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Chinese patent medicine for colds with mixed cold and heat!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

Chinese patent medicine for colds with mixed cold and heat!
The number of people suffering from colds has been increasing recently, and the symptoms after a cold vary from person to person. There are wind-cold symptoms such as aversion to cold, fever, and body aches, as well as wind-heat symptoms such as dry throat, cough and phlegm, and hoarseness.

Speaking of colds, many people make a mistake, that is, they think they have a cold as long as they see symptoms such as aversion to cold, runny nose, etc., or they think they have a cold due to wind-heat as long as they see dry throat, sore throat, and yellow phlegm. . But in fact, everyone is more likely to catch a cold due to cold.

The term "Hanbaohuo" was first recorded in Qing Dynasty physician Cheng Guopeng's "Medicine Insight": "The person has always been suffering from stagnation of heat, but the wind and cold restrain it. The heat is inside and the cold is outside. The proverb says that "Hanbaohuo" means "Hanbaohuo". A special clinical type of exogenous febrile disease in which cold evil is bound to the outside and heat poison is trapped inside, is also known as "external cold and internal heat" or "external cold and internal heat".

Since the beginning of this cold, many people have left messages saying that they have both symptoms of cold evil and wind-heat. The whole cold process shows the characteristics of mixed cold and heat. This is actually the result of the rapid transformation of heat into the body after feeling the evil wind and cold in the early stage.

Symptoms of Han Bao Fire cold include fever and aversion to cold, headache without sweat, sore limbs, heavy nasal congestion, thirst and sore throat, cough and shortness of breath, yellow and sticky phlegm, upset or yellow urine and constipation, white or yellow tongue coating, and floating pulse. Count etc. Among them, fever, aversion to cold, no sweat, sore limbs, and heavy nasal congestion are manifestations of external cold. Thirst, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, yellow and sticky phlegm, and upset are reflections of internal heat in the lungs.

For Hanbao fire, simply using pungent and cool medicine to relieve the symptoms or using pungent and warm medicine to relieve the symptoms will not quench the thirst.

For example, if only pungent and warm are used to relieve the surface, although symptoms such as aversion to cold, fever, and body aches can be relieved by sweating, they will add fuel to the internal heat. In the same way, if only pungent and cool are used to relieve the surface, although It can relieve internal heat syndrome, but it will make things worse for wind-cold external syndrome.

This is one of the main reasons why some people with this cold have taken a lot of cold medicines but have no improvement.

The method to solve the cold caused by Han Bao Fire is simple and difficult to say. In fact, it is to combine pungent and warm drugs to relieve the symptoms with drugs to clear away heat and detoxify.

The pungent-warming and exterior-relieving drugs can help alleviate the superficial symptoms of wind-cold, while the drugs that can clear away heat and detoxify the lungs and release heat can help relieve the internal heat syndrome. Many people think it’s that simple? This is actually like a steam engine. When most people boil water, they can see the steam pushing the lid open, but how many people can think of using this as power to form a steam engine?

After I have explained the principle clearly to everyone, I won’t be verbose anymore. After all, there are still many people who are suffering right now. Now I will introduce a few Chinese patent medicines to you and explain what situations they are suitable for or when to use them.

01 Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills

The first thing I recommend to everyone is Fangfeng Tongsheng Powder. This prescription was established by Liu Wansu, a master of traditional Chinese medicine in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties. As for the Chinese patent medicine Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills, this is still very easy to buy in pharmacies. This prescription is composed of 17 herbs including saposhnikovia, angelica root, sodium salt, mint, rhubarb, chuanxiong rhizome, forsythia suspensa, ephedra, white peony root, platycodon, skullcap, gypsum, gardenia, talc, atractylodes, schizonepeta, and licorice.

Although this recipe looks complicated, it can be viewed in groups. The first group is Fangfeng, Nepeta, Mint, and Ephedra. They are all external medicines that can dispel wind and disperse external factors. They can disperse external wind evils by causing the body to sweat, which is what Chinese medicine calls the sweating method; The first group is gypsum, forsythia, skullcap, and platycodon, which are all medicinal herbs that can clear the head and head and remove wind and heat from the upper burner, which is what Chinese medicine calls the clearing method; the third group is rhubarb and mirabilite, both of which are Laxatives can purge heat and relieve constipation, allowing the excess heat in the body to be discharged from the stool. This is the method of traditional Chinese medicine; the fourth group is gardenia and talc, both of which have the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, and can clear away the heat of the triple burner. And it makes the heat evil escape from the urine, which is a beneficial method.

