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An article tells the story of irregular menstruation!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

An article tells the story of irregular menstruation!
In the past few days, I will focus on women’s physical problems. Yesterday I talked about chloasma, which was welcomed by everyone. Many friends said that I am a friend of women. Well, this title is very honorable. Today, we will continue to talk about irregular menstruation.

The so-called irregular menstruation is a very complicated concept, including early menstruation and delayed menstruation, which is a problem of inaccurate cycles; there is also menstrual flow, such as a large amount or very little; Short, short to none means amenorrhea, some are very long, procrastinated for a long time, or even dripping endlessly; some are more special, such as dysfunctional uterine bleeding, etc., all of which belong to the content of irregular menstruation.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is very complicated to talk about irregular menstruation. These are the coordinates of several dimensions, and it is a big project to analyze each one. He is considered a master, so there was an old saying in the past, "It is better to cure ten men than one woman", which refers to its complexity.

Because female friends keep asking me about irregular menstruation, today I will talk about this issue from another angle, that is, in terms of what goes wrong inside our body, that is to say, various complicated menstruation Changes are also caused by our own body imbalance. In the final analysis, it is caused by deficiency of qi and blood, imbalance of yin and yang, discomfort of liver qi, phlegm, dampness and blood stasis. Irregular menstruation is just a result. So, we have to talk about it from the root, so that everyone will understand a lot.

So, what disorders do our bodies have? Let's talk about it one by one.

1. Deficiency of qi: Modern people suffer from severe diet and fatigue, so there are many people with qi deficiency. You only need to see if there are tooth marks on your tongue. People with tooth marks basically belong to people with qi deficiency. At the same time, people with qi deficiency have pale complexion, fatigue, shortness of breath, lazy speech, frequent spontaneous sweating, dizziness and tinnitus, lower abdomen distension, poor appetite, loose stools, thready and weak pulse, and weak chi pulse.

Women with qi deficiency will have irregular menstrual cycle: some people will come early, this is because of qi deficiency, but they can’t support it before the time comes; some people will come later, this is It is because Qi does not produce blood, and blood is not enough; some people even have no regular sequence.

From the perspective of menstrual flow, people with qi deficiency have prolonged menstruation, heavy menstruation, light menstruation, and thin quality. The reason why menstrual flow is heavy is also because of qi deficiency and inability to support it, so the loss is very large.

People with qi deficiency can replenish qi with traditional Chinese medicine methods, such as asking Chinese medicine to prescribe prescriptions for conditioning. As for diet, if there are ginseng products, it is most suitable. For Chinese patent medicines, I recommend taking Guipi Pills or Renshen Guipi Pills. The current Chinese patent medicines, Guipi Pills use Codonopsis pilosula, which is relatively mild. Tongrentang’s is called Renshen Guipi Pills, which use ginseng and are stronger. I have been talking about Guipi Pills before, but Tongrentang’s Ginseng Guipi Pills are more suitable here. Guipi Pill is included in the prescription of nourishing blood in Chinese medicine. I think it can nourish both qi and blood, especially suitable for women with qi deficiency.

2. Blood deficiency: There are many women with blood deficiency. The main symptoms are insomnia and forgetfulness, dizziness after fatigue, palpitations, sallow complexion, lacklustre nails, cold hands and feet in winter, and empty abdomen. The most important thing is that the tongue is pale and the fur is thin and white. The pulse is thin and weak.

For women with blood deficiency, the menstrual cycle is generally delayed, the menstrual volume is less, the color is light, and the quality is thin, and some women even have early amenorrhea. Therefore, women often ask questions about delayed menstruation and low menstruation. I think I can compare and analyze it myself. This is different from qi deficiency. Qi deficiency will also delay the cycle, but the amount is large, which is an uncontrollable feeling. Blood deficiency is also delayed, but the amount is small, and it will disappear soon.

Regarding the conditioning method of blood deficiency, I have been introducing Fang Ziyu Ling ointment for diet therapy. You can refer to my previous article for more information. I think using this prescription can basically solve the problem.

