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Chinese medicine is not far away from us

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Chinese medicine is not far away from us
A year ago, because it was always bad for children to catch a cold, I came up with the idea of learning a little medical knowledge by myself. I didn't expect to have any achievements, I just wanted to fill the emptiness that I didn't pursue. After 40 years old, I am no longer fanatical about career pursuits, and I want to enrich myself more.

Unexpectedly, this idea of mine was strongly supported by my husband, and he recommended a friend who taught himself Chinese medicine to me. His friend is also very kind, and sent me two books directly: "Keep Children No Fever, No Cough, No Food Accumulation" by Dr. Luo Dalun and "Children with Spleen Deficiency Don't Grow Up, Have Poor Appetite, and Love Colds". Looking at the cover, it feels like two bestsellers. Generally, I am not interested in bestsellers. I feel that they are just popular, like a gust of wind. Before going to bed, I casually opened it and glanced at it. Unexpectedly, these two eyes opened a door for me. It seemed that there was a golden avenue in front of me. In the light, Dr. Luo walked over slowly, so wise He told me a lot...a lot of healthy truths, explained in a simple way, and explained clearly. Sometimes I sigh, sometimes I am shocked, recalling how many stupid things I have done in the past so many years that I thought I was smart! I couldn't stop, so I stayed up late to read a book. This was the first time in so many years, except for the exam, that I stayed up late to read a "serious book". Afterwards, I bought all Dr. Luo’s books and read them one by one; I followed the official account, followed up articles every day, uploaded and downloaded all Dr. Luo’s voices from Himalaya, and listened to them on the road and in the station wagon...

Studying with Dr. Luo is not painful, but joyful and fulfilling. All the little knowledge can be applied at any time. This is not just knowledge, but the wisdom of life, the most worth learning. I also take my child to read the "Huangdi Neijing" every day, and let her listen to Dr. Luo's lectures on "Great National Medicine", tongue diagnosis, and various stages of colds...Compared with various training courses, I I feel that these are more valuable and can benefit her for the rest of her life.
Using Dr. Luo's knowledge, let's talk about two small examples.

treating rhinitis in children

My child is ten years old this year. In the past few years, once she catches a cold, she will always have a thick nose stuck in her nose for a long time after the end. No matter how to clean it up or take medicine, it doesn’t work. Sometimes it even lasts for one or two. Month, I had a lot of colds when I was a child, so I spent more time blocking my nose with snot. When I was three years old, I was checked in the hospital, and it was said to be allergic rhinitis. In the past few years, I have taken Biyuan Granules and Huodan Pills intermittently, but they have no effect. I also rubbed my nose with alcohol, but it didn’t help. After studying Chinese medicine with Dr. Luo, I have always been concerned about rhinitis, and I have considered trying Wuwei Shigao soup many times. Her nasal mucus is sticky and yellow. But this year, according to Dr. Luo's method, it has been well controlled, and basically no colds, so I didn't have the opportunity to try it.

At the beginning of winter this year, my child caught a cold. The first and second stages passed quickly. Now I have a fever, sore throat, and red tongue. Dr. Luo repeatedly said that this is the third stage of the cold, which needs to be resolved by a doctor. , but is it so easy to go to the hospital? I observed that my child had no signs of cough turning into pneumonia, so I decisively used the heat-clearing medicine recommended by Luo Bo. The four flavors for colds: forsythia, honeysuckle, dandelion, and diding. The closest patented medicine is dandelion + Shuanghuanglian. I didn't even take western medicine's antipyretics. Since studying with Dr. Luo, I am still very confident in dealing with colds at this stage. Generally, taking medicine for three days will basically solve the problem. Because in this year or so, I encountered several cases of sore throat. There were myself, friends, adults, and children, and I solved them so smoothly. However, this time, it didn't go so smoothly. After 3 days of medication, although the heat syndrome disappeared, the nasty thick nasal discharge appeared, which did not go away for a long time. Originally, the child has basically had no colds this year, and the thick nose has been away for a long time. In fact, I don't know how the original thick nose disappeared. It must have been delayed for a long time, and the body recovered by itself. This time, the thick nose came again, and I was still helpless. Every day, I just watched the changes anxiously and reminded her to clean up in time. I decided it was rhinitis, and I couldn’t see signs of improvement day by day. I really considered using five-flavored gypsum soup, so I read these articles by Luo Bo again and again, carefully compared the symptoms, and found Huang Yuanyu’s "Four Sacred Hearts" Source" for comparison. But I encountered a new turning point. During this time, I happened to be in the Himalayas, listening to "Luo Dalun Big Coffee Health Class". The voice of these 28 episodes analyzed colds very systematically and thoroughly. After listening to Lesson 13, the most dangerous but easily overlooked stage of wind-cold cold, it is said that after the end of the heat syndrome, the cold enters the fourth stage and returns to the external cold stage, and there will still be a little external cold on the mouth and nose. Evil, the symptoms include a little runny nose. Robb will be sticky, white snot. Hearing this, I understood better. It turned out that my cold was not treated thoroughly, and there were external pathogens left in the mouth and nose. It happened that the child’s righteousness was not so full, so the external pathogens caused troubles in the nasal cavity, and the stagnation turned into heat for a long time. Make the snot thicker and thicker. The most wonderful thing is that Luo Bo gave a clear solution and gave a prescription (prescription: Fangfeng 3 grams Nepeta 3 grams Angelica dahurica 3 grams Magnolia 3 grams Su Ye 3 grams honeysuckle 6 grams Forsythia 6 grams Scutellaria baicalensis 6 grams) , gave a method of medicine, nasal drops! This child should not be rejected, no need to drink medicine! So, I immediately took three sets of medicine according to the prescription, boiled it up and dripped it for my child when I got home at night. The thing was beyond my expectation, the nostrils and mouth were connected, and the child didn't like the nasal drip and resisted it. So helpless, I had to wipe my nostrils with a cotton swab. For four or five days in a row, I finished three sets of medicine and supervised the child to wipe his nose several times in the morning and evening. With such a small dose, I did not report much hope. Unexpectedly, after just wiping the nose for a few days, the child's thick nose was completely shaken off! ! In other words, you don't have to be bothered by thick nose in the future. What a miraculous Chinese medicine!

