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Why is it itchy skin in winter?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Why is it itchy skin in winter?
In winter, a disease that is not easy to be noticed by people will make everyone very troubled, that is, itchy skin.

Many people have asked me this question, why I would scratch it in the bed at night before going to bed in winter, and the more I scratched, the more I scratched, and finally I scratched all over my body.

There are also white-collar workers who are itchy all over in the work unit, and then, taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, reach into their clothes and scratch them in a disgraceful manner. As a result, when colleagues open the door, they see a completely different you from the usual impression. Look how embarrassing it must be!

So, why are there so many people with itchy skin in winter? What is the reason?

It turns out that the qi mechanism of the human body rises and falls according to the four seasons. In summer, the yang qi is outside and the qi mechanism floats outside. Therefore, we sweat more and our skin is moist; At this time, the surface of the skin tends to become dry, so that the basis for itching is formed.

But a friend asked, does it mean that all people's skin becomes dry in winter, does it mean that everyone will experience itching?

No, most people are able to adapt to this change in qi mechanism, but some people have skin discomfort because they cannot adapt. So, who would have such a problem?

There are several types of people that need our attention:

1 Defiant person

Among the people with itchy skin in winter I have seen, most of them are people with Yin deficiency. Why is this so? Because yin is the substance that governs tranquility and moisturization in the human body, such as body fluid, essence and blood. If yin is deficient, the body fluid is insufficient. In winter, the qi is restrained, and the body fluid on the body surface is even more insufficient. In this way, the skin cannot be moisturized. Causes dry skin, damaged top layer, and itching.

Such people are usually accompanied by the characteristics of yin deficiency, such as red tongue, thin or no coating, rapid pulse, dry eyes and mouth, want to drink cold water, hot hands and feet, upset and easy to get angry, easy to lose hair, tinnitus , Night sweats at night, dry stool and so on.

I usually look at the tongue. If the tongue is red and the tongue coating is thin, I feel that the possibility of yin deficiency is relatively high.

For such people, I recommend a Chinese patent medicine called Maiwei Dihuang Wan. This prescription is mainly to nourish the yin of the lungs and kidneys. People with yin deficiency can continue to take it in winter, which is very good for improving the skin.

This recipe is the sister prescription of Liuwei Dihuang Pills. It is based on Liuwei Dihuang Pills, plus Ophiopogon japonicus and Schisandra chinensis to increase the effect of nourishing lung yin.

2 people with blood deficiency

Strictly speaking, blood is a part of yin, but because blood is so important, if it goes wrong, it will have its own special manifestations. Therefore, in Chinese medicine, blood deficiency and yin deficiency will be distinguished.

People with blood deficiency, because of insufficient blood, so when the qi movement is restrained in winter, the body surface will not be moistened enough, because the blood will also play a role in moisturizing the body.

So, what do people with blood deficiency do?

For people with blood deficiency, the color of the tongue will be very light, and then they will suffer from insomnia, memory loss, dizziness and heart palpitations after exertion, the color of the mucous membranes will become lighter, such as eyelids or lips, and the hands and feet will be warm in summer. But in winter, it becomes icy cold, and at the same time, it is afraid of the wind and cold.

Then, if you squat on the ground for a minute and stand up suddenly, your eyes will go dark. Women's menstrual color will be light, menstrual flow will become less or even amenorrhea.

I have talked about the situation of blood deficiency many times, because everyone still does not grasp it accurately, so I will write it repeatedly, so that everyone can gradually understand.
People with this kind of blood deficiency will have itchy skin in winter. Chinese medicine calls this "blood deficiency generates wind".
In winter, people with blood deficiency will not only have itchy skin, but also cold hands and feet, because the blood cannot warm and nourish the limbs. This is different from Yang deficiency. It might be warm enough to get cooler in winter.
Cold hands and feet caused by blood deficiency. At this time, simply warming the sun is ineffective. Some people try their best to eat dried ginger aconite, but the effect is not good. Let me make an analogy, it is like there is no water in the pot, and you have to light the pot to heat it up , The pot will be unbearable, it is good not to fry, add water at this time, and then warm the sun is right. And this addition of water is nourishing blood.

As a method of nourishing blood, I have always recommended the Yuling Ointment of Wang Mengying, a master of febrile diseases in the Qing Dynasty. In the past, I often used Siwu Decoction and other ideas to nourish blood, but later found that the effect of Yuling Ointment for dietary therapy is very obvious, so, I would rather choose the method of diet first. Only when the condition is more complicated, the prescriptions such as Siwu Decoction and other medicines will be used for conditioning.

At this time, it is also possible to eat some donkey-hide gelatin products, but because the current high-quality donkey-hide gelatin costs more than 1,000 yuan per box, and the cheap ones are often counterfeit, so it is not the first choice I recommend.

3 people with blood stasis

People with blood stasis have problems with Qi and blood circulation. In winter, the cold will stagnate Qi and blood, which will aggravate the disorder of Qi and blood circulation. In this way, it is more difficult for nutrients to reach the body surface, so there is a problem with moistening. It is very similar to the previous two problems, but the way of causing the disease is slightly different.

People with blood stasis will have memory loss, feel that their throat is always dry, have dry skin, red blood streaks and blue blood streaks on the surface of the skin, and some people will have pain in the limbs. This pain is mild during the day and severe at night. .
Such people tend to have ecchymosis on the edge of the tongue and the tip of the tongue, and the sublingual veins will be thick and black, branching around.

The stasis constitution is what I have been emphasizing all the time. Many elderly people suffer from severe itching in winter, which is related to the majority of the stasis constitution of the elderly.

Western medicine believes that people with diabetes will have abnormal skin tissue due to metabolic problems. In fact, this is related to blood stasis, and many diseases will eventually lead to blood stasis.

I think the easiest way to treat blood stasis is to take notoginseng powder, but it is best to take it with imported American ginseng powder in a one-to-one ratio.

4 people with yang deficiency

With this kind of constitution, some people will have itchy skin in winter. The reason is that the qi mechanism is restrained. People with insufficient yang qi have insufficient transpiration qi, and are even more unable to grow hair in winter. I don't have many people like this, but there are.

Such people, on the contrary, at this time, drink some warm products such as ginger soup, so that the yang energy will grow and radiate outward, which will help improve the skin.

In many articles, it is recommended not to take a bath too often in winter, and to use as little soap as possible. I don’t think these are the main reasons, but they can be used as a reference.

Another reason is to use natural clothes as much as possible, such as cotton, linen, silk, etc., and try not to use chemical fiber, but this is not the point, so just pay attention to it.

The real reason for skin itching in winter is caused by physical imbalance. Therefore, I think skin itching in winter is just a signal. It reminds us, should we pay attention to our body? Do we need to adjust the body?

I hope that everyone will no longer be troubled by itchy skin this winter, and when this problem disappears, it means that your body is moving towards a normal state.
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