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[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (54) Jade Girl Decoction

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

[Chinese Medicine] learning experience (54) Jade Girl Decoction
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.


(54) Jade Girl Fried
[Source] "Jingyue Quanshu"

【Category】Zang-Fu heat agent

[Composition] Gypsum three to five coins (9~15g), Rehmannia glutinosa three to five coins or one tael (9~30g), Ophiopogon japonicus two coins (6g), Anemarrhena anemarrhena and Achyranthes bidentata each one and a half coins (each 5g)

[Usage] One and a half cups of medicinal water, decocted for seven minutes, served warm or cold (modern usage: decocted in water).

【Function】Clears stomach heat, nourishes kidney yin.

[Indications] Syndrome of stomach heat and yin deficiency. Headache, toothache, loose teeth, bleeding from the nose, restless heat and thirst, red tongue, yellow and dry fur, thready pulse. It also cures thirst, relieves hunger and so on.

Zhang Jingyue, the author of "Jingyue Quanshu", is one of the five famous doctors I admire most. His original name was Zhang Jiebin, his courtesy name was Huiqing, and his nickname was Jingyue. He is a hereditary military officer (Shaoxing Wei Commander, Zheng Sanpin), he learned a lot before joining the army, and after retiring from the army, he concentrated on studying medicine, and his medical skills were extremely high.

It may be because I am an amateur of Chinese medicine, and the five famous doctors I admire most are all amateurs. Zhang Zhongjing is the prefect of Changsha (the head of Changsha’s military administration); Zhang Jingyue is an officer; Fu Shan is a scholar, Taoist priest, calligrapher, and Tai Chi master; Shi Jinmo is a jurist; Hu Xishu is an English teacher.

In the original work of "Jingyue Quanshu", the Jade Lady Fried is recorded like this:

Jade Girl Decoction, cures water deficiency and fire excess, floating and flooding of the six channels, deficiency of Shaoyin, excess of Yangming, dysphoria and thirst, headache, toothache, blood loss and other syndromes, like a god, like a god. It is not suitable for those with loose stools.

Three to five qian for raw gypsum, three to five qian or one tael of rehmannia, two qian of Radix Ophiopogon japonicus, and half of each for Anemarrhena and Achyranthes bidentata.

One and a half cups of water, fry for seven minutes. Serve warm or cold. If it is extremely strong like fire, it can also be added with the genus of Gardenia and Digupi. For those who suffer from excessive sweating and thirst, add 14 capsules of northern five flavors. If the small water is unfavorable, or the fire cannot be lowered, add Alisma 1.5 cents, or Poria cocos. If all the gold and water are lost, it is especially good to add two or three coins of ginseng for those who lose energy due to essence.

Compared with the two, the description of the pulse condition is different. One is a thin and rapid pulse, and the other is a floating, flooding and slippery pulse. Both are caused by yin deficiency and can be regarded as the same.

This formula is not difficult to understand. Gypsum and Anemarrhena are half a white tiger soup, clearing stomach heat to treat symptoms. Ophiopogon japonicus and Rehmannia glutinosa nourish Yin and Tianjin to cure the root cause. Achyranthes bidentata draws blood and descends to reduce the reverse. Historically, physicians have always criticized the use of Shudi in this prescription. Many people think that Shengdi should be used, and I personally hold this opinion.

Stomach heat and kidney yin deficiency are mutually causal. Jin deficiency caused by stomach heat can lead to kidney yin deficiency, and body fluid deficiency caused by kidney yin deficiency can also cause stomach heat. Xiaoke (one of the TCM types of diabetes) is produced in this way.

Many diabetic patients are thirsty, but not all diabetic patients are like this. That is to say, the syndrome type of many diabetic patients is not deficiency of yin and hyperactivity of fire, but there are many patients with deficiency of yang. Syndrome differentiation and treatment must be used in clinical practice, and the glue column must not be used.

My friend's friend, female, in her 30s, wants to have a second child. During the physical examination, the blood sugar level was measured at 6 o'clock before meals, which was slightly higher. This woman also knew that Western medicines for hypoglycemic drugs were deceptive and could not really lower blood sugar at all, so she went to Chinese medicine for treatment. After taking the medicine for one month, my stomach was cold and my stomach hurt, and my blood sugar before meals became more than 8 o'clock.
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