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Work hard to learn Chinese medicine and become the patron saint of your family

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Work hard to learn Chinese medicine and become the patron saint of your family
There is a way of medicine that is inherited

In the past, Chinese medicine was considered to be esoteric and difficult to understand, and it was believed to treat chronic diseases. In the past, "Chinese medicine" was just an ancient, distant and unfamiliar term in my heart. Until a few years ago, I watched Dr. Luo's "Great National Medicine" on "Lectures of Hundred Schools". In his affectionate and easy-to-understand narration, each "miracle doctor" with superb medical skills and noble medical ethics seemed to be a Off the screen, under the wind, frost, snow and rain, I ran tirelessly among the common people, and evolved the plants and weeds that grew on the cliffs or ridges into a panacea that blindly saves lives and heals the wounded. I was deeply shocked: it turns out that the miracle doctor treats the disease like this! It turns out that traditional Chinese medicine can also bring patients in critical condition back to life! It turned out that because of my shallow knowledge, I misunderstood Chinese medicine for so many years!

Since then, I have been in awe of Chinese medicine, and I am also full of admiration for Dr. Luo, who has passed on medical ethics. I bought all of Dr. Luo's books one after another, such as "Ancient Chinese Medicine", "Yin and Yang Adjustment and Elimination of All Diseases", "Let Children No Fever, No Cough, No Food Accumulation", "Tongue Diagnosis", etc. I read each book repeatedly, and after reading it, I often chat with my children about the stories in the book and the knowledge of Chinese medicine. My daughter who is in high school and my son who is in elementary school also read these books after class or on weekends. They are often moved by the characters in the book, and they also lament the miraculous curative effect of Chinese medicine. My daughter even has a plan to take a Chinese medicine exam in college in the future. idea. My son also consciously got rid of the bad habit of being a picky eater and only eating meat and not vegetarians. He learned that in order not to get sick, he must have a balanced diet, so as to enhance his resistance and defend against the invasion of "foreign enemies".

In the past, my child was at a loss when he had a fever and cough. He always took medicine and infusions. It took half a month to get it under control. Within a few days, he had symptoms of a cold again. I don’t know how many times I ran with my two children. secondary hospital. Now, I pay special attention to my diet, try my best to cook at home, and adjust the mix according to the "yin" and "yang" of food, so as to balance the body's yin and yang, and lay a good foundation for my family not to get sick. When a child catches a cold, he is no longer panicked and confused. Instead, he looks at his tongue coating and judges whether it is "cold" or "hot" based on the snot. After thinking about which stage it belongs to, he goes to the pharmacy to carefully look at the ingredients of those Chinese patent medicines. Buy the ones that are symptomatic, and then pair them with the small diet prescriptions in the book, and the children will have obvious effects after eating them for a day or two. This greatly increased my confidence, and I bought books on the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine and some basic prescriptions. I read them when I had time, which gave me more thinking and understanding about the compatibility of some prescriptions.

At the beginning of this year, I searched the name of Dr. Luo again from the Internet to see if there was any new book, and accidentally found Dr. Luo’s official account. I was very pleasantly surprised and immediately paid attention to it. In the next two weeks, I used my spare time to listen to all the audio, and I felt a sudden enlightenment that "listening to one's words is better than reading ten books". Listen to it again, prepare a notebook, write down some key points, and actually memorize half of the book.

Not long after listening to it, a relative from my hometown came to the city to do business and stayed with me for a few days. He has had asthma for many years. In the spring, he suffered from rhinitis after a cold that was not cured. He took a lot of medicine for half a year, but it didn't help. I saw his runny nose, his tongue coating was thin and white, and the phlegm he spit was also white and clear. I asked him to read the chapter of Dr. Luo's "Miraculous Doctor Sees Doctors This Way" Huang Yuanyu Platycodon Ginseng Soup, and asked him to buy three sets of Platycodon Ginseng Soup to try the effect. After buying it, I boiled it at my home for he drinks. Two days later, his nose cleared up. He was very happy and bought three more pictures, which were basically healed when he returned home. Before leaving, I asked him to listen to the audio of Dr. Luo's talk about Chinese yam with me. He was very emotional, saying that he is a rural person who has not graduated from elementary school. He can understand what Dr. Luo said, not that Chinese medicine is difficult to understand It doesn't work, but there is a shortage of Chinese medicine doctors like Dr. Luo! When he left, he bought several hundred grams of Chinese yam and boiled water for drinking at home. A few days ago, I called him to ask him how he was doing after drinking the yam water. He said that after the cold in winter, he didn't have the same attack as in previous years, and he felt much better. I was also happy for him when I heard it, and I was even more impressed by the precious wealth left by my ancestors!

From being ignorant of Chinese medicine to having a strong interest in Chinese medicine, and then benefiting myself and the people around me, I am deeply grateful to Dr. Luo! I am not the only one who has benefited and been grateful! I thought: After Dr. Luo published the book, he set up a public account, why is he impatiently teaching Chinese medicine knowledge and writing articles for free in his busy schedule? Love all living beings, selfless inheritance - this should be the answer! I remember that Dr. Luo’s closing remarks on "Great National Medicine" in "Lectures of Hundred Schools" were: "There is nothing better than this to be a doctor!" We should also give him this sentence!

As a loyal Luo fan, I also listened to each of the "Tao Te Ching" and "Disciple Regulations" that Robinson taught, but two flowers bloomed, one for each, and I will use my clumsy pen to express what I listen to next time. Dr. Luo will talk about the feelings of Chinese studies.
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