The above four methods of sweating, clearing, lowering, and sharpening are used to attack and eliminate the actual evil, so as to treat the upper, middle and lower three burners, exterior and interior simultaneously, so as to achieve the purpose of dispersing wind, relieving the exterior, clearing away heat and laxative.

However, if we attack blindly, it will definitely increase the consumption of Qi and blood, so two sets of tonics are also used in the prescription. The first group is Angelicae Sinensis, White Peony Root, and Ligusticum Chuanxiong. These three herbs are all blood-tonifying herbs, which can nourish and activate the blood. The second group is Atractylodes Rhizoma and Licorice. These two herbs are qi-tonifying herbs, among which Atractylodes Macrocephala can strengthen the spleen, replenish qi, and remove dampness. Diuretic, licorice can nourish the spleen and qi, relieve pain and relieve pain, and reconcile various medicines. Combining the two can strengthen the spleen and stomach, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and help digestion and absorption.

The whole formula has both attack and tonic effects, so that it can dispel evil without damaging the righteousness, and strengthen the righteousness without hindering the evil. It can relieve both the exterior and the interior, eliminate the upper and lower parts, and regulate both qi and blood. It is very suitable for treating colds caused by colds and colds.

However, everyone should remember that if you want to use this method, you must be a person with sufficient righteousness and strong body. This kind of person has entered a state of cold outside and hot inside. The main symptoms at this time are aversion to cold and strong heat, but no sweating. At the same time, such people will have a bitter mouth and dry throat, dry and hard stools, and insufficient urination. If they are suffering from diarrhea or have unformed stools, they cannot use this prescription. Pregnant women cannot use this prescription.

After taking the medicine, if the frequency of bowel movements increases and the stools become unformed, the dosage should be reduced as appropriate. In addition, I would like to remind everyone that Fangfeng Tongsheng Pill has a strong attack power, so it should not be taken for a long time to avoid damaging the central qi.

02 Ganmao Qingre Granules, Xuanmai Ganju Granules

In fact, there are fewer people with strong bodies nowadays, so the scope of application of Fangfeng Tongsheng Powder will be smaller. This is a small disadvantage of it. Therefore, this prescription is not suitable for those who have insufficient righteousness and suffer from excessive sweating once external symptoms occur. When using it, everyone should pay attention to the fact that there is indeed external cold and heat knot inside, constipation and lack of urination. At this time, it is appropriate to use Fangfeng Tongsheng Powder.

So are there any Chinese patent medicines that don’t depend on your physical constitution? There is also cold and heat-clearing granules.

When you see Ganmao Qingre Granules, you must think it is for treating wind-heat cold, right? Actually not. Ganmao Qingre Granules are mainly used to dispel wind and cold, relieve external symptoms and clear away heat.

The instruction manual states that Ganmao Qingre Granules are used for colds and colds, but the word "qingre" in the name of the prescription is quite confusing. So what's going on with this "heat-clearing" thing?

In fact, whether it is a cold with wind-cold or a cold with wind-heat, it may be accompanied by fever and requires clearing away the heat. However, when dealing with a cold, you cannot judge whether it is wind-heat or wind-cold just by the fever. The key is to look at the manifestations of other syndromes.

Okay, now that we know this, let’s look at the relationship between Ganmao Qingre Granules and Hanbaohuo Cold.

The main ingredients of Ganmao Qingre Granules are Nepeta paniculata, peppermint, saposhnikovia, Bupleurum root, perilla leaf, Pueraria lobata root, Platycodon grandiflorum, bitter almond, Angelica dahurica, Kuididin and reed root.

For external symptoms of wind-cold, the prescription includes Schizonepeta paniculata, Fangfeng, Perilla leaf, Angelica dahurica and other herbs that dispel wind-cold. Their medicinal properties are warm and can cure cold. They can dispel wind and cold and can treat some symptoms of external cold. Treat symptoms such as headache, stuffy nose, and runny nose.

Mint and Bupleurum can dispel wind and heat. In addition, mint can clear the head and soothe the throat. This prescription can be used to treat headaches and sore throat caused by colds. Similarly, Pueraria lobata can also induce sweating, relieve skin inflammation, relieve muscles and reduce fever.

This prescription contains platycodon and almonds as a pair. Platycodon disperses the pungent bitterness, relieves lung qi, expels phlegm and invigorates qi. It can be used to treat coughs with excessive phlegm and chest tightness. It can also soothe the throat and treat symptoms that occur during colds. Throat discomfort; Dibing can clear away heat and detoxify, eliminate carbuncle and dissolve stagnation. Reed root can clear away heat and promote fluid production, relieve irritability and relieve vomiting. It can clear excess heat in the lungs and stomach Qi, and nourish yin and promote fluid production. Both of these two medicines can relieve discomfort caused by internal heat.

