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Learn Chinese medicine to regulate the mother's body

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

Learn Chinese medicine to regulate the mother's body
Thank you letter to Dr. Luo

Dear Dr. Luo:

Hello, the knowledge of Chinese medicine you shared has allowed me to cure my mother of many years of illness. Through learning Chinese medicine, my own temperament has also changed a lot. You are the idol of my whole family. You are a person of great love. Let me People benefit, let me respect you from the bottom of my heart. It's a pity that I don't know you. If I do, I will definitely send you a red envelope to express my gratitude.

I am a fan of Shenyang. I heard that you are from Shenyang, and I feel very cordial. I can occasionally hear your Shenyang accent in your words. I knew you from watching Baijia Lectures, and I have been fascinated by Chinese medicine since then.

My mother suffers from obstinate constipation. My younger brother has been constipated since giving birth. It has been more than 20 years. It is very painful. He has been treating it with fire. He often takes bitter and cold medicines such as coptis and phellodendron. It is easy to use, but it is not easy to use without medicine, so that blood in the stool began in March 2017. I went to the hospital for hemorrhoid surgery in April, but the constipation did not improve, and I used lactulose oral liquid to maintain it. In Dr. Luo's book, it is said that constipation is caused by deficiency of kidney yin, deficiency of qi and blood, etc., so I let her take Jinkuishenqi pills, and her constipation improved, and lactulose was no longer needed. Because of constipation before, my stomach was very bloated, I always burped, and my throat was always dry. I drank a lot of water every day. Since the constipation improved, the problem of burping has disappeared, and my throat is no longer dry.

Unfortunately, I was drenched by light rain on a rainy day in June, and my limbs began to feel cold. My arms, legs, and feet were cold, numb, and painful. Sweating all over the body, the sweat was like washing water, which made the already weak body worse. My mother was in the country, and I wanted to bring her to Liaoning for traditional Chinese medicine, but she was weak and she didn't like to go out, so she found a doctor near her home to treat her illness, and prescribed Duzhong Zhuanggu Pills, Papaya Pills, and Buzhong Yiqi Pills. More or less played a role.

Because I have been studying Chinese medicine with Dr. Luo for a period of time, I bought her cornus for antiperspirant, yam, longan and jujube for nourishing blood, and asked her to take Buyang Huanwu Decoction, which stimulates the meridian, activates collaterals and nourishes qi and blood, and then asked him to take Luo The angelica rehmannia mutton soup recommended by the doctor, after a big tonic, the body has improved a lot, the cold and sore limbs have improved, but there is a new problem, that is, the chest is hot, and the limbs are still cold, so hot that I can’t sleep every day alright.

In Dr. Luo's official account, I saw several reasons for cold limbs: 1. Insufficient yang qi; 2. Insufficient qi and blood; I called my mother to find out about her condition, communicated repeatedly, and asked her to take Sinisan. After taking it in the afternoon, her limbs were no longer cold that night, and she slept very well. The Citrus aurantium and Scutellaria baicalensis made her feel uncomfortable. Later, she only used Bupleuri and licorice, and her health finally recovered. Our whole family was very happy, and my hanging heart also fell.

According to my analysis, my mother underwent uterine fibroid surgery as early as 7 or 8 years ago. After studying Chinese medicine with Dr. Luo, I learned that female reproductive system and breast problems are related to liver qi discomfort. There are multiple cysts. Therefore, the liver is not well adjusted, so that the energy cannot be transmitted to the limbs, so Sini powder is used to treat the discomfort of liver qi.

My mother's teeth have been bad since giving birth to my younger brother, so that they were all pulled out a few years ago, and my mouth is full of teeth, and I often have oral ulcers. I learned Chinese medicine from Dr. Luo, and the teeth are bones, and the kidneys control the bones, so The mother must be suffering from kidney yin deficiency, so she used Jin Kui Shen Qi pills to increase her fluid and sailed, so her stubborn constipation was cured.

Because my mother had used bitter and cold medicines such as Phellodendron Coptidis for many years, which hurt people's yang, she used Buyang Huanwu Decoction to replenish qi and blood.

Now my mother cooks porridge with cornus, longan, lotus seeds, yam slices, jujube, lily, black rice and other miscellaneous grains every day, and her body is recovering very well. When it was serious before, she was afraid that she would not be able to survive.

I am really grateful to Dr. Luo for saving my mother from her illness. I don't know Dr. Luo, so I can't give you a red envelope, so I bought the complete set of Dr. Luo's books and gave them to others.

I will continue to follow Dr. Luo to learn Chinese medicine, and I will no longer pay attention to TV drama stars and other things that waste time and energy. Thank you for spreading the knowledge of Chinese medicine to the people and benefiting the people. You are the cutest person.
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