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Exercise to lower blood sugar, you may have been doing it wrong...

By tianke  •  1 comment  •   3 minute read

Exercise to lower blood sugar, you may have been doing it wrong...
In men with type 2 diabetes, high-intensity interval training in the afternoon appeared to improve blood sugar levels better than exercising in the morning during the first two weeks of their training regimen. And when you exercise in the morning, your blood sugar control is slightly worse.

This study data highlights the importance of optimizing exercise timing to improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, people with diabetes should choose scientific and reasonable exercise and avoid the following "seven unsuitable" exercises to lower blood sugar.

1. It is not advisable to exercise when the following conditions occur:

1. Blood sugar >16.7 mmol/L or fluctuates greatly:

2. Acute complications of diabetes such as acute infection;

3. Severe diabetic nephropathy; 4. Retinopathy with fundus hemorrhage; 5. Diabetic foot; 6. Severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as unstable angina, severe arrhythmia, transient cerebral ischemic attack, etc.

2. It is not advisable to exercise blindly

Some people think that exercise can lower blood sugar. In fact, this view is very one-sided. For people with high blood sugar and severe complications, blind exercise is likely to aggravate the condition.

Diabetes patients with high blood sugar should consult a doctor before exercising to see if their condition is suitable for exercise. Even if they can exercise, they should strengthen blood sugar monitoring before and after exercise to understand their own reactions to different exercises, exercise in a planned and reasonable manner, and avoid unstable blood sugar levels. Do exercise regularly.

3. It is not advisable to exercise on an empty stomach

Some people like to get up early and exercise on an empty stomach, which is called "morning exercise". However, during fasting exercise, the energy in the body mainly comes from fat decomposition. At the same time, the muscles will also decompose muscle glycogen for energy expenditure, which will put a burden on the liver.

Therefore, people with diabetes should not exercise on an empty stomach. It is best to exercise one hour after eating to avoid hypoglycemia.

4. It is not advisable to get up early to exercise

Everyone has a "biological clock" in their body. This "clock" cannot be adjusted casually, otherwise it will affect the normal physiological functions of the human body, disrupt the rhythmic hormone secretion in the body, and easily cause blood sugar fluctuations.

Therefore, people with diabetes should not wake up too early every day, and the time to wake up should be basically the same every day.

5. It is not advisable to exercise irregularly

Irregular exercise only helps control blood sugar after the meal before exercise, but it does not help control blood sugar at other times, and it cannot achieve satisfactory sugar control effects.

Regular exercise can increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and help lower blood sugar. It can also gradually improve cardiopulmonary function, increase the exercise capacity of the skeletal muscle system, and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

People with diabetes should exercise for about 40 minutes each time, including 5 to 10 minutes of pre-exercise preparation; 30 minutes of exercise when reaching exercise intensity; and 5 to 10 minutes of recovery after exercise.

6. Doing housework should not be used as a substitute for exercise.

Some people think that doing housework is equivalent to exercising, but in fact, doing housework is a type of exercise, but it cannot replace exercise, let alone meet the amount of exercise required for diabetes treatment.

The survey found that most of the time housewives actually exercise is less than 2 hours a day, and the intensity of exercise is also low, which cannot achieve the therapeutic effect.

7. It is not advisable to do too much anaerobic exercise

If you want to exercise scientifically, the method of exercise is very important, and you should follow the principle of "step by step, do according to your ability, and persevere".

It is recommended to mainly perform aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise refers to large muscle group exercise, rhythmic and continuous exercise, which can consume glucose and exercise cardiopulmonary function, such as walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, playing ball, dancing, Tai Chi, etc. (You should pay attention to protecting the knee joints. , to avoid joint damage).

Anaerobic exercise is strength training for specific muscles, such as weightlifting. It does not exercise cardiopulmonary function and can also cause excessive production of lactic acid and cause discomfort. Therefore, people with diabetes should not engage in too much anaerobic exercise.
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