond your expectation. Diabetes is a chronic disease. Only with a better mentality can you go further and have a higher quality of life.
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