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A drink that prevents nuclear sewage from being discharged into the sea and radiation!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

A drink that prevents nuclear sewage from being discharged into the sea and radiation!
Recently, something happened that made people all over the world angry.

Japan's actions in discharging the sea have seriously harmed the health of "Mother Earth". It not only polluted the ocean and destroyed the ecological environment, but also transferred the risk to the whole world, and may even extend the pain to future generations of mankind. .

As ordinary people, while condemning, we must exercise our bodies well and protect the health of ourselves and our families as much as possible.

Today, we will introduce a traditional drink that helps protect against radiation: tea.

When it comes to drinking tea, some people think that it is something only "veteran cadres" do, and a cup of tea and a newspaper can start a day's work; some people think that only the pampered "talents and beauties" have the leisure and leisure to enjoy tea. You will find that drinking green tea is suitable for reading poetry, drinking black tea is suitable for reading novels, drinking Biluochun is suitable for reading Du Mu's clear poems and beautiful sentences, and drinking pekoe and purple bamboo shoots is suitable for reading ancient prose.

In fact, whether we are in poverty or rich, tea is worthy of our in-depth understanding.

For thousands of years, tea has been quietly protecting us.

For example, now, when what Japan has done has become an established fact, and when we need to protect ourselves as much as possible, tea is among the anti-radiation drinks that come to Yiru's mind.

Today, let’s learn about tea together.

Radiation resistant
With the discharge of nuclear sewage, many people are anxious and considering whether to stock up on some radiation protection drugs.

In fact, it is not recommended to take this type of medicine by yourself.

For example, among these radiation emergency drugs, some are used to prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine isotopes in the thyroid gland. They are used to saturate the iodine absorbed by the thyroid gland in the event of a nuclear power plant accident to prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine. Absorption.

Just like, melt sugar in a glass of water.

There is a limit to the "absorption" of sugar by water. When this limit is exceeded, no matter how much sugar is put in, the water will not be able to "absorb" it.

Now some "radiated" sugar is about to be poured into the water glass. In order to prevent the water from dissolving it, just before the "radiated" sugar enters the water, pour a large amount of normal sugar. This will reduce the amount of sugar as much as possible. "Absorption" of "radiated" sugar by water.

However, if taken in large amounts on a daily basis, it will disrupt the normal ability of the thyroid gland and lead to a variety of thyroid diseases.

It's like a good glass of water. When you're not sure whether there is "radiated sugar", you pour a lot of sugar into it and it turns into thick sugar water.

Then this glass of water will be difficult to use for other things.

Just because we can't take medications at will doesn't mean there's nothing we can do.

After all, we have Chinese medicine.

If you want to simply protect against radiation in your daily diet, green tea is a good choice.

Numerous studies have shown that tea can help prevent and treat radiation damage.

Scholars have found that tea polyphenols have the ability to absorb the poison of radioactive substances strontium 90 and cobalt 60. Oral and external use of tea polyphenols can resist the carcinogenic consequences of radiation.

In clinical practice, medical staff have found that tea polyphenols are very effective in regulating mild radiation sickness and cytopenias caused by tumor patients during radioactive conditioning.

In order to understand the anti-radiation ability of tea polyphenols in more detail, scholars used mice as a model to conduct in-depth exploration and observation.

The study found that the number of red blood cells and white blood cells in each group of mice that were orally administered tea polyphenols before and after irradiation increased, which shows that tea polyphenols have a certain protective effect on hemogram damage caused by irradiation.

The spleen and thymus organ index and the number of cells per gram of spleen and thymus in each group of mice that were orally administered tea polyphenols before and after radiation increased, which shows that tea polyphenols have a certain protective ability on the immunity of mice. .

In addition, tea polyphenols can also reduce skin damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.

Research shows that tea polyphenols are relatively sensitive to ultraviolet rays, and have strong absorption of light waves between 280 and 320nm, which can directly prevent ultraviolet rays from damaging the skin. Tea polyphenols can inhibit photodermatitis caused by ultraviolet rays and reduce the mutagenic reaction of ultraviolet rays.


Speaking of antioxidants, we have to talk about another word first: free radicals.

Free radicals are generated during normal metabolism in cells, and free radicals may cause damage to cell membranes, blood vessel walls, proteins and even cell DNA.

Of course, while the body produces free radicals, it will also constantly remove them.