3. Deficiency of yin: People with yin deficiency will have cheek flushing, hot hands, feet and heart, dry throat and mouth, bone steam and hot flashes, insomnia and dreaminess, restlessness and irritability, less yellow urine, and dry stool. People with yin deficiency are most characterized by red tongue with thin or no coating and thready pulse.

People with yin deficiency often have early menstrual cycles, which is called heat forcing blood to flow, because there is heat in the body, blood heat will flow indiscriminately, but there are also irregular periods. Menstrual periods are prolonged, menstrual color is bright red, the amount is more or less, and people with a large amount are due to heat forcing the blood to flow, and yin deficiency for a long time will burn the blood, and the blood volume will gradually decrease, so long-term yin deficiency will lead to less menstrual flow .

Both yin deficiency and qi deficiency will lead to an early menstrual cycle, but qi deficiency can't hold it back, and menstruation will be pale and thin, while yin deficiency is heat forcing the blood to flow, and the menstrual color will be bright red.

The other two can be clearly distinguished by looking at the tongue image.

For the conditioning of yin deficiency, Chinese patent medicines can be taken Guishao Dihuang Pills or Liuwei Dihuang Pills. As for the prescription, Erzhi Wan can be combined with Liangdi Decoction to add or subtract. This Erzhi Wan is the two medicines of Ligustrum lucidum and Eclipta chinensis, and Liangdi Decoction is more famous. It is a prescription in "Fu Qingzhu Women's Science". I will introduce it to you later.

4. Yang deficiency: There are many people with Yang deficiency now, because everyone is addicted to eating cold, and women wear less clothes. They wear single shoes in winter, and their ankles are exposed, and it is minus 20 degrees. How can they not be cold? Such women have pale complexion, cold limbs, chills, drowsiness, diarrhea easily, clear and long urine, dull tongue, white tongue coating, deep and slow pulse.

Women with yang deficiency have delayed menstrual cycle, less menstrual flow, dark color, and blood clots, and are often accompanied by symptoms of cold pain in the lower abdomen. Warm the abdomen with a hot water bottle, and the pain will be relieved. There are many such women now. The cycle is also delayed, qi deficiency means large amount, blood deficiency means small amount, and yang deficiency means dark color, blood clots, and often accompanied by cold pain in the lower abdomen.

To treat yang deficiency, you can use moxibustion, which is very effective, or you can use mugwort leaves to soak your feet in water, three grams each time is enough.

If you want to take Chinese patent medicines, you can use Aifu Nuangong Pills, which is a very good gynecological medicine, especially for women with cold palace.

5. Discomfort of liver qi: This is a major problem for modern women. Many women are under a lot of pressure and mood. Such people suffer from dry mouth, dizziness, poor digestive system, upset and irritable, or easily depressed. Discomfort in the abdomen, palpitations, distending pain in the ribs, easy belching, vomiting, acid reflux, frequent sighing, red tongue, sharp tongue, stringy pulse.

Women with uncomfortable liver qi have disordered menstrual cycle, which may come in advance, or be delayed, or indeterminate. If it occurs in advance, it is due to liver fire and heat forcing blood flow; while delay is caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis. At the same time, menstrual volume is more or less, menstruation is not smooth, menstrual color is purple, and blood clots are caught. The most important thing is that such women often have chest pain, breasts, and abdominal pain, especially before menstruation. Therefore, the discomfort of liver qi is the most difficult to analyze, because it causes menstrual disorders, which are almost irregular. At this time, we have to observe the symptoms of the tongue according to our own emotional experience, and then make a judgment based on the symptoms.

As for the treatment of liver qi discomfort, the first thing is to adjust your emotions, such as doing more exercise, traveling more, listening to my "Tao Te Ching", etc. At the same time, you can use Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills to regulate physical problems caused by poor emotions .

Women with uncomfortable liver qi can often use roses, bergamot, rose, tangerine peel, etc. to make water instead of tea, which can have the effect of regulating qi.

6. Blood stasis: For people with blood stasis, there will be differences in the appearance of the tongue, the sublingual veins will become thicker, there will be ecchymosis on the edge of the tongue and the tongue tip, and the color of the tongue will be blue and so on. At the same time, poor memory, insomnia, dry throat, dry skin, and a lot of red or blue blood on the surface of the skin.

