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Chloasma, what should I do to save you?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Chloasma, what should I do to save you?
Many female friends keep suggesting to me to write more articles about women. Well, today we will talk about the problem of melasma on women's faces.

In our daily life, we will see many women with chloasma on their faces, which is very annoying, so everyone will use various cosmetics to cover it up. This covering industry has been able to flourish and become a large part of cosmetics. However, We must know that chloasma is just a result of physical disorders. We can cover it with cosmetics, but physical disorders are a bigger problem. It will cause many problems such as aging of our body, and even accumulate over time. disease. Therefore, we must adjust from within. This concept is called "inner beauty".

So, how does Chinese medicine treat chloasma? In fact, Chinese medicine has recognized this disease for a long time, and it is called "dark spots" and so on. It has been discussed in many ancient medical books such as "Surgery Authentic".

So, what physical disorders can cause melasma? In other words, having chloasma means that there is something wrong with our body?

First of all, such a person must be lacking in righteousness.

Specifically, the reaction is in the deficiency of the liver and kidney, and weakness of the spleen and stomach.

1. Insufficiency of liver and kidney: the main cause of this condition is the deficiency of kidney qi. Patients often suffer from weakness in the waist and knees, backache and back pain, dizziness and tinnitus, easy hair loss, premature tooth decay, insufficient menstruation, dull complexion, and easy to take on a dark color , Such patients often look older than their real age. Drugs for nourishing the liver and kidney include Rehmannia glutinosa, Angelica, Ligustrum lucidum, Eclipta chinensis, Dog spine, Eucommia ulmoides, Morinda officinalis, Lycium barbarum, Cuscuta, Chuanduan , Huai Achyranthes bidentata and other drugs.

If you use Chinese patent medicine, I think Zuogui Wan is more suitable. This is the prescription of Zhang Jingyue in the Ming Dynasty. Although this prescription is said to nourish the kidney yin, I think the effect of tonifying the kidney essence is stronger. It is not so cold, and it is relatively peaceful. , where the drugs are: Rehmannia glutinosa, dodder, achyranthes bidentata, tortoise shell glue, antler glue, yam, dogwood, medlar.

2. Weakness of the spleen and stomach: to regulate chloasma, in fact, the spleen and stomach must be regulated in the end, because the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming runs on the face, so after solving other problems, some chloasma is still very stubborn. The spleen and stomach will take effect quickly, that's why. I remember that many years ago, I heard about an old folk doctor who was very unique in treating chloasma. Generally, a few medicines can be effective. Therefore, female patients spread the word from ten to ten, and there is an endless stream. It happened that a patient knew me, so he told me about the process of seeing a doctor in an old Chinese doctor. When an old doctor saw a doctor, he would pick up an amomum and tell the patient that this is a good thing. It’s okay to chew a few, because the skin of the amomum peels Open, there are grains inside, the patient chewed it and found the taste very strange, the old Chinese doctor said: this is to open the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach Qi are smooth, and the chloasma will be cured. After listening to the patient's narration, I couldn't help giving a thumbs up. This is an expert. Amomum exfoliates the Qi of the spleen and stomach, and draws the Qi downward to open up stagnation. Those who can use it so well are folk masters!

In the "Huangdi Neijing", there is a discussion on this:

"Fifth Seventh, the Yangming Meridian weakens, the face begins to burn, and the hair begins to fall; Sixth Seventh, the three Yang Meridians weaken, the face is scorched, and the hair begins to turn white; Seventh Seventh, the Ren Meridian is deficient, the Taichong Meridian weakens, and the Tian Gui is exhausted. , the tunnel is blocked, so the shape is broken and childless."

It is mentioned that when a woman is thirty-five years old, the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming begins to age, so the face begins to wither, and at the age of forty-two, the three Yang channels begin to weaken. In general, it includes the six meridians of the three yang of the hand and the three yang of the foot. "Sanyang pulse decline" actually refers to the decline of the function of the six fu organs. The six Fu organs refer to the stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, gallbladder, and triple burner. These six meridians all run through the head and face, so when the Qi and blood of the six Fu organs are weakened, the face will be browned and dull. And these six Fu organs, everyone, belong to the digestive system.