Most of the Chinese patent medicines used to treat wind-cold colds contain pungent and warm Chinese medicines such as ephedra, cinnamon twigs, and ginger, which have strong effects on dispelling wind and cold, and basically do not contain cold or cooling Chinese medicines.

The composition of Ganmao Qingre Granules is mainly based on pungent and warming ingredients, dispelling wind and relieving the surface, but it does not contain pungent, warm and strong products such as ephedra and cinnamon twig. Instead, cold and cooling traditional Chinese medicines such as Kuditin, reed root, kudzu root and mint are added. Therefore, Ganmao Qingre Granules are a relatively gentle medicine that dispels wind, dispels cold, and clears away internal heat. Therefore, Ganmao Qingre Granules can target cold-packed fire syndrome. But please remember that this medicine is suitable for cold syndrome, that is, when there is cold on the outside and heat on the inside, but there is a little bit of heat on the inside. To put it simply, it means one or two days after a cold.

If you miss this opportunity, that is, when the "heat" starts to increase, then using Ganmao Qingre Granules alone may not be enough. At this time, it is better to add Xuanmai Ganjie Granules. Composition: Scrophulariaceae, Ophiopogon japonicus, licorice, Platycodon grandiflorum. This recipe can clear away heat, nourish yin, eliminate phlegm and soothe the throat. It is mostly used for yin deficiency and excessive fire, rising deficiency fire, dry mouth and nose, and sore throat.

The prescription is mainly divided into two parts, one is Platycodon and licorice, and the other is Scrophulariaceae and Ophiopogon japonicus. Licorice can nourish qi and nourish the spleen and stomach. Platycodon has certain tonic properties, but it can also clear the throat, detoxify, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. The combination of the two can tonify deficiency, clear away heat, detoxify and resolve phlegm; Scrophulariaceae can clear away heat, disperse stagnation, reduce swelling, and nourish yin. Ophiopogon japonicus has a cool and moist nature, and its heat-clearing effect is not strong, but it has a strong effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness. It is especially good for dryness of the mouth, tongue, nose, and throat caused by severe heat and body fluid damage.

This recipe is originally intended for people who are mentally weak and physically weak. Their throats are dry and slightly red, their mouths are dry and they want to drink water, but they can’t drink much. Drinking some water will moisturize and make you feel comfortable. But if the cold progresses to the point where the external cold is severe and the internal heat is also severe, it is very good to use Xuanmai Ganjie Granules together with Ganmao Qingre Granules.


In addition to the three Chinese patent medicines mentioned above, there are also several Chinese patent medicines that can deal with Hanbao fire and cold.

Jiuwei Qianghuo Pill is a Chinese patent medicine preparation of the ancient Jiuwei Qianghuo Decoction. It consists of 9 grams each of Qianghuo, Fangfeng, and Atractylodes, 3 grams of Asarum, and 6 grams each of Chuanxiong, Angelica dahurica, Rehmannia glutinosa, Scutellaria baicalensis, and Licorice. This prescription can also be used to treat Hanbao fire and cold, but there are some things to pay attention to when taking it. When the external wind, cold and dampness are severe, the decoction should be taken while it is hot, and after eating, drink some porridge and hot boiled water. But if the condition is not serious, just take it with warm water. Also, people with yin and qi deficiency should not take it for fear of damaging yin and consuming qi.

Guihuang Qingre Granules are derived from the classic prescription Daqinglong Decoction in Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is often used to deal with exogenous fever caused by cold evil. Symptoms include fever, aversion to cold, severe cold and heat, floating and tight pulse, and body pain. No sweating but irritability; or acute upper respiratory tract infection with wind-cold manifestations and stagnation of heat.

Four Seasons Cold Tablets are suitable for the weak and are mostly used for fever, headache, runny nose, cough, dry mouth, pain, nausea and anorexia caused by colds. Ingredients: tangerine peel, Daqingye, saposhnikovia, licorice, schizonepeta, platycodon, forsythia, cyperus rotundus, and perilla leaves. Perilla, Schizonepeta, and Fructus Fructus, these are used to relieve external symptoms and dispel cold. Daqingye, Forsythia suspensa, are used to clear away heat and detoxify. Four Seasons Cold Tablets is a very common Chinese patent medicine, widely used and very good. This prescription is best used when a cold has just begun, that is, when the symptoms are not yet obvious.

In fact, colds are the most intuitive syndrome differentiation and treatment for ordinary people. If you have used medicines for wind-cold or wind-heat alone but it doesn’t work, you might as well try the Chinese patent medicines recommended today, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised. Okay, the above is the entire content of this article. If you still have related questions, please leave them in the comment area.
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