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[Chinese Medicine] experience (52) Zuojin Pills

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

[Chinese Medicine] experience (52) Zuojin Pills
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.


(52) Zuo Jinwan
[Source] "Danxi Heart Method"

【Category】Zang-Fu heat agent

[Composition] Huanglian Liuliang (18g), Evodia rutaecarpa (3g)

[Usage] The medicine is powdered, water pills or steamed cakes are made into pills, Baitangxiashiwuwan (modern usage: oral, 3~6g each time, twice a day; it can also be used as decoction, decocted in water).

【Function】clearing liver-fire, lowering adverse flow and relieving vomiting.

【Indications】Syndrome of liver-fire violating the stomach. Hypochondriac pain, vomiting, bitter mouth, noisy acid regurgitation, red tongue with yellow coating, stringy and rapid pulse.

I didn't think it was difficult before writing this. There are only two medicines in this prescription, and there are discussions in "Medical Prescription Collection" and "Danxi Heart Method", so I can get it done even if I copy it? I didn't expect it to be really hard. I was dizzy from reading the book the night before, and went to the city library for a long time the next day to look up relevant information about Zuo Jinwan, and only started to write on the third day.

Almost all prescriptions explain: "The heart is the son of the liver, but in fact it is the son of the liver, so use Coptis chinensis to purify the heart and clear the fire as the king, so that the fire cannot overcome the metal, and the metal can control the wood, so the liver is calm; Wuyu pungent heat can enter the Jueyin liver, promote qi and relieve stagnation, and can induce heat to descend.

I really don't understand it, it's obviously a blazing anger, why don't you vent your anger instead of purging your heart fire? Kill chickens to warn monkeys or knock mountains to shake tigers? What's more, the anger of the liver is the culprit of all fires, and if the anger is not balanced, it is difficult to clear all the fires. The Art of War says: Capture the thief first and capture the king first. "Xian An unaffected land" also uses the method of tonic, how can it use the method of purging? Moreover, if the patient happens to have an old heart disease, wouldn't something happen as soon as you cleared your mind? In addition, can I use gentian grass to clear liver fire? Is it okay to use Prunella vulgaris? Can I use Qingdai? Why do you have to use coptis?

Furthermore, what is Evodia rutaecarpa used for? It is a medicine that is very pungent and hot. Now that the anger is so strong, if you take some medicine that is pungent and hot and enters the liver meridian, it is just for quick death. It is also said in the book that when the heat goes down, the anger will only go up together, so where will it go down? Your evodia didn't stick to the soles of your feet either.

With regard to these few questions, I, an idiot, have been thinking about them all night, and I just can't figure it out. The next day, I went to the city library to check the information, and finally got some clues. Since Zuo Jinwan comes from "Danxi Xinfa", let's check this book first.

"Danxi Heart Method Volume 1 Fire Six Chapters": "Zuojin pills, cure liver fire. One name is Huiling pills. Coptis chinensis six liang, one book is Qin, Evodia rutaecarpa one or half liang. The top is the end, water pills or steamed cake pills, Baitang bottom, fifty pills."

Judging from the original text, Zuojin Wan is used to treat liver fire, also known as Huiling Wan. The composition is Coptis chinensis, but it is also marked "One as Qin", which means that this prescription was not created by Zhu Danxi, but collected by him, and there is another version that does not use Coptis chinensis but Scutellaria baicalensis. Either he created both versions and he used both.

"Dictionary of Chinese Medicine" records: Scutellaria baicalensis enters the heart, lung, gallbladder, and large intestine meridian, and Coptis chinensis enters the heart, liver, stomach, and large intestine meridian. From the point of view of the meridians of the two herbs, it is obvious that coptis is more suitable for clearing liver fire.

There is a processing method of Coptis chinensis: take 100 catties of Coptis chinensis slices, 6 catties of Evodia rutaecarpa and 4 taels of Evodia rutaecarpa. First, take the Evodia rutaecarpa and add appropriate amount of water to fry thoroughly, remove the residue, then mix the Coptis chinensis slices into the soup until the soup is completely absorbed, stir-fry with a slow fire, wait for a little dry, take out and dry. This kind of Coptis chinensis is called "Yuhuanglian". Evodia rutaecarpa suppresses the bitter cold nature of Coptis chinensis, making Coptis chinensis cold and not stagnant.

At this point, we know that it is wrong to say that scutellaria baicalensis enters the liver meridian and coptis chinensis enters the heart meridian. Coptis chinensis is a serious medicine that enters the liver meridian.

The applicable symptoms of Guanzuojin Pills are generally not problematic, and they are all caused by anger invading the stomach. However, the university textbook "Prescriptions" says that Zuojin Wan treats acid regurgitation, and "Yifang Jijie" records that Zuojin Wan treats regurgitation and regurgitation. There is a difference in this point.

