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【Chinese Medicine】experience (48) Xieqing Pills

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

【Chinese Medicine】Maomao's experience in reading prescriptions (48) Xieqing Pills
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.


(48) Xieqing Wan
[Source] "Pediatric Medicine Syndrome Straight Formula"

【Category】Zang-Fu heat agent

[Composition] Angelica, borneol, chuanxiong, gardenia, rhubarb, notopterygium, and windproof (3g each)

[Usage] The medicine is made into powder, and the honey is refined into pills, chicken head (1.5g), half a pill to one pill per serving, decocted with bamboo leaves, and dissolved in warm water with sugar.

[Function] clearing the liver and purging fire.

[Indications] Syndrome of liver meridian fire stagnation. Red eyes, swelling and pain, irritability and irritability, inability to lie down, red urine, constipation, strong pulse; and infantile panic, heat convulsions, etc.

This prescription was also created by Qian Yi. The liver color is green, so this prescription is a prescription for purging liver fire. If the liver meridian is stagnant and fire, it must act like a thief. If it burns in the heart, you will be irritable and irritable, and you will not be able to sleep peacefully. If it is burned in the intestine, it will lead to constipation and red urine. The liver resuscitates the eyes, so the eyes are red, swollen and painful. Anger fights against qi and blood, so the pulse is strong. The liver governs tendons, so panic and convulsions are seen.

The "borneol" medicine in this prescription has always been controversial in history, and many doctors think it is "gentian". In the original work of "Pediatric Medicine and Syndrome Straight Jue", it is borneol, and Zhang Leishan, a famous medical expert in the period of the Republic of China, also believed it to be borneol after textual research.

The scientific name of borneol is "plum blossom borneol", the main place of origin is Sumatra, Indonesia, and it is made from the resin of the dipterocarp tree. Later, this tree was introduced to China, mainly planted in Beijing and Tianjin, but it is not known whether there is a gap in the curative effect compared with the place of origin.

Borneo (Plum Blossom Borneolum) tastes pungent, bitter, cool in nature, enters the heart and lung meridians. The acrid taste can be relieved, the bitter taste can be reduced, and the nature is cool and heat-clearing. "Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "Benao is good at walking, so it can dissipate heat and benefit Qi."

When the wood grows up, the fire grows up. In the prescription, gardenia is used to clear the liver, gallbladder, and triple burner fire; borneol and bamboo leaves are used to clear heart fire; rhubarb is used to clear intestine fire; when fire is stagnant, use notopterygium and prevent wind to disperse; the root of liver stagnation is liver dryness, so use angelica to nourish blood, and Chuanxiong to promote blood and Qi. Why use granulated sugar? "Huangdi Neijing" said: "The liver is suffering and urgent, eat sweets urgently to relieve it."

As far as my personal experience is concerned, Qian Yi's Xieqing Pill is not very ideal. First of all, the fire in the liver is Xianghuo (Qian Yi's era did not have the concept of Xianghuo). The harm caused by Xianghuo must be due to the deficiency of kidney water, and the method should nourish the water and cultivate the wood. Liver fire is tyrannical, and the treatment not only needs to clear the liver, but also needs to calm the liver. The liver stores blood, so you should add nutrient-clearing drugs to clear blood heat. Liver wood stagnation and heat, such as withered wood. It takes golden wind and heavy rain to sweep away the depressed and dry air.
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