At the same time, the spleen governs water, and if the spleen is deficient, the water will be flooded. People with heavy water dampness will easily appear dark spots on the face. Professor Liu Duzhou, the master of classics, calls this "water class". Easy to improve.

I think Guipi Pills are more suitable for nourishing the spleen and stomach. This prescription can nourish both qi and blood, and at the same time strengthen the spleen. But when taking it, you can mash one gram of amomum and boil water. Take Guipi Pills with water for better effect.

Modern people are tired due to diet, so when they reach middle age, the previous two problems, liver and kidney deficiency, and spleen and stomach weakness, will exist to varying degrees, while women's bodies are fragile and have their special physiological structures and functions. Childbirth can easily cause women to be injured, so there are many such problems.

However, there are still some evidences that can cause chloasma on the face, that is, liver qi discomfort and stagnation of blood stasis.

1. Discomfort of liver qi: Many people with chloasma on the face have emotional problems, and some people even have chloasma after emotional trauma, so some doctors even call chloasma liver spots . Such patients are often accompanied by emotional depression, irritability, chest tightness, chest and hypochondrium pain, bitter mouth, dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, dreaminess, and even facial fever. Symptoms such as red tongue with thin fur, sharp tongue shape, stringy and thready pulse. Treatment should focus on soothing the liver and clearing away heat, and Chinese patent medicine Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills can be used for conditioning.

Discomfort of liver qi is often an important reason for weak spleen and stomach and insufficient qi and blood. Therefore, "Jin Jian of Medical School·Surgical Heart Method" says: "It belongs to anxiety, depression, weak blood, stagnation of fire dryness and stagnation on the face. On, as many women have it." Therefore, in the treatment of chloasma, it is very important to soothe the liver and regulate qi.

2. Blood stagnation: There used to be a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "no blood stasis can make a class". Blood stasis blocking the collaterals will cause the Qi and blood on the face to be blocked, resulting in various silts. In this case, yellow spots will form. brown spots.

Therefore, some friends eat Panax notoginseng powder, and an important reaction is that the skin on the face begins to improve, and the spots begin to lighten. This is the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. If the previous conditioning is added, the effect will be even better. .

My suggestion is that if you are eating Panax notoginseng powder, you can use a little Panax notoginseng powder every day before going to bed, and gently smear it on the spots on the face, which will have the effect of treating both internal and external.

At this time, if you can use Taohong Siwu soup to soak your feet, the effect will be good.

After understanding these principles, in fact, as long as we take care of these aspects, the chloasma on the face should be improved soon.

So, how should these formulas be used? I suggest that you can go to a nearby Chinese medicine doctor to prescribe a prescription, which will be more targeted. However, it is not easy to seek medical treatment in some remote areas, so people often ask me about the simple method, and I can tell you an idea:

You can take Guipi Pills one hour after breakfast, Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills at noon, and Zuogui Pills in the evening. They are all mixed with amomum water, boiled with one gram of amomum, and it can be used for a day.

At the same time, take one gram of Panax notoginseng powder with warm water every morning and evening.

This method nourishes the spleen in the morning, soothes the liver at noon, nourishes the kidney at night, and at the same time promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis. It can take care of all aspects. If you persist for a month or two, there should be a significant improvement in the face.

Finally, I would like to introduce a prescription to you. This is an experienced prescription from an old Chinese doctor. It regulates the spleen and kidney. The prescription:

15 grams of angelica, 15 grams of earth-fried Atractylodes macrocephala, 15 grams of white peony, 15 grams of rehmannia, 15 grams of Dipsacus, 15 grams of Morinda officinalis, 20 grams of Ligustrum lucidum, 15 grams of cornus, 15 grams of amomum, 6 grams of schisandra , Magnolia officinalis 6 grams, licorice 6 grams.

If there are Chinese medicine practitioners nearby, you can ask them to add and subtract according to this prescription.

If you don’t want to take Chinese patent medicines, you can take this prescription in the morning and evening, and take Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills at noon. At the same time, take one gram of Panax notoginseng powder with warm water every morning and evening to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. All prescriptions should not be taken by pregnant women.

Okay, I will introduce so much to you today, but everyone must know that keeping rest, not working rashly, and maintaining emotional stability are the fundamentals for the body to recover. If you stay up late at night and get angry, how do you take medicine? I'm afraid it won't work either.
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