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I accidentally flashed my waist, what should I do?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

I accidentally flashed my waist, what should I do?
In daily life, lumbar sprains are relatively common, especially when moving heavy objects, it is very easy to damage the waist. It is recommended that you bend your knees first when lifting things, and then lift the objects, which is a kind of protection for the waist Today, I will introduce to you the method of cupping for acute low back pain.

Acute low back pain is a common symptom of clinical frequently-occurring diseases such as acute lumbar sprain and acute lumbar disc herniation. Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated rich experience in the treatment of low back pain, among which acupuncture, cupping, pricking and cupping are more reliable in treating acute and chronic low back pain.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the etiology of acute low back pain is divided into internal and external causes. External causes of pain due to trauma and blood stasis; internal causes are more complex, mostly wind-cold-damp pathogen blocking the meridians, liver and kidney deficiency, tendon loss and so on.

"Su Wen Bi Lun" said: "The three qi of wind, cold and dampness are mixed, and they combine to form numbness", which is mostly caused by the blockage of meridians and poor circulation of Qi and blood due to the invasion of wind, cold, damp and heat and other exogenous evils, or fatigue and trauma; Or due to lack of endowment, chronic illness and physical weakness, old age and infirmity, indulgence damages the kidneys. If the former is unreasonable, the pain is true, and it is mostly caused by cold-damp exogenous pathogens, while the latter is not prosperous, and the pain is mostly due to deficiency, and it is mostly caused by kidney deficiency. "On the Origin of Diseases Lumbago and Back Diseases" records that low back pain is due to "deficiency of the kidney meridian, which is caused by wind and cold", "strain damages the kidneys, damages the meridians, and is invaded by wind and cold, and the blood and qi beat, so the low back pain also ".

In this regard, the method of tapping and cupping can be used for treatment.

Da Chang Yu

At the waist, when the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra is under, 1.5 cun laterally. It can regulate qi and reduce adverse events, and harmonize the stomach. Indications abdominal pain, bloating, low back pain and so on.

Waist Jiaji point

Jiaji is on the back and waist, on both sides below the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra to the fifth lumbar vertebra, 0.5 inches away from the posterior midline, and 17 points on one side were created by Hua Tuo, so it is also called Jiaji point by Hua Tuo. Only the Jiaji point on the waist is used for this disease, which can regulate the local meridian Qi and blood. The Jiaji point on the waist is a commonly used point for waist pain.

Huantiao point

Lying on the side with the femur flexed, at the junction of the lateral 1/3 and middle 1/3 of the line connecting the most convex point of the greater trochanter and the sacral hiatus. It is a commonly used acupuncture point for waist and leg diseases such as waist and hip pain, lower limb flaccidity and paralysis.

Weizhong point

At the midpoint of the popliteal crease. "Weizhongqiu for the back", for low back pain, Weizhong acupoint is a very good special effect point.

*Acupoint pictures are from "Illustrated Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" produced by Zitu Books
Ashi point

It refers to the tender point (sensitive point) on the part of the pain or related to the pain as acupoints. In the local area of lumbago, the most obvious tenderness is selected as the Ashi point, which means "taking pain as an acupoint".

Operation method:

After disinfecting with iodophor cotton, tighten the skin with the left hand, hold the plum blossom needle in the right hand, use the method of piercing to measure the blood dripping from the skin, and then cup and leave the cupping for 5 to 10 minutes on the larger area. Wipe off the blood with a cotton ball and disinfect with iodophor cotton. Tapping and cupping is enough, and cupping can be performed on the above-mentioned points after 2-3 days, no need to tap again. Since this method involves percussion bleeding, it is necessary to do a good job of disinfection. After removing the can, it must be disinfected with iodophor cotton balls, and the plum-blossom needle must be disposed of after use.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the etiology of acute low back pain can be divided into internal and external causes. The external cause is pain caused by trauma and blood stasis, while the internal cause is more complicated, mainly due to wind, cold and damp pathogens blocking the meridians, liver and kidney deficiency, and tendon loss. Internal and external factors often go hand in hand, resulting in stagnation of the waist meridians of the patient, which in turn causes severe pain. Pricking and cupping has the mechanisms of promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, removing blood stasis and promoting regeneration, warming meridians and dispelling cold, dredging collaterals and relieving pain, expel heat and detumescence, etc. In particular, it has excellent analgesic effect, especially for the pain caused by acute sprain or strain of the soft tissue of the motor system, and has a good curative effect. Its analgesic mechanism of action is achieved by promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, just as the saying goes, "if there is no flow, there will be pain." From the perspective of Western medicine, pricking and cupping can reduce the pressure on the injured part. When the blood stasis is pulled out, the original swelling will reduce the squeeze and stimulation of the subcutaneous pain receptors. In addition, pricking and cupping can improve the blood circulation in the damaged area, accelerate the dilution of pain-relieving substances, and thus relieve the feeling of pain.

In addition, moxibustion combined with cupping can be used to treat low back pain, as follows:

Combination of moxibustion and cupping

Use moxibustion box moxibustion for Beishu and Jiabei points on the lower back, and moxibustion for 20 to 30 minutes, until the skin is flushed. Cupping acupoint selection: the center of the spine on the affected part of the back and the location where the bladder meridian runs on both sides of the spine and the bladder meridian. In addition, common tender points can be used: the waist 12 under the ribs, take the prone position. Clean the treatment area, choose large, medium, and small cupping jars according to the thickness of the waist muscles and physical fitness, spread evenly on the treatment area, apply some lubricating oil on the mouth of the jar, suck up the jar, and hold the bottom of the jar. Slightly inclined, on the skin surface of the treatment site, follow the Du Vessel and Bladder Meridian up and down, left and right. Push back and forth several times until the skin appears flushed or purple ecchymosis. Pushing can speed: tolerable degree. 15 days is a course of treatment, with a 2-day break in between.

Moxibustion on the above acupoints can benefit the liver and kidney, dredge collaterals and relieve pain, and benefit qi and blood circulation. Cupping has the effects of dredging the meridians, expelling wind and cold, relaxing muscles and relieving pain. The combination and application of the two, cooperate with each other, both tonify and reduce, and treat both symptoms and root causes, so as to achieve the purpose of unblocking the meridians and relieving lumbago, so as to achieve "no pain after generalization".

* "Chinese and Foreign Medical", November 2010, Bao Songyang.

* "Chinese and Foreign Medical" magazine serves medical innovation research, with the purpose of medical reform and the exploration and learning of medical workers, strengthening medical ethics, and improving medical skills, and strives to reflect professionalism, academicity, authority, closeness to reality, and pursuit of practicality.
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