Stomach discomfort, a sudden sip of acidic water attacking violently, swallowing it without spitting it out in the throat, feeling sour and stinging, burning the esophagus, this is called acid swallowing. Stomach discomfort, spit out a mouthful of sour water, this is called acid spitting.

"Nei Jing" said: "All vomiting and acid are all heat." Is this sentence correct? Among them, there are three kinds of pathogenesis of acid swallowing, which are generally recognized in the field of traditional Chinese medicine: liver fire invading the stomach, food accumulation, and cold dampness. The pathogenesis of acid vomiting has been controversial in history. Liu Wansu thinks it is heat, and Li Dongyuan thinks it is cold. Each has its own reason.

Zhu Danxi wrote in "Danxi Heart Method": "For those who swallow acid, the dampness and heat stagnate in the liver and lie between the lungs and stomach. They must use boiled vegetables to support themselves. It is advisable to use fried Evodia rutaecarpa and fold it according to its nature. This is the opposite method. The stir-fried Coptis chinensis must be the king. Erchen decoction is fried with cornel and Coptis chinensis. Swallow it, and teach yourself to eat vegetables to support yourself, and you will be safe.” He fried a portion of Evodia rutaecarpa and Coptis chinensis for use, and when necessary, take it out together with Erchen Decoction, Atractylodes atractylodes, Poria cocos and other medicines to treat acid swallowing. Perhaps this is the original usage of Zuo Jinwan.

Xue Lizhai said: "Spitting out acid and regurgitating acid are roughly different. Those who regurgitate acid are damp and generate heat, and those who regurgitate acid are suffering from deficiency of heat and internal stagnation. Both belong to spleen and stomach deficiency and coldness, and are the last syndromes in traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, "Nei Jing" considers fire to refer to the symptoms of the disease. Dong Yuan believes that stomach cold refers to the root of the disease."

What's more interesting is that the Zuojin Pills recorded in Jingyue Quanshu, which is known as the encyclopedia of traditional Chinese medicine, is like this: "Zuojin Pills, cure liver fire. Tingling pain in flanks, or chills and fever, or pain in the head, stranguria, diarrhea, and other symptoms of liver fire. Coptidis six liang, stir-fried. Evodia rutaecarpa one or two, when soaking tablets in soup, dry it. The top is the powder, porridge balls, Wuzi big. Atractylodes macrocephala and tangerine peel decocted in soup and three to forty or fifty pills." Zuo Jin in "Jingyue Quanshu" Pills are to be used together with Atractylodes macrocephala and tangerine peel.

Don’t forget that Zhu Danxi does not only have the book "Danxi Heart Method", he also has a book called "Danxi Therapeutic Heart Essentials", in which Zuojin Wan is recorded as follows: "Treatment of acid swallowing. Use Coptis chinensis and Cornus officinalis, stir-fry each, make it at any time as an adjuvant, atractylodes atractylodes and Poria cocos as assistants, soak steamed cakes in soup into small balls, swallow them, and let the vegetables nourish themselves to ease the disease." This description echoes "Danxi Heart Method". That is to say, Zuo Jinwan is a semi-finished product in Zhu Danxi's hands, it is not used separately.

In this case, the solution is very simple. Coptis chinensis is greatly reduced after being fried. If it is fried with ginger juice, it will enter the stomach meridian and is good at treating vomiting. Therefore, stir-fried Coptis chinensis is used to treat liver-fire invading the stomach, and turmeric is used to treat acid swallowing. It always clears the heat of the liver to treat the symptoms; This is the idea of combining radish with a big stick, suppressing and soothing, whether Zuojin Wan is used to treat the liver or the stomach, this idea can be used. In clinical practice, according to the specific conditions of the patient, Erchen Decoction can be combined, or herbs such as Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodis, Poria Cocos, Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizome, Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Poriae, and Chenpi can be added.

Professor Deng Zhongjia believes that the indication of Zuojin Pill is liver stagnation transforming fire into stomach, and this fire is stagnant fire. As long as there is a pathogenesis of disharmony between the liver and the stomach, no matter whether it is cold or hot, the symptoms of acid regurgitation will appear. If Coptis chinensis is used alone to clear the stagnant fire in the liver, it is easy to cause more stagnation of liver qi. In case of acid swallowing due to cold syndrome, the ratio of coptis and evodia in Zuojin Wan can be reversed. Professor Deng's idea is wonderful!

A reading note was forced to be written as a short paper by me.

Reference books:

"Recipe Science"

"Medical Prescription Collection"

"Jingyue Quanshu"

"Danxi Heart Method"

"The Essentials of Danxi Treatment"

"Dictionary of Chinese Medicine"
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