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[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (62) Gypsum Soup

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

[Chinese Medicine] Mao Mao’s learning experience in reading prescriptions (62) Gypsum Soup
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.

(62) Gypsum Soup
[Source] "Deep Master Prescription"

[category] internal and external double solution agent

[Ingredients] Gypsum (30g), Coptis chinensis, Cortex Phellodendron, and Scutellaria baicalensis each two liang (6g), ephedra three liang (9g), fermented soy sauce 1 liter (9g), gardenia 10 pieces (9g)

[Usage] Shangqiweiqie, boil three liters with a bucket of water, divide into three servings, and take it together on a day, sweating. Take one dose for the first time, and you will sweat a little; after that, take another dose and take it in two days. It often makes you sweat a little, and the contracture and irritability will be relieved. If you gain a lot and make a profit, if you open your heart and make a word, you will break the poison. Avoid pork, cold water (modern usage: decoction in water).

[Function] clearing away heat and purging fire, sweating and relieving the exterior.

【Indications】Extrinsic syndrome of typhoid fever has not been resolved, and internal heat has been blazing. Strong heat without sweating, heavy and anxious body, dry nose and thirst, irritability and insomnia, coma and delirium, or spots, slippery and rapid pulse.

This formula is very simple. Scutellaria baicalensis clears dampness and heat in the upper burner, Huanglian clears middle burner dampness and heat, and Huangbai clears lower burner dampness and heat. Gardenia fermented soya bean clears heat and promotes stagnation. The plaster is hot inside and out. Ephedra solution table.

It should be wrong to write "or hair spots" in the indications. Spotting is a syndrome of nutrient and blood, and this prescription is obviously for the same disease of Wei and qi, and it cannot cure both nutrient and blood.

This recipe was created during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, so there is nothing wrong with such a combination. From the perspective of modern medicine, it is not very suitable to use ephedra for all heat in the triple energizer. It is better to replace it with mulberry leaves. If the patient is thirsty and has impaired body fluid, an appropriate amount of Ophiopogon japonicus and Polygonatum can be added. Bitter and cold medicines often hurt the spleen and stomach, so licorice should be added to protect the middle. If there is a certificate of nutrition or blood, it is advisable to add Danpi and Shengdi.
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