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【Chinese Medicine】experience (53) Qingwei Powder

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

【Chinese Medicine】experience (53) Qingwei Powder
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.


(53) Qingwei Powder
[Source] "On the Spleen and Stomach"

【Category】Zang-Fu heat agent

【Composition】Rehmannia glutinosa, Angelica body three points each (6g each), Moutan bark half a coin (6g), Coptis chinensis six points, Xiayue double, Coptis chinensis temporary increase or decrease (9g), Cimicifuga one coin (6g)

[Usage] The above medicine is fine powder, make one serving, add one and a half cups of water, decoct until 70% off, remove the water, and take it cold (modern usage: decoct in water).

【Function】Clears the stomach and cools the blood.

[Indications] stomach fire toothache. Toothache leads to headache, fever in the cheeks, the teeth like cold and hates heat, and the breath is hot and smelly; or the teeth are bleeding; or the gums are red, swollen and ulcerated; or the lips, tongue, cheeks are swollen and painful;

Explain the sentence "Huanglian is six points, Xiayue doubles, and the temporary increase or decrease of Huanglian is probably uncertain": one point in the Yuan Dynasty is equivalent to 0.4 grams now, and six points is 2.4 grams. The standard dosage of Coptis chinensis is 2.4 grams, and the dosage should be doubled during the three months of summer (fourth, fifth, sixth and third months of the lunar calendar), that is, 4.8 grams. However, in principle, the dosage of Coptis chinensis is not prescribed clinically, it depends on the condition of the patient. This is the typical "three factors" principle, which changes with the changes of patients.

The stomach has heat accumulation, and various diseases are born along the upper attack of the meridian. Therefore, Coptis chinensis is used to clear stomach fire, and the dosage is adjusted according to needs; when fire is stagnant, Cimicifuga is used to relieve stagnant fire in the stomach; paeonol is used to clear heat and activate blood;

The location of the disease treated by this prescription is different from that of "Xiehuang San". This prescription treats the nutrient component of the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming and the heat of the blood component, while Xihuang San treats the Fuhuo of the spleen-stomach qi component.
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