However, once too many free radicals are produced in the body, the body's removal rate of free radicals cannot keep up with the rate of free radical generation, which may cause a series of diseases.

Radiation is one of the important factors that induces the increase of free radicals.

When our body cannot produce enough antioxidants, we need to supplement them through diet and other methods.

Green tea is a very good antioxidant drink.

Research shows that tea polyphenols can eliminate excess active free radicals in the human body or inhibit the production of free radicals.

Its antioxidant ability can be achieved through a variety of ways.

For example, tea polyphenols can directly scavenge reactive oxygen species.

Tea polyphenols are rich in phenolic hydroxyl groups, which can provide active hydrogen to inactivate free radicals. The free radicals formed by oxidation themselves have higher stability due to their catechol structure. A large number of experiments have proven that tea polyphenols can scavenge superoxide anions, hydroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen and hydrogen peroxide and other reactive oxygen species, and play a preventive antioxidant role. To a certain extent, their ability is better than that of vitamin C and vitamin C. Vitamin E. Studies have shown that the antioxidant capacity of tea polyphenols is 3 to 10 times that of vitamin C and 3 to 9 times that of vitamin E.

In addition, tea polyphenols can also activate the intracellular antioxidant defense system.

There is an antioxidant defense system in cells, which can promptly remove excess free radicals in the body and maintain the dynamic balance of free radicals.

The intracellular antioxidant defense system mainly includes antioxidant enzymes and some low molecular compounds. Low molecular compounds include vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, etc., which can promptly stop the free radical chain reaction and inhibit the generation of free radicals.

Antioxidant enzymes mainly include superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione sulfur transferase.

Research shows that tea polyphenols have the ability to protect or regenerate vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione, and can help increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes, thus protecting, repairing and improving the antioxidant defense system of cells.

Relax nerves and relieve anxiety

Are you also worried about watching nuclear wastewater enter the sea?

We must learn to let go of this anxiety, otherwise, our body may be "defeated" by our emotions before it is "defeated" by radiation.

The old man often says that we should always think about one thing or two, not eight or nine. Those things that cannot be changed are not important.

Indeed, when something has happened, it is the same if we are afraid, and the same is true if we are not afraid, so try not to fight with it.

But "relaxing" is indeed not an easy task.

If you could "relax" if you want to "relax", then there would be no "nervous" or "anxious" people in the world.

But, it doesn’t matter, green tea can help us “relax”.

Generally speaking, the cerebral cortex of humans and animals produces very weak brain waves, which can be divided into four types according to their frequencies: alpha, beta, delta, and theta brain waves.

Each type of brain wave is related to an individual's emotional state. Alpha represents relaxation in the awake state, beta represents tension and excitement, delta represents sleep, and theta represents drowsiness.

Experiments have confirmed that alpha brain waves can be detected in the cerebral cortex about 40 minutes after administering theanine, and during the 1-hour measurement process, the intensity of alpha brain waves is proportional to the concentration of theanine in the body.

This shows that theanine has certain nerve-relaxing and anti-anxiety abilities.

Researchers are still exploring further the ability of theanine in order to further reveal the ability of theanine from the aspects of physiology, behavior and other aspects.

It should be noted that people with insomnia, spleen and stomach deficiency, cold semen and slippery fluids should not drink it. Tea should be drunk hot and light, not too strong and should not be drunk on an empty stomach.

In addition to resisting radiation, tea also has the ability to clear away heat and annoyances, clear away headaches, digest food and reduce accumulation, and facilitate urination. If you are interested, Yiru will tell you about it bit by bit.

As for the anti-radiation diet, in addition to green tea, there are also many other ingredients with related abilities, and Yiru will slowly introduce them to everyone.

The world is so complicated and chaotic, but if you have nothing else in your heart, treating yourself well is the beginning of a lifetime of romance.

Drinking tea is a way to treat yourself well.

Not to satisfy the appetite, nor to exude longing feelings, but simply to taste and feel the green color and aroma in the cup.

Look at the tender green bud tips in the water stretching gently, like the sun rising and the moon setting, like thousands of trees budding.

The elegant fragrance of the tasting water spreads everywhere, like flowers in bloom, like the stars and the sea.

If you are also worried and fearful, why not have a cup of tea.

In an increasingly narrow living space, being able to have a spiritual roaming with hot tea may be considered a kind of enjoyment.

It's like a hangover. When you wake up, the mountains and rivers are clear.
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