For women with blood stasis, the menstrual cycle is generally delayed. In most cases, the amount is small and the cycle is short. This is due to the stasis and blockage of the meridians. However, there are also those with a large amount and a long cycle, which are often caused by blood stasis, which is more difficult to treat. It requires a doctor to determine the balance between hemostasis and blood circulation. Blood can return to meridians only when serum is removed. For people with blood stasis, the menstrual color is purple and black, there are blood clots, the lower abdomen pain refuses to press, and the pain is relieved after the blood clots are discharged.

For the conditioning method of blood stasis, I suggest soaking feet with Taohong Siwu Decoction and taking Panax notoginseng powder at the same time. The Chinese patent medicine Motherwort Cream is also a very good choice, which can promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, regulate menstruation and relieve pain.

7. Heavy phlegm and dampness: For such women, the tongue is fat and large, with tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, and Qi deficiency, but the most important thing is that the tongue is covered with thick and greasy coating, and there is a lot of saliva on it. Such people are also prone to sleepiness, shapeless stools, obesity and a big belly.

For women with heavy phlegm and dampness, the menstrual cycle is delayed, the amount is small, the color is light red, the texture is sticky and sticky like phlegm, and the leukorrhagia is large, white in color and sticky in texture. This delay is similar to blood deficiency, but for people with heavy phlegm and dampness, menstruation is sticky and sticky like phlegm, accompanied by profuse vaginal discharge, white color, and sticky quality. When analyzing, you can also judge whether it is phlegm dampness by looking at the thickness of the tongue coating.

For the conditioning of phlegm-damp constitution, it is recommended that you use Cangfu Daotan Pills to soak your feet.

Prescription: 6 grams of Pinellia, 6 grams of tangerine peel, 20 grams of poria cocos, 9 grams of atractylodes rhizome, 18 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 6 grams of Dannanxing, 12 grams of Cyperus cyperi, 6 grams of Citrus aurantium, 6 grams of Chuanxiong, and 6 grams of Divine Comedy.

Boil water to soak feet, once a day, soak twice a day, 20 minutes each time, this prescription has the effect of removing dampness and reducing phlegm, and is more suitable for women with heavy phlegm dampness.

7. Damp-heat infestation: This kind of situation is more common now. Often, there is damp-heat in the body first, and then external pathogenic infection, such as not paying attention to personal hygiene, leads to some infections and damp-heat symptoms.

For such women, the menstrual cycle is often advanced, which is also because the heat forces the blood to flow, but there are also irregular periods. The menstrual cycle is often prolonged, the color of the menstrual period is dark red, the amount is more or less, the texture is sticky, and most importantly, it is likely to be accompanied by foul smell. Usually there will be yellow-white discharge in the vulva. Usually profuse leukorrhagia, yellowish white, even bloodshot, lower abdomen pain, yellow and short urine, irregular stool, red tongue, yellow greasy fur, moist and rapid pulse.

In this case, according to the severity of the symptoms, you can ask a nearby Chinese medicine doctor to prescribe a prescription. If you choose proprietary medicines, you can choose Fuke Qianjin Tablets, Jinji Capsules, Huahong Tablets, etc., or Chinese patent medicine Simiao Pills.

I have said so much, I guess some friends will be dizzy, my God, what kind of thing do I belong to? I think, don't worry, you can write down your symptoms and compare them with the ones in it, and you will find the reason soon. If you simply analyze the characteristics of menstruation, it is difficult to find the root cause. However, if you combine the physical characteristics, it will add a lot of evidence for diagnosis. In fact, anyone who studies Chinese medicine will analyze himself clearly.

What I am teaching you now is the method to solve the fundamental problem. When we adjust our physique, menstruation will naturally become normal, because it is just a manifestation of physical imbalance.

When several reasons overlap, for female friends, the general point of recuperation is to first strengthen the righteousness, and then cooperate with the elimination of evils, and then you can either use the two together, or use the two alternately. In short, as long as the direction By the way, your body will gradually recover by itself!
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