Understanding Otolithiasis

Since I followed Luo Bo's official account, I have been reading Luo Bo's articles every day. I also organized all the articles into an electronic document, put it in an e-book, and read it at any time. Although I read the articles from time to time, I have a little impression of the articles I have read, but I always feel that I can’t remember them. Once I encounter a specific disease, I still can’t accurately classify it. Therefore, I especially like the random search function of Dr. Luo Dalun's official account. If you encounter problems, please search quickly.

On January 1, 2008, my husband turned over before going to bed at night, and suddenly his world was spinning. Sudden symptoms, I immediately found Luo Bo's WeChat search: sudden dizziness, vomiting. As a result, the first article was: "Everyone Must Read: It Turns Out Most People's Dizziness Is Caused by It". This article is about otolithiasis. Check the symptoms carefully, they are really similar. The article introduces the symptoms, diagnosis methods, and treatment methods of otolithiasis in great detail, all of which need to be treated by a doctor.

Looks like I have to go to the hospital. So, we went to the emergency department of the hospital, because I was not sure, so I should consult a doctor, and I was recommended to call the neurology department. As Dr. Luo said in his article, most people are unaware of this evidence, including doctors. We checked the blood, CT, and electrocardiogram as usual, and gave anti-vertigo injections. After a few hours, all kinds of results came out, nothing was found, the cause was not found out, and the symptoms did not relieve in any way, and even worse. The doctor said, why don't you give me an infusion.

I asked, what fluid was infused? He said, to clear the blood vessels. This is what Dr. Luo said. The sewer at home was blocked and the water pipes were leaking. He tried to manage the children playing with water guns. I tentatively asked, could it be otolithiasis? Then, the doctor sent me to the ENT department. As a result, the emergency doctor in the otolaryngology department said that otolithiasis should be seen in an outpatient clinic, but there is no emergency department, and instrument testing is needed.

Anyway, it's already late at night, so stay up until the outpatient clinic.

Things are finally on the right track. In the otolaryngology department, I got on a magical big chair similar to a space capsule, turned around a few times, and the doctor confirmed that it was otolithiasis. When I got off the machine, the dizziness was much better, and I stopped vomiting (I threw up as soon as I moved before). Turns out, a few spins are the cure. After going home and resting for a day, I feel much better, but I still can't turn my head to the left. It happened that a friend introduced an expert with experience in the treatment of otolithiasis. After we went there, the expert used a few massage movements and cured it in a few strokes! Such a scary and painful disease, no medicine, no injection, the doctor cured the disease right away! Can't help but say amazing!

After returning home, in the face of my friends’ concerns and inquiries, I kept telling everyone about the experience. As a result, several people directly told me that my family members had been suffering from dizziness for many years and could not be cured. Now they saw the dawn of hope. A few days later, a colleague felt dizzy and went directly to the hospital I introduced. Sure enough, he also had otolithiasis, and the doctor cured it within a few strokes. It can be seen that there are quite a lot of people suffering from this disease, and not many of them have been identified, because ordinary people generally do not think that dizziness is related to the ears.

My friends were all excited and thanked me. I quickly recommended Dr. Luo’s official account to them. Dr. Luo’s place is a treasure chest!

Thank you, Dr. Luo, for teaching us how to take life seriously, and for teaching us to live seriously!
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