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TCM health care helps his son pass the first semester of kindergarten smoothly

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

TCM health care helps his son pass the first semester of kindergarten smoothly
On January 19, 2018, my four-year-old son finally finished his first semester of kindergarten and entered the long winter vacation. I finally breathed a sigh of relief. During school, although I also had fever, cough, throat inflammation and other problems, with my continuous precautions and timely intervention when problems arise, the course of the disease can be reversed almost every time. During the first semester, my son did not take a day off due to illness.

Looking back, my son was only 5 catties when he was born, very weak. Before half a year old, I mainly ate breast milk, and my resistance was good, but after I started taking complementary foods, I suffered from colds, fevers, coughs, and diarrhea. As a first-time mother, I had no experience, so I had to seek help from the hospital. Every time I go to see a doctor, the pediatric department is overcrowded. I often queue up for an hour or two, and the doctor will finish the job within a few minutes. The medicines that come back are nothing more than common western medicines such as antibiotics and cough drops. Cleansing solution, etc. Sometimes I cough badly and fear that it will turn into pneumonia, so I use spanking needles to stop the cough forcibly. These western medicines are usually effective at the time, but they destroy the child's righteousness, and it is easy to fall into an endless cycle of illness-recovery-resistance decline-relapse.

Because my son was congenitally weak, I was worried that he would often get sick after going to kindergarten (many other children started to get sick often after going to kindergarten), so I have been trying to find a way to recuperate his body before he goes to kindergarten.

By chance, I came into contact with Dr. Luo's WeChat official account and followed it every day. Later, I also bought "Yin and Yang, All Diseases Elimination", "Life-saving Prescription", "A Little Thing from Ancestral Chinese Medicine", "Tongue Diagnosis" , "Children with Spleen Deficiency Don't Grow Up" and other works by Dr. Luo, and gradually accumulated some parenting experience in life. Every time his son is uncomfortable, he will not be helpless.

First, I would like to talk about my experience in using yam highly recommended by Dr. Luo and Zhang Xichun. Because I have been paying attention to Dr. Luo's articles, I also listened to the audio of Dr. Luo introducing Zhang Xichun's use of yam to save lives and heal the wounded. I have a certain understanding of yam, and I often use yam tablets to make soup every day. Once, my younger sister’s daughter had diarrhea for no reason. She had diarrhea for two days, and Western medicine didn’t work. Then she took a bowl of thick yam soup, and the diarrhea stopped after two or three hours. Because I often drink yam soup, it also improves my headache, stomach pain, and my mother's old problems of constipation and low blood pressure. I have to sigh, no matter for adults or children, yam is really a good thing, it is more effective than eating Cordyceps and bird's nest.

The second is to talk about my usual experience of using Xiaoer Jianpi Wan and Ji Nei Jin for health care. According to traditional Chinese medicine, "righteousness exists within, and evil cannot be done." Sufficient spleen and stomach qi, the foundation of acquired nature, have a great effect on improving people's resistance. The son was able to pass the first semester smoothly, and was able to survive the recent flu season, thanks to Xiaoer Jianpi Pills and Chicken Neijin. My son is prone to food accumulation, and when he was a child, his abdomen was bloated because of food accumulation. Eating became a big problem. Every day, I would get angry with a stick and force him to eat. After reading Dr. Luo's book, I started to give my son chicken gold powder. I ate a little every day. Soon after eating, the problem of abdominal distension disappeared, my appetite improved a lot, and the stool didn't smell so bad. Since then, chicken meat powder has become a must-have in my family. Every time I see his thick tongue coating, I will give him some chicken meat powder in time.

In addition, I also bought Tongrentang Children’s Spleen Pills and gave them to him on a regular basis to regulate the spleen and stomach. Recently, the flu has been rampant. In the WeChat group of kindergarten parents, seven or eight children ask for leave every day. They either have a fever or cough or catch a cold. , diarrhea, I give him a Xiaoer Jianpi Pill every day to improve his body’s righteousness. Although there is some worry in my heart, this is medicine after all, and I am worried that there will be problems if I take it for a long time. After this period of time, I will resume the frequency of taking one pill every other day, and it will feel better than taking western medicine.

The third is to talk about my experience in the treatment of common diseases in children. In my daily life, I have also accumulated a lot of treatment methods for common diseases in children. When coughing, we must first distinguish between cold and heat. After reading Dr. Luo's "Tongue Diagnosis", every time my son coughs, I have to check his tongue immediately. In most cases when he coughs, his tongue will usually turn white. , Just use a handful of black beans, 2-3 grams of tangerine peel, and a candied date to boil water to drink, and it will often work quickly; if it is a fever, you can boil water to drink with Chuanbei and Yali. These therapeutic methods can often receive very good results.

I often use Xiaoer Chai Gui Granules for fever. Generally, drinking it 2-3 times can reduce the fever and improve the condition of throat inflammation. After listening to Dr. Luo's audio, I learned the ideas of Zhang Xichun, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, in treating diseases. I prepared raw plaster at home, but I haven't had a chance to use it yet.

Treating diarrhea in children is also a method learned from Zhang Xichun. The thick yam soup can stop diarrhea in 2 to 3 hours.

Because I usually pay attention to using Chicken Neijin to eliminate accumulated food and Xiaoer Jianpi Pills to strengthen the body's righteousness, now my son has less coughs, fevers, and colds.

While actively learning and practicing Chinese medicine knowledge, I will also promote Dr. Luo's official account and Chinese medicine parenting knowledge to colleagues and friends around me, but many people still don't believe it, or think that they don't understand Chinese medicine, and feel that "the medicine is three-part poison "I don't dare to give children Chinese medicine indiscriminately, I think it's a pity. Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of Chinese culture, but so many people believe in Western medicine, see Western medicine when they get sick, and take Western medicine for injections. Isn’t Western medicine medicine? Will it cause less harm to the body than taking traditional Chinese medicine? not necessarily.

People often say don't let children lose at the starting line. From the perspective of health, the body is the starting line of life. With a healthy body, there are unlimited possibilities in the future. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Luo for his efforts to promote Chinese medicine. Ordinary people like me have the opportunity to have close contact with Chinese medicine and use Chinese medicine knowledge to protect the health of our families. Thank you!
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