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Medical case of treating wife's metrorrhagia

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Medical case of treating wife's metrorrhagia
Medical case of treating wife's metrorrhagia

After nearly two years of onset, seeking medical treatment, repeated and thorough self-prescribing treatment, and now the process of completely stopping the bleeding and slowly recuperating, I finally made up my mind to write this medical case. It is really a thousand words in my heart to write, and various emotions are intertwined.

Before the end of 2015, my wife had the problem of delayed menstruation and dysmenorrhea, but she didn't pay attention to it. At that time, I knew nothing about Chinese medicine, let alone gynecology. At the end of 2015, my wife began to have irregular menstruation, the time was prolonged, and the interval between two periods became shorter and shorter. I went to the gynecology department of Western medicine to see a doctor. After various examinations, the doctor prescribed two boxes of progesterone and told me to go to a Chinese medicine doctor if I was not in a hurry to have a baby. I have never taken it because I am worried about the side effects of progesterone hormone drugs. Then began the long journey of seeking medical treatment in Chinese medicine.

However, the road to seek medical treatment in Chinese medicine is very difficult. Experts of provincial Chinese medicine, professors of the provincial University of Chinese medicine, famous doctors in Beijing, and famous old Chinese doctors who enjoy special allowances from the State Council have all seen it, but the condition is getting worse and worse. His wife was on the verge of collapse both physically and mentally, so she asked for leave to rest at home.

Two hours in line, five minutes to see a doctor. If it can cure the disease in this way, it is not a miracle doctor, but a god. After coming to such a conclusion, I started to buy books and study by myself. I bought "Fu Qingzhu Gynecology" for the first book, and later I bought a lot of theories and medical records, all of which were in gynecology. I don’t have any foundation at all. When I started reading Chinese medicine books, it was like a heavenly book. At the same time, I compared the doctor’s prescriptions and felt that they were all medicines for this. Why didn’t they work? I was so anxious that I often couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so I hid in the living room to read a book. Gradually, I can see some ways, and I can understand the thinking of the doctors' prescriptions, but I also start to question the correctness of these prescriptions. But the prescriptions of different doctors also taught me how to use different drugs in practice.

In August 2017, after various twists and turns, I made up my mind to prescribe the medicine by myself. In less than two weeks, the bleeding stopped completely. Currently in the process of recuperation. I am confident that I can take care of my wife by myself.

Let me talk about the medical case of my wife's metrorrhagia. Metrorrhagia is a difficult disease in gynecology, but it is definitely not incurable. Metrorrhagia is difficult to treat because there are many causes and manifestations of the disease, and it will change with time. It seems to be an equation with multiple variables, which must be analyzed and solved one by one.

1. The first thing to dialectically is cold or hot. It seems simple, but this determines a completely different treatment method. Among them, there are changes such as excess cold, excess heat, yin deficiency and hyperactivity of fire. In the winter of 2016, I found that my condition worsened every time I returned home with cold hands and feet. I decided to give my wife Fuzi Lizhong Pills, and the effect was immediate. After I ate one myself to see what the effect was, I asked her to take it according to the double dose of the instructions. She didn't feel angry or her tongue felt spicy. The aconite lizhong pills were not stopped until spring, but the problem of coldness was basically under control.

2. The problem of uterine bleeding has sources such as "spleen does not control blood", "liver does not store blood", "restless mind", "kidney" or "blood chamber", etc. It needs to be carefully dialectical to grasp the main problem. My wife's main problem is "the spleen does not control the blood". The first prescription for spleen deficiency, Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, its core is "Astragalus, Bupleurum, Cimicifuga", and others can be added or subtracted.

Three, the problem of blood stasis. The "stasis" here is a general term, including blood clots, endometrial thickening, and other organic lesions. If the "stasis" is not removed, the bleeding will not stop, and even greater hidden dangers will be left. There are also many reasons for the occurrence of "stasis", so the choice of drugs for removing blood stasis should be very careful. There are drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, drugs for stopping bleeding and removing blood stasis, and drugs for breaking blood and removing blood stasis. They should not be used at will. My wife's bruising has blood clots and thickened lining. Regarding "endometrial thickening", my point of view is to refer to the "afterbirth" plan in the postpartum door of traditional Chinese medicine. Blood clots are caused by cold stasis, which can be greatly relieved after the control of excess cold; at the same time, there are also reasons for pelvic effusion. My plan is to invigorate qi and blood, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis and stop bleeding and remove blood stasis.

Fourth, the problem of hemostasis. The choice of hemostatic drugs is directly related to the dialectical of cold and heat. Because there are a lot of hemostatic drugs that are cold, they cannot be used in the case of severe cold. I chose Agrimony, which is slightly cool in nature.
Five, the problem of charcoal drugs. I am opposed to the traditional ten gray pills. Charcoal drugs may leave stasis, so the choice of charcoal drugs must be selected without leaving stasis.

Here are the prescriptions I use:

Codonopsis 30g Astragalus 30g Stir-fried Atractylodes 30g Bupleurum 10g Cimicifuga 10g Angelica 12g Chuanxiong 6g Rehmannia glutinosa 15g White peony 12g Psoralen 30g Red stone fat 30g Agrimony 25g Artemisia argyi charcoal 15g Xueyu charcoal 15g Lotus root 30g Stir-fried cattail 10g Braised licorice 9g Three Seven powder 9g.

After taking it in water and taking it three times, the blood and blood clots were significantly reduced.

Codonopsis 30g Astragalus 30g Fried Atractylodes 30g Bupleurum 10g Cimicifuga 10g Angelica 12g Chuanxiong 6g Rehmannia glutinosa 30g Paeoniae Alba 12g Cornus 15g Psoralen 30g Red stone fat 30g Agrimony 25g Seaweed sheath 10g Rubia charcoal 20g Lotus pod 30g Lotus root 30g Licorice 9g Panax notoginseng powder 10g Donkey-hide gelatin powder 15g.

Five pay, stop bleeding.
So far, the collapse of the past two years has finally stopped. Super Plus enjoy! Feelings are hard to express.

A few words about women's health:

1. Avoid raw and cold, it is a lifetime thing. Cold water, beverages, and ice cream should not be eaten. It is a paradox that eating more fruit is good for health. If you wear short skirts in winter, you must be sick.

2. Avoid getting angry. Women are small-minded and angry, which is an important reason for illness. To let others go is to let go of yourself.

3. Chinese patent medicine. Chinese patent medicine is a good thing, but the dosage is a big problem. If you stick to the dosage written in the instructions, it is likely that the effect will not be achieved. Strongly recommended: Fuzi Lizhong Pills, Guizhi Fuling Pills, Buzhong Yiqi Pills, Bazhen Pills, and Xiaoyao Pills. These Chinese patent medicines are truly a gift to women.

4. Don't believe those messy health regimens, weight loss methods, and beauty methods on the Internet, they are all wrong in all likelihood.
I hope my medical records can help other women who are suffering from illness. I also thank Dr. Luo for his contribution to the promotion of Chinese medicine.
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